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Everything posted by section122

  1. I know this was put out by the Bills so it wouldn't be here but are any national guys panning this move? It seems like universal praise for this move (well except on here).
  2. I know you do I apologize if that came off as directed at you. I'm with you and my post was meant as an add in to what you posted. I'm very happy with this move as well.
  3. Well his run d rankings are great but so are his 3rd down conversion rankings. What makes you think he is a friend hire? Have marrones and schwartzs paths crossed anywhere?
  4. I like these rankings and they are better than pettines. Please if you are down on his hire read the link 26cornerblitz posted and I guarantee you'll feel better.
  5. That makes more sense then. Is continuity worth taking a lesser known, perhaps weaker candidate? Continuity for continuities sake is a very dangerous game. Especially for the sake of one player who may or may not be here anyway.
  6. I was already very happy with the move but after reading that I'm extremely pleased. These are two of the defenses biggest weaknesses and we just got a guy who specializes in both!
  7. Pettine is gone and it had absolutely nothing to do with the Bills. You're mad at the team for something out of their control. Pettine leaving was his choice not theirs.
  8. I can't believe people are glossing over this. I am a huge fan of hiring ex hc for coordinator positions. Add in the fact that his record of success as a do is so convincing I don't know why people aren't happier. It could easily be argues that his track record is better than pettines as a dc. The bills had a plan in place and executed it quickly. They also hired a guy with a successful background instead of taking a chance on an inexperienced guy like they have so many times before. I'm very happy this is the guy they got and don't understand how anyone is upset by this move.
  9. It was pretty instantaneous for me. My Draft: Anthony Barr OLB - UCLA Austin Sefarian Jenkins TE - Washington Gabe Jackson G Miss St. Carlos Hyde RB OSU Garropolo Ryan Carethers DT Arkansas St TJ Jones WR Notre Dame I liked the first 3 picks so much I went luxury for my next 2. I agree with it being unrealistic but just for fun I pulled a bpa draft and it came out horribly. I won't even share the results It was so bad (2qbs, 2rbs, no tes or lbs) It's definitely a fun little tool. Thanks for sharing OP!
  10. If it was a trade down with the Eagles I would be okay with a 1st, 2nd, and their 1st next year which seems more plausible to me. I know the scenarios with the Eagles are likely pipe dreams but as Whaley said the Bills are in a position to go bpa at all of their picks. That to me screams perfect trade down scenario. There isn't a position or player that they need to reach for so dropping a few spots and acquiring extra picks is the way to go. A similar trade as last year when they moved from 8 to 16 and netted an extra 2nd rounder would work for me.
  11. These numbers are crazy to me. When I looked up Oswego I saw 52". Not sure if you have ever ventured up there but they have had singular snow storms that top 3 feet! I don't know if it is poor measuring or what but I still have a hard time believing it is that little.
  12. Hire Flutie for the QB Coach Position and we would be well on our way!
  13. This is exactly my feeling. I think he kind of owes it both the Bills and himself to put a clear deadline. If you want me I need to know by this date. I know he wants to be a HC but there has to come a point in time where he is damaging his chances at success if he takes the job and/or damaging the Bills chances of success next season. I would hope he is keeping them in the loop but if I were them my patience would certainly be wearing thin. I was going to say the same thing. Yolo might be posting a lot more here as that classic might cost him his job! That was some of the most fun I have ever had as a Bills fan. Especially when they signed him. My wife doesn't care much about football but everyday would ask about it because I was on edge (and couldn't stay away from tbd). When they finally signed him she was as happy as I was (because then I could you know actually pay attention to her)
  14. I can't accept Oswego as the same location as Syracuse. I wouldn't call it CNY as it is generally refered to as the north country but they have it lumped with Syracuse as the location. It is at least a 45 minute drive from Syracuse to Oswego! Yeah they edited that in. I couldn't believe Oswego wasn't on the list and have to believe someone pointed out the error. In an accumulation rating what are the chance that 2 places tie? Slim to none? For my money Oswego/Fulton gets more snow than Syracuse (but it seems very difficult to find stats to back it up)
  15. I'm going to to flip this on it's head for a minute. At what point in time does Pettine owe it to Buffalo to pull his name out? It is already late January! How long should he keep this team on the hook for? At what point in time does he owe it to Buffalo to stop playing the Browns game? Is there a point in time where this happens? He has to have already realized he isn't there first choice. I'm thinking they are keeping his name out there for leverage.
