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Everything posted by section122

  1. I made it through the first round of playoffs in 2 leagues. Also clinched my division and first overall place in a league with no playoffs. My fourth team that was projected to go 13-0 before the season? 4-9 4th place in points. On of those years where I ran into a buzz saw every year.
  2. Man I wish fb hadn't spoiled that moment for me. I (unfortunately) knew before watching that both the Governor and Herschel would die.
  3. I don't know if I would call it a cheap shot but as soon as I saw I thought it wasn't going to be good. I made mention in the offseason that the draft concerns were starting to show up. I won't cry for the Pats* but this is a huge blow. While he played they were the highest scoring team in the NFL. Before he came back they lost to the Jets and almost the Bills! Especially a DB on such a big guy.
  4. Yeah it was. I can remember exactly where I was. My best friend growing up lived in a funeral home. They lived upstairs while the parlor etc... was downstairs. I was in his living room downstairs. Man there were clues everywhere!!!
  5. I'm glad you enjoyed my crazy. Story lines - does the NFL want big market teams in the Super Bowl or small. Does it want traditional powers to be there or the new guy on the block. Some great stories have been told in the NFL over the last decade plus... The Patriots winning the Super Bowl right after 9/11 Jon Gruden beating his former team. The Steelers (and the refs) beating the lowly Seahawks. The Giants ruining the perfect season of the patriots. The Saints after Hurrican Katrina. The Harbowl. These are just the Super Bowls let alone the regular season/playoffs. As TXBILLSFAN pointed out, the embracing of fantasy football by the league is in itself embracing gambling. Unless of course you think everyone plays for free. The books have made record money this year as pointed out in this thread. I mean it all could be a coincedence or it could not be. I use to think it was just a great game with awesome storylines and now I am starting to waver on that. You aren't. Good for you. Now answer me some questions. Why is every post you make an attacking one? Why do you come to a Bills board and not discuss the Bills but just go after other posters? You don't try to further your discussion, you try to make yourself out to be better than people here. If that is what you need out of this board to feel good about life by all means continue but your trolling is obnoxious.
  6. So the result would have been the same. I think it would have been worth a shot to me. There were some people that appeared to be somewhat unwilling participants in this. The charge and scene in general felt to me like one of those scenarios where they were driving the story instead of having the people act how they normally would. The governor comes along and convinces all of these people to turn into cold blooded killers? Meh. On top of that why did nobody question what would happen if they did use force? They just blindly went for the ride. In this case the ride was a murderous rampage. I know suspension of disbelief etc... Shows like this (and why I like them) always make me wonder what would I do in these situations. This just seemed unlikely to me.
  7. Thank you. 2013 was certainly by far the worst year I have ever experienced as far as losing people I cared about. I have spent more time reflecting on life this year then ever before. It certainly is a roller coaster and again I wish you and your wife nothing but the best. Attitude is the most importatnt part of the fight and it sounds like you have a great one (as evidenced below)! Yes you will!
  8. The play that blew my mind was at the end of the half. Shotgun and kneel down?!?! If you are going to kneel it why is he not under center? The entire game I was yelling for screens and swing passes. If the pressure is getting there repeatedly you have to slow it down. That means either extra blockers or taking advantage of their aggresiveness. Hackett did neither. The one screen they did run Spiller took for an 80+ yard td (before being called back for holding). Then inexplicably they didn't go back to it!
  9. The first year I was old enough to be a fan was the year Ronnie Harmon dropped a wide open pass in the end zone in the playoffs. I too wish I had seen it as a sign...
  10. Wow that trade St. Louis made with Washington is going to pay huge dividends this year. Maybe they would be interested in trading up from their actual pick again. Give them 2 top 10 selections and we could perhaps get the same haul as last year.
  11. I really like the college system. Every single play gets reviewed. It takes very little time and we have the benefit of it at home. With the length of time between plays (usually at least 20-30 seconds) there is no reason a few views upstairs (or in NY) couldn't be done. They would be done quicker and remove the stupid "oh we blew that call? Too bad you used both your challenges earlier in the game" rule. NFL Annual Paid Attendance Since 1998* Year Games Total Average 2011 256 16,562,706 64,698 2010 255 16,569,513 64,978 2009 256 16,651,126 65,043 2008 256 17,055,982 66,625 2007 256 17,345,205 67,755 2006 256 17,340,879 67,738 2005 256 17,012,453 66,455 2004 256 17,000,811 66,409 2003 255 16,913,584 66,328 2002 256 16,833,310 65,755 2001 256 16,166,258 65,187 2000 248 16,387,289 66,078 1999 248 16,206,640 65,349 1998 240 15,364,873 64,020 If you google NFL average attendance, many of the links are about the decreasing numbers. Here is one example of that. well i apologize something happened to the formatting of the table I had copied and pasted. Google and the link I provided should suffice though.
