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Everything posted by section122

  1. You answered yourself directly in your own comment. None of the coaches are the same and what 4 players are the same? Other than the jersey they have nothing to do with each other. Strong on one side of the ball?!?! What teams save for the early 2000 defenses have been strong? The Bills have been weak on both sides of the ball for a long time. 6-10 followed up by 5-5 (we shall see where it goes) yes does bring us back to respectability. Every time they show the playoff picture and the Bills are listed there it shows well for the team. Ask yourself this. Are the Bills playing above, below, or at your expectations? Before the season what did you have this team pegged at being? This is pretty darn close to what I thought. I expected losses to NE, SD, KC, DET, and CHI. Possibly even a split with MIA. So I was looking at 5-5, 4-6 at this point. What about you?
  2. Gailey got to hire a second dc and also got 3 years. Why doesn't Marrone get the same? Especially considering his first year equaled Gailey's best year. 40 posts half of which are in this thread. Obvious troll is obvious. Did Marrone sleep with your wife? No there is no way you have one.... Did Marrone run over your dog?
  3. I wonder that a lot myself. So many of the mistakes that the Bills or their coaches make are routinely made around the league EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY. Of the 10 names I left on his list that I think are questionable 6 of them have a losing record, Fox got run out of CAR for being so bad but got Peyton and is now good , Garrett routinely went 8-8 even with a team projected to do much better but got brought back for a 5th (!) year (Marrone doesn't even get to finish 2), Pettine has the team at 7-4 and has benefited from playing 7 of 11 teams with losing records (the Bills have played 3 of 10), and Philbin who went 7-9, 8-8, now 6-5 which somehow makes him much better than 6-10 (1 less win) and 5-5.
  4. These 3 things completely contradict themselves. They are at a clear disadvantage. Lost a home game, lost practice time, moving indoors. All of these set the Bills up for failure. I will be hoping for a Bills win but can completely understand if the team doesn't get it after this last week. Football doesn't happen in a vacuum and the players don't live in bubbles. There are many outside factors working against the Bills this week. You got to 22 easily but 10 of your selections are highly questionable. Even though he is losing a lot in his first year coaching a team that was a train wreck the last 13 seasons buys you nothing huh? The fact that this team is at .500 more than halfway through the season buys nothing huh? How about the fact that Lovie will be lucky to get to 6-10 this year? There in lies the rub. It isn't Marrone you are frustrated with it is the last 15 years, 13 of which Marrone had nothing to do with. When did Bills fans become so entitled? Seriously! How can 5-5 be a disappointment for any of you? After the **** show that has been the last 14 years a team that is competitive every single week and at .500 after 11 weeks somehow isn't good enough for you? It is disgusting. The Bills have a horrible o-line, start a bottom of the barrel qb, and have lost their top 2 rbs on what was supposed to be a run dependent team. Go back and look at the preseason threads. People were hoping for 8-8, hoping for it. Now all of a sudden it isn't good enough?!?! Here is what I know. Under Marrone the Bills are competing in every game. Under Marrone the D has been top notch. Under Marrone the Bills haven't dropped a wtf game (Oak-KC, DEN-STL, etc..). Under Marrone you can see the team playing with toughness, they aren't getting beat up every week. I can't believe, after 14 years of terrible football, everyone wants to move on from the first guy who has brought them back to respectability - after less than 2 years!!!
  5. I can't get behind the idea that the Bills should be 8-2 right now. You really think they have the talent to do that? You think the O-line, qb, and 3rd/4th string rbs are 8-2 quality? You can just as easily argue that they won 2 of 5 games they shouldn't have (Det, Min). I can't believe that people think the season is over already. SD made the playoffs last year with their record after 10 games being 4-6, in 2012 the Bengals made it with a record of 5-5. The Bills are still in the thick of things which is a great accomplishment considering the o-line play, red zone performance, rb injuries, and playing a journeyman qb. I think the Bills are right on par with where they should be. That is what makes this week so crappy. No practice or preparation time will severely hamper the team going into a game they should on paper win. Losing to a KC team that before last night had played extremely well and against a Miami team that has been charging hard lately are not bad losses. It sucks that it happened but just confirms to me that they are a middle of the road team. One that can ill afford something like this snow storm to mess with their routine/preparation. As an aside road teams on Thursday night are a combined 4-7 this year. It is not easy to go on the road, on short rest, and play a divisional game.
  6. Living in the syracuse market I will be more than a little upset if we are subject to blackout rules for ridiculousness but do not get this game.
  7. It is confirmed. Orton will get hurt and EJ will come in to lead the team to a w!
  8. Yeah Orton has no mobility and it appears his field vision has dwindled greatly. He is starting to get scared back there which is concerning.
  9. I can't believe, being 2 hours east of Buffalo that it isn't snowing and there is no snow on the ground while they are getting pelted like that. Syracuse is starting way behind on the snow race this year!
  10. I agree and have no idea on the inner workings so I am just speculating. Some people learn better by sitting and watching, and it seems from his quotes at least that EJ is learning how to be a professional from Orton. Some people learn better by doing. I have no idea which EJ is and agree he needs to get angry and fire up the competitiveness. The article about him screaming and people being taken aback (prior to Chi I believe) gave me hope that it is in there somewhere. I agree that he threw some ugly balls. I disagree about elite qbs throwing tight spirals though. Peyton throws wounded ducks all over the field and Rivers has quite possibly the ugliest throwing motion I have ever seen. As for Ejs chance he is now in a show me situation. I'm sure he will get the chance in tc to shine as well as preseason games. There will be no allowance for stinkers though imo. Either he will succeed in the games or not see the field again next year. I think if Orton plays well down the stretch he will opt out and try to force the Bills hand to make a decision on him as well. This is going to be a difficult offseason for Whaley in regards to the qb situation.
