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Everything posted by section122

  1. This was my answer as well. Leaving from the Syracuse area and started drinking right away. We actually had gotten drunk the night before and tried staying awake to keep drinking but I passed out about 2:30. Hair of the dog style started drinking again at 4:30. Nursed a wicked hangover from halfway through the game until we got back on the bus and I could pass out.
  2. I work at an agency that supports developmentally disabled individuals. Stories like this are awesome! It's great to not only see the kid succeed but also the team and area rally around him. Just awesome all around!
  3. I'm still at zero... Probably where lurking more than posting helps me out. I think and say bad things about posters out loud instead of typing them lol. I can't tell you how many times I've typed out a post and then not put it up.
  4. Doesn't the cash to the cap philosophy put the entire signing bonus in year one for cap purposes? I thought that wa the benefit and idea behind it so that money wouldn't be tied updated in the contract. Mind you I have no idea if I'm correct it's just what my understanding of the philosophy was.
  5. I'll take later... Like sometime next season later!
  6. I agree Ellen isn't attractive but she is a much bigger star than Ellen page. Anne heche though also came out years ago and is also very attractive. I just don't ever find it surprising when a performer comes out as gay. I think they are the group that has progressed furthest along the this isn't a big deal timeline that sports is just beginning.
  7. I'm a nice guy but I don't know if I'm that nice lol A lot of ticky tack fouls it seemed went cuses way in the second half. Not that I'm mad they were called of course lol.
  8. Hmmm I'm gonna disagree with this. You think just 12 years ago? How long ago did Ellen degeneres come out? Wasn't that the 90s? I had no idea who this was and when I read the girl that played Juno I thought how long ago is that? She isn't a name to me or really many people it appears judging by the tenor of this thread. Also performing arts have always been more accepting of homosexuals than for example sports. This announcement isn't groundbreaking or important in any way. I completely understand why this is a news story as the celebrity information industry is huge and many people care about what and who famous people are doing. Michael Sam is a big deal because he is the first nfl player to come out. Hopefully sports end up where movie stars and musicians are at now. where an announcement of sexuality doesn't register a blip on most peoples radar. My who cares comes more from a perspective of not caring about celebrities in general but specifically not ones who I have only seen one movie years ago with them in it. I saw this covered on Fox News and thought to myself why is the sexuality of this person a big deal? As for your idea of her being attractive and not the normal looking lesbian, while a dangerous stereotype to make, I'd say Anne heche did it (in my best Simpsons did it voice)
  9. I've got a few things to say lol 1. The refs were terrible today in favor of cuse. A ton of suspect calls against nc state. 2. Ennis and fair appear to have hit a bit of a wall. I don't know of it is physical or mental which leads me to... 3. The whole team mailed it in today. They did it after duke but cooney went bananas. He didn't have that game today luckily rak played great. 4. Really really missing Keita out there. 5. This 6 man rotation is trouble. Roberson has such a quick hook on him he can't do anything wrong out there or he gets yanked. I know that is jimmy b's style but I think some time/experience for Roberson is a necessity at this point. 6. If they've got 9 lives they've used at least 3 of them in the month of February! If it is close I have complete faith that they will pull it out. It's the same feeling I have watching the Yankees and one I wih I could have for the Bills. 7. 25 and freaking OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! If you're serious let me know. I know a few people to that have their own printing businesses.
  10. I'd be interested I'm here all the time but lurk way more than I post (not sure if that matters). You can PM me the rules as well.
  11. Couple of funny jokes I have come across since the game: It used to be Tyler Dennis until he gave Pitt the D Jim Boeheim has a 74 inch Ennis and he knows how to use it ESPN is reporting Syracuse freshman Tyler Ennis is under investigation by the Federal Wildlife Agency. Sources say Ennis is being accused of single handedly slaying 5 panthers, first back on January 18th in Syracuse NY and then again on Wednesday somewhere around Pittsburgh PA. There are also rumors that Ennis has been known to slay bears, wildcats, and eagles among other animals.
  12. I agree completely with this. There are certain players that I wouldn't mind taking at 9 and Matthews and Robinson are certainly 2 of them. Yes I would love a trade down with Dallas! 17 isn't too far down to still get great talent and it would net us their 1st and 2nd. Which would give us 17, 41 , and 47. At 9 I would be happy with: Robinson, Matthews, Mack, Watkins, Clowney (pipe dream) In a trade down I would be happy with: Ebron, Mosley, Maybe Lee, Benjamin, or Lewan Guys I want to stay away from in this draft: Evans and Barr - both are my candidates for high draft picks that will be busts this year.
  13. As do I and yes they clearly do. I hope I have not come off as hateful as that is most definitely not my intention. As I stated earlier there is a marked difference between the god presented in the old testament (where leviticus lies) and the god portrayed in the new testament. The god in the old testament was responsible for the exile from eden, the flood and noah's arc, and soddom and gomorrah. The new testament god is one that gave us his only son to wash away all of our sins. The one who said I give you one commandment above all else, love one another as I have loved you. The new testament god is much more how I like to picture him, compassionate, forgiving, and kind. I do not view a vengeful and spiteful being as one that I would follow. One that is compassionate to the point of sacrificing his son for me? That is the guy I can follow. To each their own though. I have no problem with someone disagreeing with homosexuality. Where I have a problem is the condemnation that some bring due to their disagreeing with it. I answered his questions but received no response. Some of his points were soft at best but I still tried to give him a fair shake to have a conversation.
  14. I don't have to be smarter than you to teach you something. I also don't have to be above average intelligence to teach you something. Lastly, I don't have to be above average intelligence to be smarter than you.
