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Everything posted by section122

  1. You said these posts about Byrd for a first are ridiculous. Richardson proves that they aren't that far fetched. Mos observers weren't shocked, they applauded te Colts and thought the Browns were tanking. He plays (as you agree) a much less important and valuable position. He las has had much less success in this league. Obviously teams value qbs more than safeties. I think the disconnect here is between high and low first rounders. Can we get a top 10 pick for Byrd? Highly unlikely. A pick in the 20s though? I wouldn't call that ridiculous by any stretch. Also I am not in the camp of trading him. I want him to be signed and don't mind paying him elite safety money. He is a game changer and the Bills are better with him than without him IMO.
  2. See Trent Richardson. He pretty much debunks your entire premise of only wrs and des. Edit: and he has proven much less in this league at an extremely devalued position than Byrd.
  3. Serious qusetion: Have you watched him throughout his career? He takes care of the football extremely well. He may play on talent stocked teams but he does what he is supposed to do with them - win. Peopl want to drool over Manziel and he is throwing to the top receiver coming out. I won't put their escapability and playmaking ability on the same par but they both shred the vaunted sec defenses. He was the first qb to go over 3000 yards in Bama history. He is not McElroy. I think you are spot on with the effort from Bama last night. That said McCarron was sacked 7 times last night and the fumble was on a blindside hit. Every QB will wilt under that type of pressure. As for improvisational skills nobody is on Manziels level. There was a play on 3rd or 4th down where he was under immediate pressure mad a nce roll out and threw a dart to the receiver straddling the sideline. I tried to find a clip of it but it's not up yet. He is being talked about as a later round flier type pick. I wouldn't mind that landing spot being the Bills. He is a guy who has played repeatedly on the biggest stages and done well. He is also a noted hard worker and good guy. I have nightmares of him going to the pats* sitting and learning behind Brady and taking over to continue their reign of terror. Wow he was throwing some beautiful balls last night. When he released them they looked like rainbows but whenthey landed they would be perfectly placed over the wrs outside shoulder. It will be interesting to watch his progression for sure.
  4. JBoyst I had a similar issue and it was a blessing in disguise. It broke my cycle of checking the game everyday. Once I was able to get back in the drive to check it all the time had completely disappeared. I even tried to do the Halloween event and remembered how much of a bore it was to play this game once my town got to big. My name is section122 and I've been Simpsons Free for 2 months. Best decision ever! (They didn't give me any damn donuts when my issue got fixed )
  5. That was awesome! I love the song and picture Stallone driving around cotemplating Appolo every time I hear it lol. That said the one against the Jets fan had to be my favorite where he talked junk about what was going to happen in the game. Second favorite was over another Jets fan with the Milliner jersey. He was going to be tough for a minute then laughed it off when he realized that probably wasn't a good idea. Very well ade video too, nice!
  6. I don't like Murray at all. Comes up small in every big situation. Boyd and McCarron as I said in the Bortles thread would be a great pick in the 3rd if they are there. I think Boyd will be gone before that though.
  7. 31 for anyone that bet against them! This reeks of Utah where they just don't have the motivation.
  8. No idea how Blake bottles gets 9+ pages and McCarron hasn't gotten one. This game is surprisingly a ban burner and mcCarron has thrown 2 picks so far. I'm in the camp of wanting him in the 3rd if he is still available. Love his leadership and think he slides around the pocket well. He also is very accurate with prototype size. I definitely get the knock of being surrounded by incredible talent but he has done exactly what you're supposed to do with it, win. Not sure where Alabamas defense is for this game. Maybe stoops was on to something about the overrated sec defenses.... (I don't actually agree)
  9. Lol should have been thinking. I agree that both of them need some work but that is why I'm advocating spending a third on a qb. It will clearly be a guy with some warts but if Manuel busts next year then the year after there will be a guy with time in the system. Someone who may be able to be successful after having a year to sit and learn. It also would be someone who wouldn't preclude them from picking someone up in the first round the year after. Just a nice insurance plan IMO.
  10. Op this is a great post and very in line with how I feel. If the Bills make him the highest paid safety in the game he will be so for a year or two tops. There are also several ways to make him the highest paid; most total money, most guaranteed money, or highest yearly salary. I personally think most total and guaranteed money would be an offer that Byrd would be crazy to turn down. 6 years 50 million with 30 million guaranteed would accomplish all 3 objectives. It would be half of Mario Williams money and send a nice message to players in and out of the locker room that the Bills will pay their elite talent. It would also lock Byrd up through his prime as well as appease fans. It is a win everywhere and in 2 years some other safety will sign for more money making this look like a good deal for a top 5 safety.
  11. I think all of first round qb talk is crazy. I'm thinking that this will be very similar to the year ponder and locker went in the top of round 1. Some reaches and a lot of surprises. Outside of the top tier of guys I like tajh Boyd and mccarron. McCarron plays great against top competition. Boyd's physical tools intrigue me. I would be very happy to add either of them outside of the top pick. I think of either of them are sitting there in the top of the 3rd pulling the trigger would be a sound move. If the Bills went to camp with Manuel, Lewis, and one of these guys I would feel very confident about the qb situation. It would also allow the top 2 picks to be used to strengthen the team.
