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Everything posted by section122

  1. I can keep 3 and depending on who others keep I think I can skip keeping graham and grab him in the second... I would love to just keep manning graham and Calvin but the rules wont allow it. The reason I was leaning foles was bc I think him in the tenth is a steal. That said if I kept harvin and megatron I would be set at wr. I'm thinking it will come down to who the guy drafting 10 (and therefore 11) is keeping. If he keeps 2 I'm all bit guaranteed graham in the second which would be a steal imo. I don't know how I feel about Peyton this year. I can see him coming way back to earth but am torn bc of just how good he was last year. If I give up megatron there is a tiny chance he is there in the second but then it is him or graham. To you Ryan the 8th is great value for Stacy but I hate second yr rbs you never know if they can repeat and he plays 6 intradivision games against great defenses. Patterson came on at the end of the year and I see him doing better but he's another I just don't know how much I can trust. Between those two I would have to lean Stacy. Did you draft rivers before the 8th round last year? That was some incredible foresight! I got burned by him 2 years ago so I stayed away from him last year. Do you have any other options for your after 8th keepers?
  2. It will be reduced to a 12 game suspension so he can come back in time to play the Bills in week 13! I'm kidding of course... This is absolutely ridiculous to me. I do the drug screens for my agency and our policy is standard set at 50ng/ml with the confirm cutoff at 15ng/ml. Both of these must be failed for it to count as a failure and we don't even have a union here! How does the NFLPA let these idiotic rules stand?!
  3. I hate that this is a dead board but here's a thread I hope can help spark some interest here. If you play in a keeper league and want some discussion on who to keep this is the place. Here is mine I'd love to hear opinions (I am leaving out players I know I won't be keeping). Can keep 3 players 1 PPR league. My options (with draft pick given up if kept) are: Calvin Johnson OR Peyton Manning (1st) I kept them both last year and can only keep one of them this year for a first rounder Jimmy Graham (2nd) The rest can be kept for a 10th rounder. If I keep multiple then it goes 10th, 9th, 8th (depending on how many are kept) Percy Harvin Shane Vereen Ryan Matthews Andre Ellington Nick Foles Jeremy Maclin Ben Tate I'm leaning Calvin Johnson, Jimmy Graham, and Nick Foles. It would cost me 1,2 and 10. I draft 9th in a 10 team snake draft so I might skip keeping Jimmy Graham and try to redraft him at that spot. Which would allow me something like Calvin, Foles, and Harvin for 1, 9, 10. What do you think?
  4. I've said it in other threads but the glimpses in that game made me a believer in him. I just didn't want the game to be too big for him and for him to look like he belonged. I thought he did that and then he sealed my opinion the next home game against Carolina. To hear that he saw that, then called it, then executed it makes me excited for this year. I've been wrong many times before and will be many times in the future but as I said up thread he is just so damn easy to root for!
  5. I don't care if you think he can or can't be the guy. This kid is someone that is so ridiculously easy to root for. Here's hoping we ride him to the promised land! Nice video thanks for posting
  6. I agree and also wonder/worry what his motivation will be now that he has been paid. I won't go so far as to say I'm glad he isn't here but I'm not very mad that he didn't get the long rich contract from the Bills. In his career he has had hip, back, groin, and foot injuries. He has only missed 7 games in 5 years though so I wouldn't necessarily call him injury prone it is just something that bears watching from a "is he worth it" perspective. My first reaction is that he wasn't but if he helps them win a sb he most certainly will be.
  7. Not only that (no I wouldn't I belive in EJ) but the Bills DID try to get him. KC's pick was higher in the second round and that is why the niners traded him there or at least that is my fuzzy memory of the situation.
  8. That's tough as it really depends on your strategy. In my mind there are 4 top rbs in McCoy Charles Peterson and forte. Then it is a mix of who you like next. For me this is the range that Calvin Johnson or Peyton manning should be the pick. Then again I'm not a rb rb guy like most people are. Last year rb was such a crapshoot I wouldn't want to waste a pick that early on a maybe. Megatron and Peyton are very close to sure things to be at or near the top of their position. I play mostly in ppr leagues so I'm a bit skewed on who my top rbs are but at 14 you might be able to stack another elite wr if you grab megatron first. If jimmy graham is there in the second you could have the #1 wr and te. That is a great start to a championship team imo.
