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Everything posted by section122

  1. I saw a stat that no team has won 4 consecutive true road games since 1966! I'm rooting for the niners today. Then I want them to lose in the Super Bowl. Then I can tell all my niner fan friends that they only know half the pain of being a bills fan! Man I'm full of haterade today!
  2. I figured out a way to make today relatively stress free for a nominal fee. I put a flat bet on the pats* today. If they lose I'm ecstatic if they win I get paid! Since they are a dog there is no way for me to lose!
  3. Off the top of my head so there may be more but: Mankins and veldeer were both first round picks for ne Brandon Albert was a high pick for kc Fluker went 11 overall last year to sd Bulaga was a first round pick by gb So all of the top 5 lines have high picks on their lines. I agree with taking the best player available for our strategy as for the first time in years the weaknesses on this team aren't glaring holes that require a player. Best player available should be able to help this team whether it is ot, lb, te, wr, etc... If it happens to be an ot I am okay with that.
  4. The browns already have a very talented d coordinator. I don't know that he (Horton) is going anywhere.
  5. No doubt Ennis would be a top 10 pick in my mind. By the end of the year he may be seen in the same group as the top "super freshmen." Wiggins, Randle, and Parker have all impressed but also had some ups and downs. Parker may even take a Mormon mission before playing the NBA. Ennis looks ready to go sadly as I would love him sticking around. Grant should stay. Hopefully Fair is a good example for him and money is definitely not an issue so the chance is there. Losing Keita and Fair after this year will be tough but not a knockout punch. Losing Ennis, Grant, Fair and Keita would be tough to overcome.
  6. Chris :censored: :censored: White!!! Whatever happened with that? Yes and yes!!! WNY isn't the wasteland it is made out to be and August would be a great time to showcase that. I can't believe RUss hasn't jumped on this. Get the national public on the little guys side! Most people probably don't/wouldn't care if the Bills moved but if you can get a little national exposure it can't do anything but help them to stay here!
  7. 1) Peters risk reward was player based and not behavior. Bad behavior imo will get you a much quicker hook if there is potential. A problem employee has to prove that they are worth it much quicker than someone who isn't. 2) Rogers sat out as a free agent for a couple of weeks, nobody scooped him immediately off of waivers. The demand wasn't very high for him either. He got snatched up by a team that can afford to wait on developing players as well as a team with playoff experience. I agree with the sentiment that if it wasn't Marrone's first year and we weren't 14 years out from our last playoff appearance maybe the leash can be let out a bit longer for developmental projects. 3) I would think the Hilliard firing may have something to do with it as well. Maybe it wasn't laziness, maybe they decided that he can't cut it in the NFL. Maybe the light really did come on after he was cut. It is all speculation but without any info it is hard to bang the drum one way or another that this was the right or wrong decision. bolded - that was a poorly worded sentence on my part "Opportunity doesn't cost potentially put a cancer who hasn't earned his way onto the team on the roster because he dominated the SEC 2 years ago (if that is even the case)." Even reading it makes my head hurt . If that is even the case is referring to him being a cancer as we genuinely don't know. Maybe he just wasn't that good. He indeed did dominate the SEC, I won't argue that, but SEC receivers don't necessarily have the best track record of translation to the NFL. In 2011 he was the 3rd ranked receiver in the SEC behind Ryan Swope (retired/injury) and Jairus Wright who hasn't set the NFL on fire. Every year a few of the top 5 receivers are studs but they are mixed in with names like Jeff Fuller, TJ Moe, Shay Hodge, Darvin Adams, Chase Coffman, etc... Dominating the SEC at receiving (especially for only one year) doesn't guarantee anything in the NFL. edit: I would like to add in I'm appreciating this DISCUSSION because it is just that.
  8. We can learn about the risk reward of players with potential and baggage and why the decisions are made! I keed I keed
  9. Same as College. NFL hashmarks are 18 feet, 6 inches wide (the same as the field goal posts) versus a whopping 40 feet in NCAA football. That is almost 2.2 times wider.