  12. Between the ducking and the clear fixing of matches nobody cares about boxing anymore. Even if pacquio was to fight mayweather the draw wouldn't be near what it could have been a few years ago. Mayweather has ducked him for too long and now pacquio is a shell of himself. The fight fixing is the main culprit of why people don't care as well as no Heavyweight class. Nobody cares about the Klitchko's (sp?) - although the fight he won throwing only lefts was impressive. I don't think this is the case at all. I go to Wild Wings for the fights every time they are on and the place is packed. In a town of 25k there are 2 places that are packed for any of these fights. I am outside of your 22-29 range as well. This will never be a huge mainstream sport but it does well and has cornered the fighting sports market. As you pointed out Lesnar was a bit of a circus but true mma fans didn't really respect him (his after fight comments at UFC 100 were legendary though). He brought some fans from the WWE as well. I don't know how you can knock Cain though. He is an absolute stud. He has handled Dos Santos twice in a row seemingly with ease. His dominance in this division is quite impressive. As for bad boys, Chael is over the hill but the Diaz brothers are still loathed by many. Add in Rousey (who is awesome btw) and there are some "bad guys." You are spot on though with the marketing new talent issues. There are too many seasons of TUF to keep up with. Silva and GSP retiring is going to be a big blow to the sport. Bones and Velasquez are certifiable stars but don't have the longevity that the other 2 have. The UFC on Fox are hardly marketed and rarely include fights with big enough names to be a draw. Add in the every 3 week ppv and following UFC becomes not only difficult (too many weight classes) but expensive as well. Ronda Rousey is awesome. She is a force right now and put a beating on Meisha Tate who to me is everything that is wrong with women fighters. She can't cry about a lack of respect in the fighting world and simultaneously have the nickname cupcake, come out in a cupcake robe, and to Katy Perry. She also looked like she was there for the money while Rousey looked like she was there to hurt someone! This sport will never (imo) cross into entirely mainstream. It will never be as popular as basketball, baseball, or football. That said it is the strongest and most popular fighting sport out there and there really isn't a close second.
  13. I have a theory about this show that it will end up something along the lines of I Robot. Where the machine will determine that humans are incapable of not causing each other harm and the best way to protect them is control them. It is entirely baseless speculation on my part but one way I could see it heading. Since we are late to the party I don't think it would hurt to recap. I can't believe they killed Joss off. I thought for sure it was going to be Root or the new helper. Root's communication with the machine is interesting as is Howard's jealousy of it. I find myself many times during and after episodes saying (out loud to nobody in particular) that this is the best show on tv. Can't wait for it to come back!
  14. All week long I have thought that the ravens will beat the bengals to insure that the pats have at least a first round bye. Why? Just because that's how freaking lucky they are!
  15. I had to quit on that show. It got worse and worse until, during the middle of an episode I said to my wife I don't care about this show, you can watch it and delete it. She said "I hate this show." Turns out we both just put up with it because we thought the other one liked it. Shows I'm loving right now: Person of Interest - best show on tv. hard to get into if you miss the beginning but worthwhile to go back and get caught up. I seriously can't say enough good things about this show. Psych - last season starts soon. I really enjoy this show but unfortunately it may be good timing for it to end. Blacklist - This is one of the best new shows out this year. Really enjoy it and it keeps you guessing! Goldbergs - Probably because I am a child of the 80s but this show is hilarious to me. If you grew up in the 80s the comedy is spot on. Hannibal - will be returning in February for the second season. If you missed the first I highly recommend it. This is an excellent take on the whole Hannibal Lector world.
  16. Reading the comments in the article it looks like find fans were onto this as well. Go was a pass play and go go was a run play. I'm sure this helped them tremendously as well.
  17. This to me explains the improvement. Obviously stats are going to look better against weaker opponents. That said the defense is doing what it is supposed at this point. They are beating up on weaker opponents. At the end of the year all teams will have played good and bad opponents. Our schedule just had a weird breakdown of tough at the start and weak at the end. It is certainly encouraging that they have moved into the top 10. One more lb and I think they can move into the top 5. That is the one weakness in the unit and teams can still exploit it. A strong showing Sunday would go a long way towards proving their improvement throughout the year.
  18. Yeah I already had to apologize for that one but I have no problem taking my medicine again lol.
  19. I'm just an ignorant New Yorker isn't all of ohio on Lake Erie? I just have no excuse for confusing Cleveland with Cincy haha.
  20. In order: Packers - my aunt was a huge packers fan and passed away this year. This would mean the most to me. Broncos - if manning gets a second I think he passes Brady in the GOAT conversation. I would like that. Panthers - wouldn't it be great if the Bills had a w over the sb champs. Also all the Cam haters could eat crow. Saints - gotta keep the streak of losing to the NFC representative alive! Bengals - Great Lakes, owner who puts money over winning, kinship with them.
  21. I felt terrible for the girl that wipes the floor up when players fall. The court didn't get wiped and grant went down. It looked bad. It's a relief that it's only a high ankle sprain. They played well in the second half. The first half wasn't even that bad high point was just incredibly lucky first half. Lots of end of the shot clock prayers and banked 3s. In the second half they stopped getting lucky and Cuse showed their talent. Again I have to mention that Ennis is an absolute stud. He just continues to impress and improve. Keita was a big part of this game as well. He does all the little things and does them well.
  22. I hate to say this as a bills fan but with ej and Stevie out the phins defense will prob be a good play as well.
  23. I've said it before and I'll say it again... You can't site 20 years ago as if it were relevant today. Football has become much more popular of a sport than it was then. Baseball and basketball were much more popular than the nfl in the late 80s early 90s. That was prestrike/ped baseball and Jordan era basketball. Bills fans have been more than patient and afforded this franchise much more than it deserves. The threat of moving the team is why many people attend and spend money on an inferior product. The team is essentially holding its fans hostage.
  24. Mosley scares me bc of the lack of succes for Bama linebackers in the nfl. I really hate that logic and won't guarantee him to be a bust bc of it but it does concern me.
  25. That's tough saints struggle on the road but clearly panthers are the better d. Giants may be packing it in for the season and it's a must win for Detroit so I would prob lean Detroit.
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