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Everything posted by section122

  1. I'm actually going to disagree with this but I was there so my thoughts may be skewed. Cuse came out lazy. Cornell didn't. Cj hit a basket quick and the team seemed to wait for someone to step up. Luckily coney and fair did. They were down early bc cornell was making shots and out hustling them. Cuse was also cold. The press was what brought them back in it at the end of the first half and then they dominated the second half from tip. Coney was very impressive last night. Kid was on fire and dunked it with 2 hands on a breakaway! Su is very tall and long if he can space the floor they will do well this year. Coleman tried to assert himself which was nice to see but Christmas plays a very non chalant style. You could say calm cool and collected or you could say indifferent and lazy. I couldn't argue either way because I'm not sure. Ennis didn't look out of place on the floor but had some jitters. I think he's going to be alright though. One thing that stood out to me was that this team is slow. They aren't going to fast breaking much this year IMO. The other thing that stood out was Boeheim. He's a teller and screamer but not tonight. He was very cool throughout and doing a lot of teaching throughout the game. His demeanor was much nicer. It will be interesting to see if that sticks throughout the year or if it is just last night as he knew they were the superior team.
  2. Has anyone else not received their check? I was excited bc I had forgotten all about this but came home to nothing :-/. If you read the thread I earlier summarized just how bad of a company ea is. This money was their for the taking for anyone that qualified. It would be stupid not to make a claim. I didn't sue anyone and the money would be their regardless of me claiming or not.
  3. I don't leave until 1215 and am still in my seats before kickoff. They did close everything down so you need I walk through the main entrance but the walk is very quick. Add to that the ease of escape and it's a winner for me. I live too far away to park in hammers lot and have parked all over the place, California rd is the best for me.
  4. So before I buy this does anyone want to part with theirs? PS3 version and will pay fair price....
  5. California Road! If you get there anywhere between 9 and 10 there will be a good spot for you. Getting out is fantastic. There is a cop directing traffic at the end of the road so the wait is extremely minimal. The walk isn't that bad and most places cost $10. All around great spot.
  6. I'm well aware of John Kruk and enjoy him. His All-Star game appearance with Randy Johnson still makes me laugh. That said "super world class hand-eye coordination" does not impress me as an athletic talent. If that is the case there is a whole generation of video game players that we would have to dub great athletes. It is funny the experience of d-bag soccer players that you had. I can't say I can argue strongly as I know many however for me it was always the baseball players that stood out as d-bags. I live in Auburn and we have a low A ball team here. This isn't much higher than HS but these guys walk around like they are in the big leagues. You should hear them talk to girls . In college I really didn't care for many of the guys on the baseball team either as they were all so full of themselves. Then again I was probably that d-bag soccer player
  7. Everyone will notice. There is no hiding on a soccer field either. (my tone for the following question is friendly and please read it as such) Have you ever played soccer? Yes some fat kids play soccer, some bad athletes play soccer - they play defense until their parents stop forcing them to participate. On a baseball field there IS hiding. Don't all poor players go to right field? Athletic ability is needed much more for soccer than baseball. This phrase has never been uttered by a soccer player but it has by a baseball player. “I ain’t an athlete, lady. I’m a baseball player.” Calories burned doing the folowing activities: Competitive Soccer - 1 hr - 953 Casual Soccer 1 hr - 667 Baseball - 1 hr - 476 Why has this never happened after decades of hearing it will? It is actually the fourth most attended professional sport (Nascar, NFL, and MLB). It is growing in this country. It HAS happened. Over 6 million people attended a MLS game last year. That number doesn't include the international friendlies or other professional leagues (USL - Rochester Rhinos league among others). It is shown on major networks on the weekends. With as many kids playing, and demographics changing, I don't think it is a leap to think that this growth will continue.
  8. What does playing baseball have to do with playing soccer? Many many kids played both growing up. That said, I have no idea what your point is here? Baseball players are tougher than soccer players or maybe better athletes? Please explain this comment better I would love to hear it. Soccer can be incredibly corrupt. Name me a sport that isn't. Dang it's like soccer banged your wife! You verge on being upset that people are starting to come around on soccer. It is THE game everywhere in the world. As the hispanic polpulation rises in America doesn't it make sense that interest levels would rise? Maybe soccer isn't recruiting new fans as much as the demographic is changing and now includes people who were fans. I did happen to catch an Arsenal Liverpool game this weekend (Saturday afternoon) on NBC. NBC has nothing to do with ESPN who "has been trying to shove soccer down our throats for years." How can you even say that? Is soccer ever covered on Sportscenter save for a few top plays? Is there Soccer Tonight? Soccer is starting to creep into mainstream sports. Why is that upsetting to you? I get not giving a crap but to get upset about it?
  9. I'm currently weighing a Jordan Cameron for Jordan reed trade. Guy needs a te for next week but I'm not even sure it's a great deal for me. I too have jimmy graham and he is a monster. What do you guys think about that trade? As for yours I like the idea of offering Cameron for Thomas better or trying to get a rb. With Thomas your giving up a bye week. Your also getting someone who shares touches with a lot of weapons. Graham is the bar none best te in the game (at least in ff) it would take a lot for me to spare him.
  10. I know most of you aren't local but I got season tickets this year. Let me know of there are games your interested in and I may be willing to part with them. Duke unc and Indiana aren't available though.
