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Everything posted by section122

  1. While I don't disagree with the bolded I don't agree either. 2009 - no current starting qbs drafted after the Bills first pick 2010 - no current starting qbs drafted after the Bills first pick As a matter of fact the only 2 qbs still starting from either of these years are Bradford and Stafford the #1 overalls. 2011 - Andy Dalton and Colin Kaepernick drafted after the Bills first pick. You may have a case here although Dalton is 50/50 on whether it is him or the team that drives the Bengals success 2012 - Russel Wilson and Nick Foles in the 3rd round. Apparently the Bills were very high on Wilson in the 4th and sb winning is super bowl winning but he is another player that I don't think is as good as the team around him. Look at his last 6 regular season games. Still I will give you both of these guys. So in his tenure he missed out on 4 available bonafide NFL players at the QB position. You know what though? So did every other team at least once. None of these guys were highly regarded. So yes he missed out on the qb of the future but it wasn't as glaring of an omission as you are making it out to be.
  2. Seriously. I didn't even have to read the article to know what his answer was.
  3. Will Mike Rodak ever be positive about anything the Bills do? That is the real question.
  4. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1664125/preston-brown
  5. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2014/profiles/preston-brown?id=2543814
  6. I'd be very happy with (at 9): Evans, Matthews What I'm rooting for? If neither of those 2 are there then I want a trade down. Perhaps even multiple trade downs. I am not a big fan of the idea of trading up but to get Evans I think the Bills have to move to 6 at least. He is almost a lock to go to TB. If they do that and get him I won't be all that upset as he will fill 2 needs with one pick. He will be that #1 receiver (hopefully) as well as that huge target. He is like a better Ebron in my book. What don't I want at 9? Ebron, any DB, Martin, are the names recently mocked to the Bills that I wouldn't be thrilled with.
  7. Maybe but I'll join you. I think Lewis did very well in spot duty last year. He is great as a backup; he knows the system, is incredibly intelligent, is a similar player to EJ athletically, and performed well considering his circumstances. I thought the trade for him was a throwaway of 2 guys that would get cut but I was more than pleasantly surprised by him.
  8. I think you should start a thread to apologize for this!
  9. Players the bills have drafted in the 2nd recently: Kiko Robert woods Cordy Glenn Aaron Williams Andy levitre Jairus Byrd Torell troup That is the last 5 drafts in the second round. 1 miss out of 7 picks. I'm not even against trading up but the Bills have done very well in the second round recently and that makes me prefer a trade down. Either way I trust this front office because they have done well recently. Don't bash the bills for their second round picks though they have done very well recently.
  10. Off the top of my head? Welker last year ended up taking less money from Denver, how about the Broncos cutting Dumervil last year? Or the Cowboys cutting Ware this year? Those 2 moves were with the players under contract! It isn't a fact that he wasn't committed to what the Bills were doing. He did go on record about all of the changes, having to learn all new defenses each year, and not liking it. We don't know now if the team was upgraded but a run stuffing lb, a better og, and a proven vet receiver were all holes that were able to be filled with the money that would have been tied up in Byrd. Whether or not they work out is unknown yet. It isn't a fact that holding him hostage would have caused problems in the locker room that is why I said it could. Not that he would. I thought it was a farily accepted fact that he wanted to go to a winner AND get paid. He knew Buffalo would pay him but if he could get the best of both worlds, can we blame him for wanting that? I'm not saying Byrd didn't want to resign. What I am saying is he didn't want to resign for what they offered without testing the market first. He didn't want the deal they offered him at the time they offered him it. I know this because he didn't sign. I don't know if he would have signed it if things hadn't of worked out but they did so we won't know. Bottom line to all of this is IMO losing Byrd sucked but I'm not a fan of the "they should have gotten something for him" crowd. Many players walk for nothing in the NFL. It happens every year and to every single team. On the heels of Levitre it sucks but I am very glad they didn't drop that kind of money of Levitre.