  9. I think awwufelloff ran it... I know he was in it 2 years ago at least. If you want to run it just put the info up on the main board. This board only gets frequented by a few of us but the info is usually decent. There are some of us that spend way too much time on fantasy football lol
  10. I heard an interesting take on the radio. The premise was that franchise tags will get murkier and murkier and positions become this varied. There are blocking te and pass catching tes which are of different value to teams but not the tag. There are coverage olbs and pass rushing olbs that are of different value to teams but not the tag. Same with rt and lt, all of the different db positions etc... I believe it was Schlereth on espn radio talking about it and his solution was to have different tags for the specialties. It might not solve every problem but it would certainly help in this case. Right now it is effecting the pass catching tes but as the pendulum swings it will be the blocking ones that are eventually left out in the cold.
  11. It's called silver goal. Basically once you reach overtime there will be 2 15 minute halves no matter how many goals get scored in that time.
  12. The college rule (when I played not sure if it is still valid) was that you could be subbed out at any time but couldn't return until the start of the next half. Basically freer substituting without causing non stop delays.
  13. I wanted to avoid this thread badly but oh well.... The issue I take with this is that an injury does not have to be substitued or miss another game to be seriously injured. Take Dempsey's injury for example. He has a broken nose and bruising but had to be back on the field quickly. Without the ability to substitute injured players they are faced with either going right back out or having their team play a man down. This happens regularly. I know you are on the "not a soccer fan" side but I can think of 2 injuries specifically that have happened to me that are debilitating in the moment but recoverable from eventually. They are getting cleated in the calf while running and taking a slide tackle to the ankle bone. Both of these hurt like hell but within a few minutes generally the pain subsides. It gets really tiring when people rag on soccer for the flopping when every other sport has it's variation and people don't make nearly as much the stink. Making it out of the "group of death" is a huge accomplishment. Pretty much every prognosticator including most American ones had them out before the second round. Their group included 2 top 5 teams and Ghana which has given them fits recently. Do you get mad when teams in other sports clinch playoff births even though they lost (I can think specifically of baseball teams celebrating on the field after a loss but clinching the playoffs)? This is a big deal regardless of how you feel.
  14. I may be wrong but this sounds like you are falling victim to the dog days. Paralysis analysis. There is quite a bit to be very excited about with Manuel as well as some concerns. My barometer was this last year and it is why I still believe in him. I wanted him to look like he belonged. I didn't care about stats, didn't even care about his w/l record. That first New England game he looked like he belonged. He played very well off of a short preseason and went toe to toe with Brady/Belicheck. Then the come back against Carolina. He had some stinkers for sure (Pitt really sticks out to me) but that is to be expected from a Rookie QB. The dog days of summer are where you remember the bad much more than the good, read Rodak and the Jonah Jevad negative nancies, etc.. Come training camp, preseason games, that is when we will have a better idea of his progress.
  15. Thank you! Sometimes I have to remind myself that this board is mostly older white guys. Sometimes the board does the reminding for me. People will buy merch for their favorite team because it is their favorite team. There are many more than 5 people that care about this issue and it could well be the majority of people. You finding "everyone getting butt hurt about everything ridiculous" is fair. Except that it is your personal feeling that this is ridiculous. To some people this is a big deal. As C. Biscuit said, how would feel if they were the Washington N**gers? What about the Washing K*ikes? Would your feeling change then? You are apathetic towards this movement and it is well within your rights to be so. However when your argument is more anti-movement than apathetic to it. Something like public opinion? This is a much bigger deal than it was 15 years ago.
  16. Are we sure either of those guys are him and it isn't something he just posted? Or should I get the torches out and sharpen the pitchforks?