  11. It was the 90s I believe but yeah this one sticks out to me. The worst weather wise game I went to was the Giants game the year they ruined the Pats* perfect season. Sideways freezing rain right in our face (section 122 - imagine that). What game was it the the goalpost got blown down? It was either the Chargers or the Browns but I can't quite remember.
  12. way too harsh for the tenor of this conversation imo. Who exactly is pointing fingers in this thread?
  13. My feelings exactly. It also pushes the time table for knowing what we have with him back which is my biggest gripe about the move. If he stunk bad this year ala Geno we would know that and could make plans for next year. As it stands now we don't know what we have and won't find out which may push the drought longer. We know what Orton is and I am on record as saying that I don't think he is very good. As for the inner workings I agree, there may have been some locker room issues brewing that we as fans aren't privy to that may have forced Marrone's hand. Listening to the quotes after the benching that may be it. Speaking of the quotes..... It seems that many of the wrs were happy that the move was made. You know who never did come out and say he liked the move was Mike Williams. It seems he was a receiver with a good rapport with EJ. The whole throw it up in the clouds thing and I think he may have been unhappy with the move. I also think that may have something to do with his inactive status which started after the switch.
  14. I really hope it isn't. I mean I am holding onto some memories but he runs the 2 minute drill incredibly well, and I just keep flashing back to that NE game last year. He played great as a rookie making his first start with little tc and had the team in position to win. Then he followed that up with the Carolina drive and I became optimistic that he could succeed. Add in the fact that he is so ridiculously easy to root for (says and does all the right things) and I would love to see him succeed. This is a tough situation for him to be in though as the fans have zero patience for anything after 14 years. Growing pains are looked at disapprovingly. Look at Tannehil in Miami. He struggled greatly in his first 2 seasons and is now showing signs of being a productive qb. Bills fans would have tried to run him out of town long before the middle of his 3rd season.
  15. Imagine that you showed up.... I don't know. I have no idea if he would be better served learning hands on or hands off. I personally learn by doing so sitting wouldn't be beneficial to me. Who knows for EJ. I also stand by my idea that not a single win of Orton's couldn't have been won by Manuel. He won 2 games by leading the team to 17 points and a third by being gifted 6 turnovers. The Bills are winning in spite of him and that could definitely be done imo by Manuel.
  16. No not our season (I still think the Bills have a shot ). Manuels season was ended by that play.
  17. How has nobody mentioned this little nugget from Steve Young yesterday? “I’ve talked to his previous coaches, people I really trust and admire, that know quarterbacks. He doesn’t put the time in,” Young said. You can't do that and be successful in the NFL imo. RG3 strikes me as the guy who got by on physical talent and never had to put the work in. Now that he does, he doesn't know how to.
  18. Yeah I have told this story many times but I was listening to the radio in the shower when it came across that they had hired Jauron. I felt sick and hung my head knowing that they were going to be terrible for at least 3 more years. I felt like a rape victim in that shower. I couldn't wash the filth of being a Bills fan off of me lol.
  19. Your killing me Buffalo, can't you just play a bad game so I can call it fairly instead of screwing you?
  20. I agree with all of this. I also want to add that if PI was called on the last int by Manuel as it should have he may very well have a different narrative to his season. I said as much then but it boggles my mind that blown call by the refs (on "their point of emphasis" no less) effectively ended his season. It also doesn't surprise me that Fitz played well. I caught his pregame speech and the emotion was raw. He said something along the lines of "I know I don't say much but this game means a lot to me, it means a lot to me" and I'll bet it did. He was written off here and Nix trashed him (not on purpose) publicly.
  21. You wouldn't classify the Broncos, Saints, Browns, or Steelers as good teams? Each of these teams have an embarrassing loss on their record this season, something the Bills don't. Your post is ridiculous. They have enough talent to win if they weren't being poorly coached? They are 5-5 right now and have been winning. As I mentioned earlier they have not lost a single game that "they should have won" and all of their losses are against teams with winning records. I don't think the Bills are as good talent wise as you and others think so you have my point backwards. I think they are a middle of the road team talent wise. Their o-line is bad, they are playing a 3rd and 4th string rb, and a journeyman qb. 5-5 sounds pretty darn good with that group. You seem to think that they have gobs of talent and terrible coaches. I don't agree with that. Can I call myself a realist now? I think a startling lack of talent EVERYWHERE has much more to do with that feat than anything else. How many players in the last 14 years that played for the Bills went on to star elsewhere? Pat Williams Antoine Winfield Jabari Greer Jason Peters Marshawn Lynch Willis McGahee There may be a couple more but that is a very small number and when spread out over 14 years tells you that the Bills have been bad talent wise on the field (which is no secret)
  22. See this guy did her a favor by stealing that ball. She got national exposure, a ball from the Saints, and now Gresham will be sending her a care package that I'm sure will be way better than just some ball!
  23. I'm innocent lol. It was the shout box that got him going but come on what grown man cares about souvenir gloves from a player 12 years ago... Hold on. Maybe that is where his PTSD is from!!! I've solved it! On a serious note though PTSD is no joke. I can think of one guy in particular that I know whom it has completely changed. Outbursts of anger like we saw here are not uncommon.
  24. Don't give up the good fight lol.
  25. Got mad at Gug in the shoutbox.... Beerball might not find that to be a punishable offense
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