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Everything posted by section122

  1. Which will last until after this weekends games. Mark my words once next week rolls around these threads will drop from the top of the board, this subject will fall from the public consciousness, and Roger Goodell will still be commissioner. Tonight - Ravens Steelers, they will talk about this some during the broadcast but not too much Tomorrow - Either conversation about how well Ravens did in the face of adversity or how there was too much distraction Saturday - College Football no mention of Rice/this story Sunday - some mention of this story in the pregame show but less than you would expect as the Ravens aren't on the docket Monday - coverage of the games/prep for MNF Tuesday - bupkis
  2. I'm going to use my Madden "expertise" here so correct me if I'm wrong but.... The conversation is all about the Dolphins 5-2 defense. The 5-2 is great for stopping the run but terrible at stopping the pass. The Bills can come out 3 wide almost exclusively and force Miami out of that alignment. Woods, Watkins, and Williams would force them to play nickel defense or single safety. Running CAN be effective out of this formation as the Bills can have 5 lineman, 1 qb, 3 wrs, and either 2 rbs (fb and rb) or a te and rb. I would imagine we will see a lot of this formation as well as a lot of quick slants or bubble screens. This should tire out the lbs and with their lack of depth Buffalo should be able to move to more of a power set up in the second half/as the game goes on. I am a huge fan of dictating to teams instead of letting them dictate to us and I think that the Bills do that with the 3 wide formation. It all falls to EJ (sound familiar) to keep the defense honest. Also running at a pass rusher is always the best way to neutralize them so I could see a lot of runs towards Wake.
  3. Why do you think you are screwed? You can start Spiller/Jackson in one spot and Moreno in the other. They aren't great options but not the worst either. Also Martin's injury is minor but if it turns into a big deal you have Rainey as a handcuff. A couple of other options: Ahmad Bradshaw Colts - if you watched that game he clearly is there best back I would look to add him if I were you Justin Forsett Ravens - new starting RB grab him quick if he isn't already gone Lorenzo Taliaferra Ravens - supposedly the guy to watch on the Ravens as Forsett is more scat back than lead back Shonn Greene TItans - if available he got a lot of the work Terrance West - likely not avaialble but scoop him if he somehow is. More likely tho.... Isaiaih Crowell - Now the second back for the next few weeks. Also pay attention to the waiver wire. See if people over react and make stupid drops such as Ben Tate while injured.
  4. Unfortunately it was worded with outs all over the place. Effective immediately, violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding assault, battery, domestic violence or sexual assault that involve physical force will be subject to a suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors, as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant. Among the circumstances that would merit a more severe penalty would be a prior incident before joining the NFL, or violence involving a weapon, choking, repeated striking, or when the act is committed against a pregnant woman or in the presence of a child. A second offense will result in banishment from the NFL; while an individual may petition for reinstatement after one year, So basically the first offense is 6 games maybe more maybe less. Then it is a lifetime ban that lasts one year.
  5. From what I heard on the radio (no vouching for accuracy) the Casino that it happened at is going out of business. This removes all legal ramifications of the video leaking (who can be sued if there is no company?) and could explain why it hasn't leaked before. That said the part that stinks (as in I don't believe it) the most about the NFL not having seen the video is that they said the police is who they use for their investigations, the police in due dilligence should have received/got a warrant for that video, which would have made it accessible to the NFL. I'm not buying that they didn't see it for a second. I hope for exactly the reason you stated but I doubt it. By all accounts Ray Rice was a great guy. Hell he probably is still a great guy but this one action will smear his reputation (deservedly so) forever. It could truly be a one off instance of violence. It could be that they came to an agreement that she would marry him to show solidarity and get paid to do so. It could be that she suffers from battered woman syndrome. It could be a million things but I hope it was simply to divorce him and take half Man there are so many guys with convictions for so many things. Leonard Little killed a guy, Michael Vick killed dogs, Greg Hardy can't stop beating women, etc... He will be back and I would be willing to make a friendly wager with anyone who doesn't think so. Couldn't help but think of Ryan Braun here, Lied about PED use to everyone and Aaron Rodgers even came to his defense, then got pissed when he realized Braun was lying. Me, I would probably just distance myself from that person. Regardless of what I believed my wife would have none of me hanging out with a guy who hits his wife period. Not for nothing but Brandon (and I am not making excuses) has a history of mental disabilities. He has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and has actually become an advocate. Admitting the problem and receiving treatment for it has probably been why he has turned it around. Image is exactly the reason though. Conduct detrimental to the league is a punishable offense. Most companies will terminate an employee that does something that garners this much negative attention. Certainly the medical board would investigate this incident and it could lead to loss of licensure. I understand what you are saying but I think the "league" steps in to dole out punishment because that is Goodell's role as commissioner. He is hired by the owners to deal with exactly this. I agree completely that the Ravens could have and should have been more proactive in how they dealt with this situation. I would have liked to have seen them extend his suspension after it was handed down by the league. I don't disagree with the cutting but that and the "indefinite suspension" are clearly PR moves and that is obnoxious to me as well. Came to this cluster of a thread just to put this here. Should have figured you would have beat me to it
