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Everything posted by section122

  1. Not sure why you would mention Dareus when he plays d-line and is coming off of a probowl year. Especially since the example of Rolando McLain is just sitting there for you to use. Hopefully not. I won't speak in absolutes but I think this kid will be a bust. 1. You know Buddy's not in charge anymore right? 2. You know he traded down last year right? Alright I'm done being a sarcastic jerk I agree with you 100%. A trade down is exactly what I would want this year. Many of the positions the Bills need not only have depth but the value lies in grabbing an extra pick or two while still getting a quality player.
  2. So how about his post game presser last night. It appears that he learned from his previous comments. Or maybe he doesn't hate Denver as much as SF. Or the game was a blow out so and he was injured so he had time to compose his thoughts. My prediction? This thread will fade as fast the Da'Rick after his no catch performance...
  3. Noooooooo!!! I would hate if they finally get to #1 just to lose. A loss to Duke at Cameron would be acceptable as would a loss to Pitt at Pitt. Any of these other games and it would be Cuse not showing up and doing their job.
  4. I just simply disagree with this. An excellent defense can win a championship with an okay offense. It seems to be much more difficult for an excellent offense to win with an okay defense. Yes there are many ways to skin a cat but having a really good defense has proven to be much more important than a really good offense. Nobody is playing in the super bowl without a pretty good team but one that favors defense to offense has been very successful recently. Some stats I found: Since 1990, teams ranked 1st or 2nd in scoring defense are 10-2 in the Super Bowl. Both losses (2010 Packers over Steelers, 2004 Patriots over Eagles) came to a team that was also ranked 1st or 2nd in scoring defense. Overall, teams ranked 1st or 2nd in scoring defense are 22-11. (after last night that can be updated to 11-2 and 23-11. - 31 of 46 Super Bowl winners had a top 5 scoring defense. 23 of 46 Super Bowl losers had a top 5 scoring defense. 30 Super Bowl winners had a top 5 total defense. 18 losers were top 5 in total defense. (This is now 32 of 48 and 31 winners having a top 5 total defense) So 67% of Super Bowl winners have had top 5 scoring defenses that is certainly a trend.
  5. An interesting thought struck me this morning while listening to mike and mike. Many on here bemoan the fact that EJ struggles when there is a heavy rush and that his mechanics break down. Simply put that he struggles when faced with pressure. This is a near and dear held fact for why he won't/can't be the qb of the future by those that spout that. It could end up being true that he doesn't work out but EVERY QB struggles with this. What is the key to beating Brady and Manning? Pressure in their face. I think we saw that on a grand stage last night but it is a recurring theme with Peyton as well as Brady. So if 2 of the all time greats with 4 super bowl wins and 8 appearances between them struggle with this, why is it used as the crux of any argument against EJ? As for the injury concerns someone earlier in the thread mentioned a comparison to Matthew Stafford and I think it is a great one. Stafford never missed a start in college due to injury then in his first 2 years in the league he played in 13 out of 32 games. In his next 3 years he hasn't missed a start. So is he injury prone? He also only got 10 games his first year. Should the Lions have drafted a QB after year 1? How about after year 2? EJ had a better completion percentage and better ypa than Stafford. Would anyone be mad if EJ turned out as good as Stafford?
  6. It does. Halfway through the season I said to my sister that he sucked and never realized his potential. Call it my Tim Graham moment because he has been playing lights out since. Can't wait for tonight! Admittedly with this crazy sports weekend I have a bit of a sports hangover but I can't wait to get to the dome tonight! GOnna be rocking as we will be #1. Hopefully the boys come out ready to play as this is a classic letdown game scenario. Then again I thought Wake was a trap scenario, Duke was playing their best ball, and now this. I've been riding a doubt train for a bit now and am glad to continually be proven wrong. As long as it is close at the end though I have complete faith they will pull it out. Wish I felt that way about the Bills!
  7. Game's over. If you want to know the final score you can find it on the internet #Sabres
  8. It makes things a lot easier when your defense is all time great and you have an excellent running game. I can't knock him as he won the Super Bowl but it was his team carrying him not vice versa. The Seahawks victory flies in the face of the you have to have a great qb to win it all stance of many. In fact I would claim Eli manning (2), joe Flacco, and Russell Wilson are all good but not great qbs. That would be 4 of the last 8. Depending on where you fall with roethlisberger you could claim 6 of 10 (I won't). The first steelers win though I believe he had the worst qb rating of any sb winning qb. So say 5 of 10, again not the end all be all many claim.
  9. I don't think Wilson's play has been above average at all. He was very pedestrian the last 6 weeks.
  10. Yes that's the one most people are up in arms about. I know I have homer glasses but it was indeed a block as you mentioned.
  11. I believe that norv was already relieved of his duties before pettine was hired.
  12. I don't have a link bc I'm on my phone but pettine has hired Kyle shanahan for his oc. Very underwhelming pick imo. Never cared much for him as an oc but I guess this is what you get when you're trying to hire coaches in February.
  13. Jefferson was clear as day. I have no idea what he was thinking trying to pull that off. Parker's was a foul IMO bc of the advantage he gained when doing the clear out move. If that happens further away from the basket there is no call probably. Since the result of that move by him would have been a dunk you have to call that as a ref. I saw the replay again of the dunk and still don't think that was a foul. Tough game to officiate but an incredibly well played game by both teams. Hopefully Monday isn't a let down game! They're going to be #1 for it!
  14. This is one of the strangest prayers I've ever made...
  15. Yeah I would have been mad bc I would have had to listen to a lot of stojan talking lol. What a game though. Dukes ability from 3 is incredible but as usual a cold game will more than likely cost them when it counts. Great win for cuse and I know I saw it with homer glasses but that wasn't a foul on the dunk attempt at the end. Great game by grant and fair. Ennis continues to be awesome when it matters. What a freaking game! Wow wow wow wow wow wow.
  16. I've seen them 3 times (I thought it was 4 but can't remember where the 4th was!) Woodstock 99, in Toronto for the Battle of Los Angeles tour and in NYC for a reunion Rock the Bells concert. Each time they were absolutely amazing. I would love to get a chance to see them again! Wow that must have been a heckuva concert!!! As I stated earlier I would have loved to have seen him. Unfortunately by the time I discovered his music he had already passed.
  17. Well I was going to type out a response but then this appeared in the thread and I think it answers your questions quite well...
  18. Where did you catch them?
  19. I was going to chime in here but I would rather let this takes its course!
  20. Oh man I know it! Seriously even a quick sentence about the gist of it! I'm almost always here on mobile and thinking is it worth the click or not. Lol
  21. 1. Rage against the machine- what a freaking concert so much energy! 2. Pink Floyd - I've seen waters but man oh man do I wish I could have caught the whole group together. Srv would have been really cool and on a lesser known note Luther Allison is one I wish I would have caught.
  22. Perpetually bated into these types of
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