  10. I know I'm always the next day guy but anyways my thoughts: 1. The 3s BC was hoisting and making! This was almost the game where the other team stayed hot throughout. Then they went ice cold at about the 10 minute mark. I knew it was a good thing when Cuse was still hanging close even though they had started slowly in the second half. 2. The fouls in the ACC are out of control. I won't yell conspiracy against Big East teams because I don't think that is it. ACC identity has always been finesse and Big East rough and tumble. Cuse, Pitt, and ND are beating these teams up. Having the depth Cuse does is allowing that. 3. Grant, my man! Boeheim even trusted enough to stick with him when he had 4 fouls and wow what a payoff. When he is on and motivated he is scary good. 4. Fair needs to take control more. He, not Ennis, is who I wish was more demanding of the ball. I know it isn't him but sometimes it gets frustrating. He disappeared for long stretches last night. 5. Cooney. Do I need to say anything about him? Dunks?!? Thank god for his first half yesterday. It also looks like he may have finally shot his way out of his slump. 6. Ennis, Mr. Calm Cool and Collected. Baskets when needed and great at slicing through defenses. 7. The bone bruise sidelining Coleman may actually be good for all involved. IT is getting Grant more time, Rak has stepped his game up, Keita gets more time, and hopefully Coleman is soaking up some of the in game coaching. That said bone bruises hurt like h*ll and especially when they are on joints. 8. C'mon announcers. Read the Brent Axe article. These aren't even ACC announcers they were ESPN announcers last night. It is pathetic. This isn't some bottom of the barrel team it is the #2 team in the country. Shouldn't you know the name of their best shooter TREVOR Cooney?
  11. That would be awesome!!! (not really but I would enjoy it in the Pro Bowl - maybe then I would actually watch) This!!! I can't wrap my head around college kids who aren't as good having to kick from hash marks wider than the field goal bars but the best of the best don't. This would essentially achieve the same effect as narrowing the posts as not every kick would be straight on. It would increase strategy on 3rd down as well as increasing the difficulty of the kick.
  12. 1st bolded - what question marks did Jason Peters come in with? Jasper's questions were about his weight. Neither of them had a history of trouble/getting kicked out of school in college. As I have stated several times don't you think the Bills did weigh the cost of keeping him vs. cutting him? They made their decision and it is clear you don't agree with it. 30 pages after one catch though? I don't think his 1 catch is enough proof to say it was a mistake. I also don't think his 3 drops in the next game say it wasn't. 2nd bolded - what if he doesn't develop and the Bills wasted a roster spot? That would be okay because maybe he might develop? If he never catches another ball it was the wrong decision? Are you serious? Wouldn't that prove their decision correct? Wouldn't that let you know that they knew what they were doing? 3rd bolded - many people in this thread have wondered if he was cut for attitude purposes and laziness. Yes then they are in a better place with Hogan on the roster. If you go back to page 27-29 k9 posted a comment which you quoted in which he stated the final roster spot actually came down to Hogan vs. Kaufman. That is actual insight into the team. Opportunity doesn't cost potentially put a cancer who hasn't earned his way onto the team on the roster because he dominated the SEC 2 years ago (if that is even the case). 1) Nice way to cover yourself. How does the sword not cut both ways though? If that 1 catch was such a great example of his talent, how was dropping 2 balls and then getting yanked not an example of how far he has yet to go? 2) I agree completely. Some people already have their mind made up that this was a colossal mistake. I can't get on board with that rationale. 3) As I said earlier pointing out his 3 drops is an example of why he may not end up doing anything in this league and that it was a correct decision. 4) Unless that player is lazy, aloof, above playing special teams, or a distraction. Rogers may not be any of these things or he may be all of these things. 5) Marauders Micro did a great job of debunking this point but I would like to pile on. There is much to lose. The respect of your team or the roster spot that is used for a special teams contributor. Do you not see the irony in your comment that the Bills did exactly what you are talking about? They brought him in, had him for all off-season workouts (not just tc) and decided to cut him loose. They lost nothing for doing this. It is just because we're just not some of the better posters on this board and can't grasp why 59 pages on a UDFA WR is completely necessary. There are so many examples of the Bills being an inept organization, this one isn't... yet