  6. That time we ended chicagos season after week 1.
  7. I have no idea lol. I usually avoid it but figured I would answer your question. The prize is upping your post count because the best posters all have at least 2500 hundred posts ( let me check my post total real quick... yup 2500 and up ).
  8. Isn't there only one prediction for when the Bills play the Fish? PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Its a notification that most people expect the thread to get locked so they post in as in "I got in before the mods shut down this redundant, repeated thread" It's the new "first" On that note IN
  10. I think they thought that this video would never surface. However the casino is closing that this happened in. Therefore the casino is off the hook liability wise so the video can be sold. If the casino was going to still be in business I don't think this video leaks. edit: and what I mean by off the hook is that there is nobody to sue for the leak.
  11. Yup Russel WIlson did it 7 times last year as well. He also threw for less than 250 in all but 4 games last year including the playoffs and his amazing 108 yards passing game.
  12. Sounds like I wasn't to far off with my train wreck comment. lol
  13. I'm sure he will be back but I agree that it probably won't be this year. That said it only takes one team to sign him and if there is a team that is dirty enough to do it, I would vote new england.
  14. Great minds but you forgot your asterisk lol
  15. He will be on the Pats* within a month. Then we will have to hear about his tremendous growth as a person
  16. After I read a troll post (yes that is what this is) I always check to see how posts the poster has then I see that you are a mod?!?!?!!? As I said in another thread. I hope you aren't also a Russel Wilson fan because yesterday was a carbon copy of how Wilson has won all that he has won. Throw for about 200 yards to keep the Defense honest and let your run game/defense take care of the rest.
  17. READ THIS ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moments before that, Manuel sat in the locker room with his headphones on. Generally, the quarterback is quiet before the game, his teammates said. But on Sunday, he ripped his headphones off and started screaming and yelling to get the team fired up. "He turned into like a beast or something and went running through the locker room," Williams said. "I think it hyped everyone up." I will say it again and again I love rooting for this guy. I hope he turns out to be everything we want him to be! :lol: :lol:
  18. I just had a discussion with a girl at work about this. She was bragging how cheap her gas bill is and I asked her how much she paid for the car. When I then pointed out that she paid about 10 grand more for her prius than she could a car of comparable size she wouldn't listen to me. Just kept talking about how cheap gas was every week. When I asked her how much she was saving over her regular car and gas bill payment vs. prius payment and gas bill she couldn't give me an answer. That said they are great on gas! Soup Salad and breadsticks for 6 or 7$ is a great meal for me. The zuppa tuscana (I'm embarassed as an Italian at how bad I butchered both of those words spelling wise) is delicious! The dressing on their salad is also some of my favorite. Not a place I eat at more than once or twice a year (if that) but I do enjoy it when I go there.
  19. What a TD catch it was too! Can't believe Derek Anderson is still in the league, can't believe he won a game, can't believe Derek Anderson vs Josh McCown was a match up on opening day, can't believe that Benjamin looked that good! Edit: glad I picked him late in all of my leagues though lol
  20. Boy I hope you aren't a member of this board that think Russell Wilson was a huge miss by the front office. This is exactly how he has been so successful. Take care of the ball and let your defense/running game win it. It was a very Wilson-esque performance yesterday.
  21. So it is $100 for the pass for a promotion that runs for 7 weeks. At $9.99 a pop for never ending pasta you would have to eat at Olive Garden 11 times in 7 weeks. How in the world is that supposed to be a good deal? The break even on that is way to high!
  22. Saw that on the ad and my buddy said what does that even mean? Best I could come up with is that she must be a train wreck.
  23. Meh most leagues don't give points for return yardage.
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