  11. I know some of you are in the syracuse area so you'll know what I'm talking about but.... I love dinosaur BBQ. It is delicious and not really all that expensive. Dammit though the location and wait suck terribly. I'm sure there is nostalgia with that building but they have long since outgrown it. Trying to get lunch in there is an experience to say the least. I usually end up skipping it for these reasons.
  12. The actress that plays Hayley (Sarah hyland) is 23. I agree with pooj Julie Bowen is incredibly hot and I prefer her to Sophie. I love the ends of the episodes where film clips from his childhood are shown comparatively to the cast. It might be that I was born in 81 so the show and main character are right up my alley but I am laughing out loud at this show and most sitcoms don't get that reaction from me. I'll have to check out bar rescue... What's the premise?
  13. Is anyone watching this show? It is absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately I was reading that it is on the verge of cancellation! So what are your thoughts? If you don't like it, why? It's weird but when I went to youtube to post clips they're aren't many - but the full episodes are there if you are interested.
  14. hmmm.... Excellent answers to both! Thank you! It does bother me that they are not busy all the time. When they showed the outside and nobody is around, it irked me. Thinning the herd, gardening, reinforcing, etc... whatever needs to be done! Another thing that bothers me is the burying of the dead. Everyone is infected. Yet they bury people and grow crops right near them. That could be the cause of the infection. I think the governor had the right idea in burning them all. I by no means am quitting the show. It is certainly interesting as I love the what would I/we do conversations between the wife and I. Her - "What would you do if I turned into a zombie" Me - "I'd shoot you in the head!!!" ahhh Married life
  15. You've already stated your opinion so this may fall on deaf ears but I think you are severely underestimating how good goalies are in soccer. Check out this video. With one step the keeper can cover the entire net in any direction. When striking from outside the box it is incredibly difficult to get it by them. That is why many of the goals are from very close range, making "bend it like" goals very impressive.
  16. After doing some quick googling it appears that I was wrong. Baseball averages about 8 runs per game. Soccer at the highest levels averages about 3. It is much more like Hockey in regards to the scoring level. However the ALCS averaged about 6 runs per game and the NLCS averaged about 5 runs per game (before the game 6 blow out skewed the stats to 6 runs a game). It isn't a huge difference IMO but seems to be the #1 complaint against the game.
  17. As stated 0-0 games are rare. That said baseball regularly (especially NL games) are regularly the same amount of scoring as soccer but nobody cares. If you are interested in giving soccer a chance you really need to go out and watch it with a group of people who are interested and informative. There are so many games within the games going on. If you picked a team to root for soccer is incredibly exciting. It is a back and forth, up and down, free flowing game. Watching just to watch any sport is generally boring if you don't care about the teams. Try to play it. See how incredibly difficult the things they are doing actually are. It may give you a better respect for the game and what is going on. Soccer is near and dear to me. I grew up playing, played in college, coached for a short while, and now ref for the high schools. It is a game that is VERY physical and physically demanding. Depending on your position it is not unheard of to run 6+ miles in one game. November 15th there is a US men's team game on. Watch it with a rooting interest and see how you feel afterwards.
  18. I actually was somewhat disappointed with the first episode. It was boring at points in time and I am starting to get irritated with their behavior. *Why in the world is it not multiple people's jobs all day long to just stand at the fence and kill the walkers? Honestly, they just let them stand against the fence and it almost cost them this episode. How many people are in the prison? What are they doing all day if they aren't being proactive? They could even be reinforcing the walls. Anything! *Nobody thought to check out the roof of the store? Or for that matter - what caused the roof to collapse? At a supercenter type store, the apocalypse happened at most a couple of years ago - the roof collapsed?! I do enjoy the show but I'm not impressed so far this season. The infection is an interesting angle. I believe it is the little girl feeding the walkers but who knows. I just hope it isn't another farm season because that was dreadful. So can you all please help me out with the 2 issues I raised?
  19. Buftex the bolded contradicts itself. We certainly could have put on foot on their throats by scoring there and then again to begin the second half. That is the exact reason teams like to defer the kickoff. Now the execution otoh... Just like going for it on 4th down last week. Whatever the outcome someone would be against the decision... I agree. Except you NEVER look at the positive. Everything from you is negative. Try being positive. Embrace Mario's exceptional 4th quarter, or Stevie's extra effort on that 3rd down play to extend our drive, or Fred and CJ gutting it out when they were clearly injured, or the team in general for continuing to put up 20 points a game, or Carpenter for continuing an excellent season, or the d standing up with 30 seconds after the special teams almost gave it away again. There are negatives. The defense is giving up 20 a game which needs to be corrected. Special teams is atrocious. There ARE 2 sides why don't you try being positive for once and tell me it doesn't feel good. Edit: I will self edit and say apparently you have had a couple of examples of being positive. Doesn't it feel much better? Change your name and embrace all of the good things that are going on with the Bills!
  20. So many pats* apologists ITT. That was illegal and it actually got called. I'm shocked he had the cojones to make that call. Kraft, belicheat, and goodell will be having words with him! ;-) Your true colors are showing :-p
  21. 3 man rush there was a terrible call... Tannehill struggled on 3rd when there was any kind of pressure.
  22. Wasn't it a rib injury that sidelined Clowney?
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