  17. You have to lay the groundwork EARLY. I told my wife before getting married that there were 2 things I wouldn't negotiate on; playing cards once a week and watching football on Sunday. I get together with a few of my friends for the game and her and their wives usually go shopping. Now there are kids involved so it will be interesting to see what happens (2 of my friends have them - my wife and I are expecting in November). She hasn't ever really pushed the issue either. When she brings it up I remind her that I "warned" her about my love affair with football. If it is a waste of a day to her tell her to go do something that she would enjoy more. Her life doesn't have to revolve around football and the schedule but unfortunately ours does .
  18. Care to make a wager? Put your money where your mouth is?
  19. Can we please stop it with the mortgaging the future nonsense. They gave up 1 first round pick! This is nowhere near the RGIII trade.
  20. You gotta be careful man! I had a roommate in college from Glens Falls. He used the word bud after every sentence. It was a replacement for dude etc... Well when we met him it went from mildly annoying to kinda funny. We then started picking on him (good natured - he was a good guy) and saying bud after every sentence ourselves. It was pretty funny for a while (it was college cut me some slack) then one day I noticed it had made it into all of our lexicon. We used it regularly and no longer ironically. You are going to find your self one Sunday this year celebrating some play Chris Hogan makes a little too hard. Heck it might even be in a preseason game. Then you are going to look around and be relieved nobody saw it. The thing is, even you don't tell anyone, you will know. You will know and come to realize that the little 7-11 bastard has worked his way into your heart. That all this time you were just reacting this way because a little part of you always liked him. You just didn't want to admit it. Or you know you'll probably waaaayyyyyy overreact to one catch Da'Rick makes and tell us all how he is a sure fire H.O.F.
  21. I wonder what the narrative would be if any other team had made this trade. Watkins went from being the most dynamite offensive prospect to oh he's on the Bills? He won't be very good.
  22. It appears though from the tenor of this post you already have made up your mind that this wasn't a good trade. It doesn't appear to be a desperation move to me at all. They saw a guy they wanted and got him. Whether they make the playoffs doesn't make the difference on whether or not it was a good trade. Sammy Watkins being a difference maker and how good he is will determine that. If he is a guy who is a stud and everything he is supposed to be then the trade will have been a good one. There are too many moving parts on a football team and season to pin the entirety of it on one player. Also the trade of next years pick allowed the team to get better this year. By keeping the 2nd rounder the Bills were able to fix a glaring hole (rt) to make the team stronger for this upcoming year. It is a pick your poison here of either trading away a chance at being better this year or giving up a higher pick for next year. They chose (for once) to make strides to get better this year. One first round draft pick isn't mortgaging anything anyway. Than getting hit by a train yes of course. It is just as plausible that Manuel will have a good season and take steps forward (and even more so imo) that he will suck terribly. He didn't even suck last year. His numbers were very in line with what should be expected of a rookie qb. Add in the fact that he has been given many more tools (stud wr, o-line help, revamping of lb crew, dedicated qb coach, etc..) and I think he will progress this year. As for the 2015 first round qb selection I would like to say that the last 2 years were supposed to be very strong qb drafts when viewed a year out. Neither turned out to be that way. There is no guarantee that next year will either. Right now it looks like Hundley, Winston, and Mariota are the guys. If they are as good as advertised they wouldn't be available to the Bills save for a trade up or a severe bottoming out for the team. If they aren't they may be available at the bottom of the first where the Bills can trade back up and get them if they decide to go that course. It seems like most people against the trade are already convinced that Manuel isn't the guy. The team isn't.
  23. Well if it happened I would pick my 5 back up. The drive would be so much more manageable. This move would certainly open the Syracuse market which has no current allegiance to an NFL team. This would be a great "get" for the Bills in terms of regionalization. Indeed. I live in Auburn and used to travel myself for 5 years. It got to be too much but a move to Batavia and I am back in. I agree that is far fetched but so to me is NF. I know aesthetically it would be great but for many of the reasons stated here I don't think it is a great idea. With all of the developing that would have to happen the new owner could wait until the 7th year and pay less than 30 million or go all 10 years and get out of it for free. The new owner is going to have the County by the b**ls in the next negotiation.
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