  12. Your reading comprehension is terrible.... Here are direct quotes from my "crazy comment" that answer your own questions. "Whether that is a Seahawks win or a niners win by less than 3." As for your patriots comment... "Many times there are games that should be easy covers, where the team will pull out a win and not cover. The correct storylines get pushed and a lot of money is made by Vegas. It's a win/win. Think the pats* game today. How much money do you think Vegas made on that today?" Also please don't gloss over my caveat at the end of the post "I haven't fully jumped to the dark side of believing it is entirely fixed but I am certainly moving closer and closer to that idea (realization?)." All of this was in my post that you directly quoted yet you are too quick to be a jerk to actually read.
  13. Lol I thought to myself I wonder how long it will be before WEO shows up to defend the almighty pats*.
  14. I swear you follow me around just to be an ass but no what he was saying was that even though the stats and his gut say that should have been a win by the niners he couldn't and wouldn't bet the game. Whether that is a Seahawks win or a niners win by less than 3. He routinely will pick a game where the line doesn't make sense and that is his "the fix is in" game. Many times there are games that should be easy covers, where the team will pull out a win and not cover. The correct storylines get pushed and a lot of money is made by Vegas. It's a win/win. Think the pats* game today. How much money do you think Vegas made on that today? I haven't fully jumped to the dark side of believing it is entirely fixed but I am certainly moving closer and closer to that idea (realization?).
  15. A couple of things on this subject. Regularly I have a friend who references a set up game every week. He has said since week 2 that the niners were going to beat Seattle. He wanted to bet it until getting to the bookie. The spread was 49ers -2.5. He claimed this would be the set up. Niners win on the field but by 2. I joked with him about how the nfl is rigged and he said well you already knew that. I couldn't argue with him. I have a hard time believing any business worth billions is run on the up and up. I didn't want to believe that sports were rigged. I still don't, but it is getting harder and harder to believe it isn't. Phantom pi calls, these ridiculous roughing the passer plays (the one on Byrd today was out of control), ignoring blatant holding calls, etc... I'm not sure if people were paying attention to the halftime show but boomer esiason mentioned that the nfl needs to do something about its officiating. I'm aware this is a long rant full of conjecture and speculation but I too am sick of it. I no longer believe in the illusion of a fair playing field. I'll still watch but my investment in this team and league will be much less.
  16. These guys are pulling me in! I had tempered my expectations before the year bc of the youth on this squad. Cooney has been a huge surprise to me. Watching them this summer I felt like Ennis belonged but he is playing above my expectations as well.
  17. Btw.. 13 votes for someone with 3 Tds/4 fumbles in their first 6 games? What was the rationale for that choice?
  18. 2 things that stood out to me. 1-4 on the road. Ej has struggled in the road this year. I'm interested to see if that is any different returning to Florida. His development is what these last 4 games are all about! 7 blown leads?!? I knew it was a few but that number is crazy. Yet Hackett can't catch a break and pettine is great in many peoples view. It's Sunday and I only have 4 of these left. Can't wait!!!
  19. Pennington McGahee?!?! I need to go wash my mouth out!!! I love the idea of this post though. I feel way to many people only watch the Bills. They have no idea what other teams struggles are and it causes them to be overly negative towards the Bills and their players.
  20. Boy that is a tough one for sure. I don't like either of the defenses on your team tbh. The bears are hurt and struggling and Dallas is such a wildcard they are hard to predict. Eagles lions will prob be a shoot out so they're out. I would lean bucs or falcons. I know they're somewhat risky but Manuel hasn't traveled well and Flynn is a mess at qb. I would like to add that none of these are good options IMO but hopefully you get lucky with whoever you pick!
  21. It's looking to be a moot point at this point in time but I appreciate your insight on this topic. It was a very valuable addition to the conversation. It's all over now. Should be auburn fsu for the bcs title. What a crazy couple of weeks for Auburn. Should be a good game just wish we didn't have to wait a month to see it happen!
  22. Took me a while to watch this one but I finally got around to it.... This really bothered me. Why didn't Rick ask the people why they were following this lunatic. He could have tried to explain what the governor was really like. Maybe even brought some people down that used to be at Woodbury. Then the people just blindly destroyed everything. They went from agreeing to nonviolently taking over a place to completely destroying it so nobody can have it. It made no sense to me for them to make that leap. I really hate this 2 month hiatus crap too but that has nothing to do with anything just me complaining haha.
  23. Ugh man I !@#$ing hate cancer. Prayers are with you both and I wish you the strength to be her rock through this. Faith and being positive helped me tremendously through this last year having lost 2 family members to long battles. Best wishes and positive vibes your way.
  24. I can't (and won't) argue that their schedule hasn't been the strongest but going undefeated for 2 straight years deserves a chance to play for the national championship. Of course as I type this it is tied 17-17 in the big ten championship. The SEC has gotten a few breaks along the way and 7 in a row is hard to argue against. I'm very happy that this is the last year of no playoff so this discussion is moot going forward. That said under the current format I wouldn't like a 1 loss team making it over 24 wins in a row.
  25. You didn't get the memo that badol is the smartest man ever? /s Unfortunately ej is paying the price for fans frustration. He didn't come in and take the Bills to the Super Bowl this year so he sucks. Doesn't matter that he has played well. Doesn't matter that he has had the Bills competitive in every game he has started with the exception of his first game back against the steelers. The Bills drafted him so he must suck.
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