  15. Yes I am indeed intolerant of intolerance for intolerance sake. Murder, pedophilia,, the examples you used in your previous post, are things that effect other people. Homosexuality does not effect other people. I definitely agree that Christians interpret the Bible differently and always refrain from any name calling. That said I hate when people use religion in general, but specifically my religion, as a platform to condemn behaviors of others that have no bearing on them. I won't convert you over an internet message board. Your beliefs are your beliefs. I strongly oppose them and will speak up when the situation arises, this happens to be one of those cases as it hits very close to home for me. My Aunt was a god loving woman who sang in the choir every Sunday. During her funeral though my father, who did the eulogy, was not allowed to talk about her being a lesbian or anything to do with people that she loved and cared greatly for simply because they were gay. My interpretation is that we are meant to love one another not judge them based on their sexual orientation or anything else out of their control. Final piece to you is that our beliefs can change. You can change your belief system. Your faith is yours and yours alone nobody can tell you that they are right and you are wrong. I just strongly dislike when people use the name of my faith to preach intolerance.
  16. This is indeed fun. I thought it would just be a mundane day of the off season instead I get to teach someone something... After years of identifying as a lesbian is straight out of your quote. That does not mean she was a lesbian it was just what she identified with because at the time she had a romantic relationship with a woman. Now she is in a romantic relationship with a man. That to me says that she is a bisexual. You know what else though? It says nothing to me about her character or who she is as a person. Was she an attention seeker or self destructive (to pinpoint your examples later in your post) and then decided she was through with all of that so it was time to "straighten up." Did she recover from her gay addiction? Your examples are certainly strange choices. Also you "stupid things comment" kind of got to me. Is being gay a stupid thing to do? If your answer is yes then that is indeed how you know that you carry a prejudice towards gay people. You actually care about what people choose to do behind closed doors with a consensual adult. So you cited one example of someone who decided to be in a heterosexual relationship as the whole premise of your argument. What happens if the marriage dissolves and she begins dating a woman? Does she then became a lesbian again? Sexuality is not the black and white picture you are trying to paint here...
  17. Yeah I got to thinking about this so I did some digging Past Winners: Jarvis Jones 1st round 17th Morris Claiborne 1st round 6th Patrick Peterson 1st round th Rolando McCLain 1st round 8th Eric Berry 1st round 5th Glen Dorsey 1st round 5th Patrick Willis 1st round 11th DeMeco Ryans 2nd round 33rd David Pollack 1st round 17th Chad Lavalais 5th round 142 overall So the last 7 players have all gone in the first round. Sam was rated 3rd-4th round before this so it will certainly be interesting to see what happens from here.
  18. I think if you searched youtube for some of his bits you'd be surprised. I'll give you a start
  19. I think if the dust settles (Whaley's words for targets) and he is still available then the Bills may try to bring him in. If he signs early it won't be with the Bills. If that happens I doubt it will be an extravagant contract.
  20. I was going to write a response but C Biscuit has me covered.... Cocaine and Marijuana are not at all on the same level.
  21. Where in the world did you get that I don't believe in the judicial system? I AM a Christian and come down off of your cross buddy we are far from the least tolerated group. When do you get called any names for being a Christian? When are you denied marriage because you are a Christian? When are you denied visiting rights in a hospital because the state you are in doesn't allow you to be married so you aren't family? What groups are dedicated to the point of holding rallies against Christians? Next you are going to tell me the white man is the least tolerated group right? I quoted the Bible as saying judge not lest ye be judged. You know the same book that people like to quote to say that laying with another man like a woman is an abomination. So which is it? Do we listen to the Bible or don't we? Do we follow what it says or don't we? You can't have it both ways. Although reading your signature it appears that you feel you can....
  22. 1)That one ref! He has been at the dome at least 3 times this year and every time calls have favored the other team. I pointed him out early on to the people I was at the game with and said here we go... 2) Early reports are that he may or may not play. I agree it will be a huge loss but have learned to never doubt this team. 3) Fair played extremely well. Grant continues to be an absolute beast and Rak really impressed me. At one point in time Roberson, Gbinije, Grant, Cooney, and Ennis were on the floor. They actually held their own for the few minutes it happened. Roberson put forth a lot of effort last night. It caused him to make a few mistakes but I was happy to see him continue to try and assert himself. 4) I've noticed this as well and almost think it may be by design. Neither Cooney or Ennis are the fastest guys in the gym and it seems like Cuse is very happy to grind out every possession. I don't know if it needs to be fixed as I don't think Boeheim wants any track meets with this team.
  23. "used to be a lesbian" So she is bisexual and has had both gay and straight relationships? Did she choose to be bisexual? What real world observations? You pointed out a person who is bisexual and mislabeled herself as a lesbian? Why would people choose to be gay? Seriously give me one good honest reason. Please! I have never understood this argument. Again lesbian/bisexual. It would be interesting to see a survey to see if you could find anyone that openly would admit they chose being gay. Not bisexual but gay. I have several gay friends, family members, etc... All of them have told stories of knowing very early on that they were attracted to the same sex. My aunt changed my views on this entirely when she told me that she had a crush on the cute girl in kindergarten! So I am left to wonder bbb and John in Jax how many people have you talked to about this. How many people (can you find even one) have told you they chose to be gay? Intolerance or ignorance. I am a catholic and have never understood the whole stance of the bible being against gay people. The new testament is much more open to acceptance while the old testament shows a much more judgemental and vengeful god. So leviticus says it is an abomination? What about "Do not oppress your neighbor" (leviticus) or how about "Do not hate in your heart" (also leviticus). What about " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John) The best one though is "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans). So there you have one quote against homosexuality and several that are accepting of people (including everyone yes even gay people ). That is the great thing about the Bible it is open for everyone to interpret in their own way. I will leave you with one last new testament verse from Matthew (you know the GOSPEL) "judge not lest ye be judged"
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