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Everything posted by section122

  1. What a douche I don't blame ej for ending the interview then. I agree... Any inside scoop on what exactly t was? Was it a simple clean up as ej said or something to be concerned with?
  2. Quite simply because they are completely different positions. Much like OG and OT aren't the same, FS and SS require a different skill set. FS is much more like a CB and is expected to help more in the passing game while SS is more like a LB and expected to help more in the run game.
  3. Running the circle is my least favorite pass rush move by far. Give me a bull rush, spin move, up and under, anything but a circle around and hope the qb has held the ball for way too long.
  4. come back to place a . so nobody else could
  5. Well it will be interesting then. Since it is the offseason it won't much matter but the recovery time based on how they decided to perform the surgery will vary. If they removed it completely he will be back on his feet in no time if they tried to repair it he is looking at a couple of weeks of recovery.
  6. Actually we have no idea what the surgery was for. I was simply pointing out that not all surgeries are created equally.
  7. wasted my entire day here but my biggest accomplishment was getting the longest run on sentence thread closed! Affirmative Action report due tomorrow that is gonna suck
  8. I would prefer 1 or 2 for the simple reason that they effect the game on a more play to play basis. WR success is so dependent on so many things. O-line and D success open up every facet of the game. If the o-line is great then running and passing(regardless of who the targets are) becomes easier, thus giving your defense more rest/better starting position. A better d forces the other team to react to you, gives the offense more possessions/better starting position/less demand for points. While a stud WR would be great for me it ranks below the need for o-line and lb help.
  9. So much awesomeness in that story. She got mushroom stamped!
  10. No but the level of care and precaution taken on them certainly is.
  11. Please Dallas fall in love with someone and trade your 1st and 2nd to move up to 9!
  12. Oh no what have I done!!! waxed poetic about SU Basketball, and the Karate Kid for whom he has an unnatural
  13. I love Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Absolutely love it and buy it by the gallon (literally). That said people always try to buy me these ridiculously hot things such as Dave's Insanity Sauce. They don't even taste good and I really don't understand their purpose other than as a gag hey try this. Hottest thing I've ever tried (and yes I've had a ghost pepper) some pepper my father in law grew and then jarred. Thinking about it right now is upsetting. There was nothing I could do to get rid of the heat either. I tried milk, bread, even brushing my teeth. It sucked badly while he laughed loudly.
  14. Oh man did I want him to somehow fall to us! Freaking Andrew Luck staying in school! That said I was in the Dareus over Miller camp as I thought he was more of what we needed. I did actually opine about how great I though JJ Watt was and that he would have been a great target in a trade down. Looking at that draft in hidsight it has to rival some of the best in NFL history. Of the top 18 picks I think it could be said that 14 of them are good to great players in this league. The only exceptions being Locker, Gabbert, Ponder, and Tyron Smith. The top 7 picks from that draft just 3 years ago have all already made the Pro Bowl!
  15. Dear lord, Thank you for listening to me and convincing BBF to close the most recent hey look at how many times I can post thread. It is with great joy that when I come to off the wall I will no longer continue to see "Last post wins" or it's ugly sister "World's longest run on sentence" near the top of the most commented threads. I am so glad that you agree with artificial pumping of post counts is almost identical to steroids in baseball. How will I know who the smartest man in the room is if I can't simply see 10k plus posts and know that their member is so huge I must listen to them! These numbers are sacred I tell you! Me with my measly 2000+ posts have not yet come to the enlightenment allowing me to grasp how awe inspiring and important these threads are. Now there will be more room for gobillsindallas to irritate me by posting links only with nothing else to go on, or the daily would ya thread (I swear I will work on being more picky and stop thinking yeah I probably would), or even the occasional give me advice/I don't want no stinking advice threads. Thank you tiny 8 lb 6 ounce baby jesus for this and all your blessings! Sincerely, Section122 (all in good fun, you know I love you guys)
  16. um no. Open heart surgery, torn acl repair, and quick scope to clean out some scar tissue are not the same surgery no matter how you try to stitch your puns into this.
  17. Again though this is your conjecture of what maybe was said to the Bills. Several of the Canadian Bills fans on this board hate the series. I will agree that the price/product do not help sell the privilege at all. That said it doesn't hurt the team in Buffalo as they sell many more tickets in Buffalo with this same sub par product for 14 years running. I think we both agree that having Toronto support the Bills is a great idea. I think our disagreement comes from whether or not a game needs to be played there to achieve it.
  18. Some did and some didn't. Sweeping generalizations about the board can't really be made. Look at Johnny Football. Some will be right about him whether he busts or becomes a superstar. There were many arguing here that Miller would turn out great. Just like in this very thread there is someone saying that Barr is better than others of us suspect.
  19. Mike Evans I believe you mean and how do you know? The name comparison is the easy way for people to say that they think the player will be a bust. There are several examples every year of busted picks in the first round. These players happen to fit the size/speed comparisons of maybe and hardy and are referred to as hose type of players.
  20. I believe it is the teams nickname for him although since I get it here I honestly have no idea where I heard it definitely fits his personality though. edit: after some googling it appears it was his nickname even on the Duke team.
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