  13. If indeed it was a disciplinary action which I'm still not buying. Did Mort swear on his kid like Moran?
  14. How can you form an opinion on something you have never seen? Many NFL fans do care about and like the show. I think you should watch at least a few episodes before forming an opinion on something. My wife hates football but enjoyed this series. It personalized the players for her as well as giving some insight into all that goes into a football team/game. I want to end this distraction nonsense now. Please check out this link. Teams on Hard knocks compiled a record of 68-59-1 the season before being on the show. The season they were on the show they compiled a record of 67-61. With the volatile nature of the NFL records year to year I think a 1.5 game difference can hardly be something to be concerned about. Read the article it may calm some of the concerns people have. ( I don't mean this pointed at you but just wanted to comment on it) Exactly. What are we worried about screwing up? Why would you not want more Bills? More inside knowledge, as DC Grid said in the above quoted post, it could put butts in the seats and introduce people to the fact that Buffalo isn't much different then the rest of the country. It isn't some wasteland. Screw regionalization this could help with nationalization!
  15. I would love this. All the talk about distraction? I think you have to look at the success of teams on this show. It would put eyeballs on Buffalo which isn't a bad thing, it would allow more access for us diehards, and it really is a well done interesting show. It was good with the bengals a team I care nothing about I can't imagine how interesting I would find it if it was done on the team I love.
  16. I'm not going to quote the entire post but ocinbuffalo that is one of the best posts I have ever read on this site!
  17. Why can o-lineman move around and turn their heads sometimes and then have to be frozen like a statue other times. When does the change happen that they can move freely bs. Being in position?
  18. Like I said I don't see it but the reasoning was it would help get a new stadium in San Diego. I also like the Broncos going away in this game and had to quit betting because I also am on the wrong side of things all the time lol.
  19. Read earlier today that the nfl has rigged the playoffs for the Chargers to win the Super Bowl. I don't see it and would love for Peyton to win his second. Especially since it means I won't have to deal with the pats* in the Super Bowl.
  20. Yes and no. He has also taken flyers on high risk players with questionable backgrounds. Randy Moss would be a great example to disprove your point. He takes any and all players that think they can win and also buy into "his way or the highway." When Moss was no longer worth the headache they cut ties with him.
  21. Well as a simpleton please explain to me (because I must be too dumb to grasp and nobody else has answered) how do you separate the conversation from the player? For every Jason Peters there is a Mike Jasper. Don't you think perhaps every player is rated on a risk reward scale? My Duke Williams and Kiko Alonso examples have been glossed over. This team has taken a stab in the very same draft on players with questionable backgrounds that sre still on the team. My original post last night was exactly to the bolded part. Now though all of the people who were screaming about what a mistake it was to cut him (looking at you Kirby) have now backpedaled to claim that this has nothing to do with Rogers. Except nobody knows why exactly he was cut. I, as a simpleton, won't debate global warming. Hell I haven't even debated whether or not cutting Rogers was a good thing. All I have done is point out that the overreacting crowd (60 catches and 7 tds a year!!!) has some crow to eat and that I am sure this week will be filled with overreaction the other way. Instead there has just been deflection about how dumb some of us posters are for not being able to grasp this conversation. Simpleton He was only activated after numerous injuries. He didn't contribute much save for one game to the fact that this team made the playoffs. I'm thinking that Luck/Manning and the division they play in have more to do with making the playoffs regularly than having Rogers on the team. The Bills took a shot on him and decided he wasn't worth spending the time on developing. Only time will tell if they are right but it is way to early to say that the Bills screwed the pooch on this one.
  22. Jamie Collins played out of his mind for them tonight. Maybe they saw something maybe they didn't. Personally I'm not buying the theory that he was put on IR for missing a meeting. Belicheat wouldn't purposefully disadvantage his team to send a message especially one that will be leaving in the offseason imo.
  23. Yup I keep saying this. They satarted out slow to the tune of 10-2 and then it was off to the races. I believe I saw that only 2 UNC players scored more than 4 points. Grant is starting to come into his own but this team has so many weapons. On any given night it may be Ennis, Cooney, Fair, or Grant that goes off for 20. Add in the presence of Keita to make the hustle plays and I'm really liking this team. To pile on the ACC I have had to listen for years from my friends that are Dunke and UNC fans how bad the Big East is and how over rated all of their teams were. I heard all about how UNC was going to beat Cuse this week because they show up against good teams. After the game Duke fans started in about how they will take down Cuse and then they lost by 13. I am really enjoying all of the crow they are eating!
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