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Everything posted by section122

  1. I agree and want him to be here long term. I just think (more hope) that is their line of thinking. Me personally I would have already done it. I have zero behind the scenes knowledge though and am only going off of what I see on the field. I am in total agreement that he is a part of putting the best possible players on the field.
  2. I did some more thinking about this subject. Vets report tomorrow for some voluntary workouts. Perhaps the team is waiting to see if he shows, what kind of shape he is in, his demeanor, etc... Perhaps the next week and a half will go a long way to showing the team whether he is worth the investment. Just thinking out loud but it makes sense to me that they want to gather as much info as possible before making the decision. (I have officially stepped back from the ledge lol)
  3. Except in this case bpa would match a need for the team. So needing a rt and having the best player available be a rt makes it a natural fit. The bills don't have 2 pro bowl tackles playing. Your constructing an argument without using the pertinent facts and information. As for the "can be filled with a second or third round pick" yes it can. However doesn't it stand to reason that the player EVERYONE is saying is a top 10 talent should be better than whoever you could get in 2nd or 3rd? To no saints question of which rt would I trade the 9 pick for I can't really name one. Then again I would say the same about many positions save for qb. If you were to make a list of all nfl players you would trade for the #9 pick I would imagine you would have a hard time finding 25 players that aren't a qb worth that trade. Matthews might not be the exciting pick that Evans or Ebron would be but he definitely fills a need and does so without reaching. Fluker at 11 last year wasn't as highly rated as Matthews is this year so for the 2 extra spots I don't see it as a reach. If Matthews is gone I would view lewan as a reach because he isn't as talented as Matthews. If Matthews is gone I will be rooting hard for a trade down.
  4. Thanks I honestly don't know if this is a master troll job or if people actually think like this!
  5. I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading this thread. You bring up last year's draft as if it were somehow relevant to this year's draft and the talent on the Bills. Matthews played Rt every year before this so that projection that you are so sure of is based off of him playing rt. Bloodline means nothing. How are Michael Jordan's kids doing in the NBA? Oh yeah they don't play in it. As for where they were drafted by that logic Ryan Mallet should be starting for the Pats*. He was drafted in the 3rd round and that Brady guy was drafted in the 6th. Glenn has been a stud in the NFL. If by some crazy happenstance Matthews beats him out sure you start Matthews at LT. Except there won't be a competiiton. They will work with him at RT to give him as many reps and as much practice as possible. The whole losing Glenn idea is ridiculous to me as Glenn will be here for at least 2 more years. If he proves to be great probably much longer than that. Drafting Matthews does't ruin the chances of anything. The whole you can get a serviceable rt later is true. However he is projecting to be a great one and that is why he is talked about in the top 10. I feel very strongly that Matthews will be the pick if he is available. Reading the OBD tea leave, Matthews has been in a for a visit, there was just an article about how good Marrone thinks Glenn is, and RT is the reamining position to be addressed of the original offseason list (run stuffing lb - Spikes, Te- Chandler resigned, maybe Kaufmann, OG - Williams, WR - Williams.). If he isn't available I'm thinking trade down but that is a different thought for a different thread.
  6. I just don't see any reason not to do this. If they want to extend him this is one less year that they will need to work on for the extension. If they don't want to extend him it is one more year they will have him around for. Being late to meetings doesn't strike me as big enough trouble to not keep him around. Especially with some of the character questionable guys they brought on board this offseason.
  7. Already on record as liking this guy. This move is definitely interesting I hope it pans out for him.
  8. Tre masons name has seemingly disappeared from discussion. I really like his running style and would love to see him be the back picked in the trade down scenario. How do you think he fits, where is he projected, and what team are you thinking hell end up on?
  9. Don't worry about WEO he's our resident pats* fan/ smarter than everybody else troll. He will pick a random passing statement and try to make a mountain out of a molehill. As for this story this to me is a long way from roethlisberger status. The second situation caused the girl to be uncomfortable. That is a long way from rape or even serious misconduct. It could be anything from rough sex to rape. Broad brush strokes used here. Also the first situation is just as difficult to gauge. Anywhere from consensual sex to rape. Anywhere from school overprotecting an asset to a gold digger trying to get paid. These situations are never black and white and we, so far removed, can only speculate on them. The one thing it definitely does is speak to his decision making. Namely putting himself in this situation more than once. That is the red flag. Similar (but not the same) as the red flags surrounding manziel who repeatedly had his name in the news for all the wrong reasons. Not the same circumstances but situations that will have to be investigated further by gms.
  10. It wasn't me you were responding too but I had to respond to your post. You are proving my point for me. There are many more rbbc teams than teams who rely on one guy to do it all. The bell cow bak that is mentioned later on. Also McFadden and Spiller's injury histories are completely different. Spiller got hurt and played McFadden appears to be made out of glass. Why does spiller have to be something he isn't though? He was drafted as a waterbug back. He wasn't drafted as an ap type back. Expecting hi to be something he isn't will lead to disappointment.
  11. I feel even stronger about this now. The draft is still so far away it's hard to care about something for this long while waiting on edge liked it used to be. We aren't 7 and this ain't Christmas.