  16. I apologize for taking so long to answer this, I am dealing with a sick and grieving wife at hope - that's a tough combo! Professional sports isn't going through a gradual shift to look at me it has already shifted. There is a celebration where a player points 2 thumbs at his shoulder pads. That is a look at the name on the back celebration. How many wide receivers celebrate every single first down catch they make? What about Kap mocking Cam Newton's td celebration - how many pages did that thread get? Was there even one? As for Pros are role models I agree to an extent. Every moment can be a teachable one. To some parents this behavior is unacceptable so it is a conversation to be had with your kid. I have zero problem with anything he said. I ask again what is the worst thing he said? That Crabtree is a mediocre receiver? That he is the best cb in the game? What specifically did he say that is so upsetting. The worst part about that interview is I knew many would get their panties in a bunch. In the age of everyone gets a trophy Sherman might have hurt Crabtree's feelings . This is a game yes but it is so much more to these players. They many times liken it to a battle or war (their words not mine). It is a true test to them of their manhood. Who is the biggest, baddest, strongest, fastest, etc.. out there. This is their job and there are literally millions of dollars on the line. So he got a little loud and boisterous big deal. I have only responded a few times but I haven't once mentioned anything about anyone being racist. I don't think that has as much to do with the outcry as the wussification of America. A bunch of people are mad at Richard Sherman because he might have hurt Crabtree's feelings. Why are sports interviews so boring and filled with cliches? Anytime someone dares say anything the media and public jump all over them. Why are Marrone's pressers filled with obviously and you knows? So he can have time to make sure what he says won't be able to be taken the wrong way and blown out of proportion. Remember his "blowup" about the injury report in preseason?
  17. No I have absolutely no problem with what he said or how he acted. He was excited and his emotions got the best of him. I have zero problem with that. I enjoy athletes playing with passion and honestly in the grand scheme of things what is the worst thing he said? Crabtree is a mediocre receiver? He's the best corner in the NFL?
  18. Going by the chart the Bills could trade back to 17 with either the Ravens or Cowboys (depending on coin flip) for their 1st and 2nd. From there though trading down to 22 would (according to the chart) net us a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th! The Eagles would be stupid to make that trade imo but it would net the Bills picks 22, 41, 47, 54, 73, and 86. 6 picks in the first 3 rounds would be outstanding! All a pipe dream but wow that would definitely help transform the team. Those 6 picks could net a lb, te, rt, lg, wr, and cb (or whatever they wanted).
  19. I don't think Deion was a douche for it. I found it to be fun. How many corners in the league today do you think grew up idolizing him? How many people idolized Michael Jordan? Tiger woods? (to cite your examples) Sure some people didn't like them but most did because they were winners. Last night Sherman was a winner.
  20. Mj was infamous for running his mouth. Apparently you missed the entire best on earth best on Mars Nike campaign? As for those of you pining about the good old days when players didn't act like this I will present to you Deion Sanders. Neon deon, prime time, the all time showboat. His career started in the 80s! How about Tom Brady? Remember when he ran up to the steelers safety and ran his mouth after scoring a td? He had to run 40 yards to do it! Sherman was emotional and ran his mouth. BFD. He was awfully composed at the desk after getting a few minutes to cool off. How many coaches press conferences have you seen them blow up in? Talking trash in sports is not new and it sit going anywhere.
  21. I don't know if you can get quite that much but $500 isn't out of the question. I sold 2 in 308 for 100$ easily. $500 each would be a nice chunk off of their seasons. Selling just Duke Unc and Pitt I am down to a $250 commitment for my season ticket.
  22. Best money I ever spent!!!
  23. That's why betting on them is win win. Either they win and you get paid or they lose and you're happy anyway. That's exactly what I did and it has removed any worry about the game whatsoever. I got it at pats +5.
  24. I saw a stat that no team has won 4 consecutive true road games since 1966! I'm rooting for the niners today. Then I want them to lose in the Super Bowl. Then I can tell all my niner fan friends that they only know half the pain of being a bills fan! Man I'm full of haterade today!
  25. I figured out a way to make today relatively stress free for a nominal fee. I put a flat bet on the pats* today. If they lose I'm ecstatic if they win I get paid! Since they are a dog there is no way for me to lose!
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