  11. You can't take emotion out of it. These are people and their livelihoods. To let a player go that isn't totally commited to what you are trying to do isn't always stupid. Sure he is good and better than what we have at the position. He isn't Earl Thomas, the money wasn't sat on - it was used to upgrade the team, and the Bills negotiated on good faith. Number 4 has 2 sides to it. Holding a player hostage can cause problems in the locker room. There are limits but letting a player dictate his future happens from time to time. It can be abused by the players but I don't see this as the case. Byrd wanted to go to a winner. Would he have laid it all out there on another 1 year deal? We don't know but if we use last year as the measuring stick then it would be safe to assume no. I was in favor of resigning him too. It takes 2 people to make a deal. Both sides have to want it. Byrd didn't want it so there is no deal. Not everything has to be someone's fault. Part of my reasoning was that he wouldn't have been the highest paid for long with salaries going up as fast as they are. That apparently didn't matter as much as going to a winning team did. I don't fault the Bills for their efforts or allowing Byrd to go look for a deal, and I don't fault Byrd for wanting out. C'est la Vie.
  12. I would be very pleased with a Matthews Niklas combo from the first 2 rounds. That would make the bills bigger, better across the line, and offer another huge target for EJ. I'm not sure if Matthews will still be there at 9 and if he isn't I would prefer a trade down to drafting Ebron at 9.
  13. Earl Thomas signed a 4 year extension making him the highest paid safety. http://nfl.si.com/2014/04/28/earl-thomas-contract-extension-seattle-seahawks-four-years-40-million/
  14. Well said this is pretty much exactly my feelings as well. It will most assuredly look different hopefully the results improve (and there still is plenty of room to improve imo)
  15. I agree completely that the offense caused some of the defenses struggles. The best thing Pettine did for the defense (and I don't know if it was all him or what) was the growth I saw in so many players last year. Hughes, McKelvin, Dareus, and A Williams all looked so much better than they did in Wanny's D. Was that them or Pettine? I don't have any clue but I would imagine the players are better for their experience last year. The bolded is what I was driving at. If you look at the list of potential replacements Schwartz would most likely have been high on the list. People were also mentioning Henderson or Pepper Johnson who will both be on staff this year. I think everyone would have loved to keep Pettine but Schwartz was probably the best (or close to it) replacement. I also agree September can't get here fast enough.
  16. A ton of sacks and horrible run defense along with an amazing ability to give up 3rd and long. I will gladly trade some sacks for more stout run d and more consistency. That said, this doom and gloom in APRIL is absurd to put it kindly. The draft hasn't even happened yet and we have no idea what the defense will look like. Schwartz isn't a dinosaur who had his success in the early 90s like Wannstache did. Will he be successful? Who knows. The picture is way to incomplete to decide one way or another. Who would you have hired for the d coordinator position in February? I think Schwartz was an excellent hire and could be just as wrong but can we at least wait until he has done anything besides hold a press conference or do a radio interview before we cast judgement?
  17. She should have been filming while driving instead of face booking then she would have been completely safe and nothing bad could've or would've happened to her.
  18. NFC Executive: Teddy Bridgewater is a "Fourth-Round Guy" some quotes from the link... "The NFC executive said that he thought Bridgewater was a "fourth-round guy" and will fall out of the first round." "Another scouting director picking in the top 20 that could consider a quarterback told us that his team never had Bridgewater as a first-round pick." "Six different franchises, including those three in the top 10, have said they believe that Bridgewater is going to fall much lower than expected on draft day and could easily drop out of the first round because teams aren't grading him as a first-round pick." _________________________________________________________________________________________ A late riser seems to be Carr. He is now being talked about in some places as a top 10 pick! from the same link just further down the page: "One NFC team picking in the 20s told us that they expect the Minnesota Vikings to take Carr with the eighth-overall pick, unless he is selected by the Raiders at No. 5 overall."
  19. Yup I've got a thought: Cancer that stupid no good disease has cost more :censored: people close to me their life than I care to think about. The "c" word is always a scary one. I never feel optimistic when I hear about it. Even after people are "cured" it seems like a matter of time before it comes back to rear it's ugly head. Horrible disease. I know people have to die from something but this is a way to go. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.
  20. Somewhere Big Cat just got sad Off topic I know but I laugh way to hard at those sayings.... Confucius say man who stand on toilet high on pot Confucius say man who fart in church sit in own pew Yeah I know my wife rolls her eyes at me all the time too
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