  12. That list is terrible! Steven Jackson - way over the hill Mendenhall - retired Mjd - maybe when he's not injured Matthews - 1 good year out of how many after how many years in the league? McFadden - so injury prone you can't count on him Morris - check his reception numbers runner only Reggie bush - check his rushing numbers more of a spiller type back and def not someone you would count on for 3rd and 1 Trent Richardson - bro do you even football? He is terrible! Which leaves: Gore - age and injury concerns also more of a pound the rock type guy than a receiver Foster - I think his better days are behind him his usage was crazy the 3 years previous to this bit I'll give him to you Doug Martin - looked terrible last year before getting hurt Stacy and lacy each were rookies last year but certainly look to be feature backs but could just as easily go the Doug Martin route There are some but you really only listed 4 guys who are proven and coming off of years where they did so again. It just isn't the way the game goes anymore. For 3rd and 1 the bills have Fred Jackson (who didn't have much success himself last year with those). I think you will find many more teams subscribe to te rbbc approach and have 2 guys. Run down that list of teams and I think you'll find it is a much longer list than the teams who have a do it all guy. Spiller to me is falling victim to the donte whitner issue. Forget that he went #9 are the Bills better with him or without him? I honestly don't see how they would be better without him. No player in Buffalo gets any slack for getting hurt...
  13. According to si grant is gone too. Nothing official but it is on syracuse.com I was really holding out hope he was coming back!
  14. I am hoping and praying for the stadium in Batavia idea. It would really open up the market to Rochester, make it more feasible for people from syracuse (which is an untapped market from an nfl perspective), and be closer for me because I leave near syracuse! I would get my seasons back in a heartbeat! Same as you it just got to be too long of a day. On the road at 7am home at 8pm with work the next day. Avoiding the cluster of exits 51-55, sending Canadian fans one way and Rochester fans the other (I believe both are around the same number according to Brandon) would ease traffic for a lot of people. Again though the real reason I'm rooting for this is pure selfishness
  15. Agree completely. His pass rush move is the loop and swoop and hope that the qb is still holding onto the ball after 4+ seconds. He is raw and definitely has athletic ability but way too much of a project to take at 9 imo.
  16. Field goal percentage: 91.7 (10th) Yards per punt: 42.96 (28th) Net yards per punt: 36.11 (30th) Yards per kickoff return: 20.39 (29th) Opponents yards per kickoff return: 23.38 (17th) Yards per punt return: 6.23 (29th) Opponent yards per punt return: 10.6 (25th) Looking a bit deeper at these stats does say a lot more about the players than the coaching. Yards per punt right off the bat speaks to a poor punting performance, and I would agree with the poster who said Moormon was a sore spot last year. They desperately need to upgrade the punter position. The days of long booming punts from him are long gone. He can give you hang time or distance but not both. I think the last game of the year is sticking out in everyone's mind. Watching Blount go crazy on a wet field, in a rain storm, with nothing to play for is skewing people's thoughts imo. When you look at the stats about touchbacks and return yards it shows that they were more middle of the pack than as bad as some would suggest. Where coaching did show as a weakness was in the return game. We were used to seeing electric returns and got none of them last year. That certainly needs to be worked on. I know some of you don't care for football outsiders but it is interesting to see that the Bills had the 4th worst disadvantage in the hidden category as well as the 12th worst weather factor for special teams. ST certainly wasn't the strength it had been in years past but I think it has become the whipping boy for why they finished 6-10. Personally I attribute it much more to qb carousel, run d, inability to convert and stop the other team from converting 3rd and whatever (specifically 3rd and long for the d).
  17. It's going to be interesting to see if they keep the draft this far back next year. It may just be me but it seems the air has kind of been sucked out of the draft this year. When it was late April it was "right around the corner" so it would be getting a ton of ESPN hype. Since it isn't still for another month there has been (to me at least) much less hype this year. I know the NFL likes to stay front and center but pushing the draft has caused/allowed more coverage for opening day and the NCAA tournament. Those are always big events as it is but it seems this year they have received much more play due to the fact that the draft is still so far away.
  18. Also in the Kaufman camp. I thought he showed well last year in ps. It will be interesting to see what he can do this year.
  19. Share a birthday with Ralph. Every year I thought man if I can live as long as Ralph Wilson has... It is surreal to hear this. I didn't expect this at all even at 95. Part of me thought he would live forever. It seemed with the performance of the team last year and this off season that the organization was turning a corner. Now Jim Kelly and Ralph. What a rough week for Bills fans everywhere. 2 people responsible for a lot of memories.
  20. Mercer Baby!!! Great win by the Orange last night coupled with the loss by Duke made for a great first 2 days. One of my buddies moved out of state and is a huge Duke fan. He has been talking smack all year and particularly over the last 2 weeks. Today he deleted his facebook account Fair got a rest in the first half which I thought was a great move and the team got its confidence back. At one point in time Boeheim yelled at Cooney to keep shooting. Not talking or directing, yelling. It was finally a game where they controlled every aspect from the tip to the whistle. Great great showing.
  21. While I don't believe it was completely made up I do think that it was exaggerated. I think if this year it were to flair up he may be willing to play at less than 100% so he didn't get labeled injury prone. This is all pure conjecture on my part but just my thoughts on this. I think the push to FA was indeed made without a deal in hand. I think that Parker overplayed his hand here. Whether or not that bites he and Byrd in the butt remains to be seen but the lack of any news or information in the twitter age speaks very loudly. I think their thought was that someone would be willing to overpay him to the tune of 10+ million, then 9 was floated, then 8. Teams have been mentioned and then removed from contention. Most of the talking heads are saying he isn't worth what he is asking. This doesn't appear to be the dream he expected it to be. He may still get paid handsomely but I will now be surprised if it ends up being 10+ a year.
  22. You have to admit the thread was way overdue for that!
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