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Everything posted by section122

  1. Got mad at Gug in the shoutbox.... Beerball might not find that to be a punishable offense
  2. The only RB I would want in the 2nd is Gurley if he were still there. Anyone else and I would prefer to look at OG/TE at that spot. 2nd round is typically where TEs start to run off the board and I think either of those positions will help the O more than a RB would. To answer your question though Abdullah is good although his frame concerns me and TJ Yeldon would make me very happy in the 3rd. For QB I just don't know. Mariotta and Winston will be long gone as will likely Hundley. Dak Prescott is intriguing but more of a runner than thrower which I don't care for. As for Guard maybe getting Cyrus' brother her would help both of them out and I think he should be there in the 2nd. All of this is way too early though as I don't know who will be available at the 64th pick
  3. Yup same for me. I wanted 8-8 hoped for 10-6 will not be happy with 6-10. The NFC North and AFC West are 2 of the toughest divisions in football this year and the Bills have to play them both. The combined records of the teams that the Bills have played so far in those divisions is 28-22 and the Bills account for 3 of those losses. That means those teams are playing .596 football against the rest of the NFL and .400 against the Bills. That is impressive for Buffalo imo Why do you get to be a realist? Is it because your opinion is the only possible correct one? I have watched many good teams give away games in the NFL. Did you see the Broncos stink it up against the 3-6 Rams? Did you see the Saints have the 49ers on the ropes only to give up a 50 yard pass with less than minute left then fumble in OT to lose? Did you see the darling 6-4 (so they must be better than the Bills) Browns give the Jags their only win of the year? Did you see the Steelers get run over by the Jets who had lost 8 in a row? It is the NFL and a week to week league. Anything could happen. Step down from your high horse "realist" and claim your proper title of negative Nancy.
  4. I agree that the ball was certainly intended for her but tough cookies. She ended up making out in the ordeal anyway. As for calling him a scumbag I just can't bring myself to care enough to even think that of him. He took a ball from another adult. I don't care. I don't care to get outraged for this woman and I don't care to get outraged at this guy. After watching the video my only reaction was people are upset about this?! As for the rational adult thing, I agree but An NFL game may not be the best place to find those people. Yeah this is about as far as I will go myself. Sure he shouldn't have done it and I probably would have busted his balls about it, but a national story? Calls for assault charges? Name Calling? Wanting to fight him? Can't get on board with any of that. I already have spent more time than I should have on this story lol.
  5. Well I was already to type a response but Yolo beat me to it. I swear 4mer I can't tell if your hatred of Marrone is a continuation of your crayonz act or if he slept with your sister but it is tired. Dareus is an animal this year. Johnson (who I loved and didn't mind sparring big cat over) was a solid player but never a difference maker who the Bills no longer needed with the addition of Sammy (not M Williams), Williams is a noted malcontent who besides being inactive has caused no problems that fans are aware of. Maybe Marrone isn't as bad as you want/hope him to be. Maybe I am just falling for a crayonz routine...
  6. Thanks I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading this thread! What in the world does what happened to you 12 years ago have to do with this? Are you serious? I'm sure it sucked to have this happen but this means nothing in regards to this woman's situation. Add on to the fact that she was given another ball and who cares? Serious question, if you had been given those gloves where would they be right now 12 years later? In a box somewhere? I agree completely and even when that happens it is a mad scramble. A guy died a couple of years ago trying to catch one of these! Is that guy a scumbag who deserves to be beaten? That is how this thread is reading to me. I think it is understood at all sporting events that children get first crack at any souvenir after that it is a free for all. Ladies first doesn't apply here, he didn't steal this ball, he caught it fair and square.
  7. Being 12th out of 16 teams means nothing. Your post contradicts itself. You are what your record says you are? Well then they are average not bad and that is what most of us expected at the start of the season. I took a few days to think about the Miami loss as it stung and I came to a very similar realization as Casey did. This team isn't terrible. The coaches aren't terrible. Could both be better of course but look at this team and what it has done. This team has no wtf loss this year. They have taken care of the games they were supposed to win and every single loss is against a team above .500. The Bills have also played the 7th hardest schedule to date. They have played the 3rd hardest in the AFC and toughest in the AFC East. So many posters expected 6-9 wins this year, a total that is not out of reach, and yet people are ready to blow everything up. 2 losses in 4 days stings but those 2 losses were to a Chiefs team that is playing excellent football and a Dolphins team that has a defense at least as good as ours is lately. Neither of these were bad losses. The offense is a concern for sure especially with the lack of tds. The Bills have a lot of work to do which everyone knew going into the season. Kyle Freaking Orton is the starting QB on this team. Somehow though 5-5 isn't good enough for most of you. Newsflash the Bills haven't been this competitive in a long time. Save for the Pats* game the team has legitimately been in every single game this year. Teams have bad breaks such as the ones the Bills suffered against KC. KC is a good football team, look at what they just did to the reigning sb champs! Teams have poor offensive performances such as the one Buffalo had against Miami, look at what Denver did this last week against a not as good as Miami Rams team. Step back from the ledge. For Christ sakes you are Bills fans it has been way worse than this way sooner in the season than this. We're on to the Jets which is a winnable game, one week at a time "realists."
  8. This situation falls squarely in the who gives a f*ck category for me. Sure the ball was intended for the woman, sure the guy "stole" it, but who cares. From my view he didn't hit the woman at all. This is no different than a baseball game when a ball goes into the crowd. It is a free for all. Jail, assault, name calling?!?! Sheesh.
  9. I really would like to hear a good defense for continuing on with Orton. He has been terrible. The Bills offense has stagnated to a terrible level these last 2 games and Orton shoulders much of the blame. His accuracy and decision making have been terrible. As I said when ej was benched... We know what Orton is mediocre to poor. We still don't know what we have with ej. Orton has led the team to point outputs of 9, 13, 43, 17, 22, and 17. That is terrible and I just can't believe that ej could not have led the Bills to at least as many points.
  10. Watching at home with my 8 day old daughter and wife. I'm not counting the kc game as her first game as she was blindfolded under photosynthesis for jaundice. Come to think of it that might not be a bad way to watch the game. I will be wearing my new Jim Kelly jersey, wife in Fred Jackson jersey, baby in bills newborn gear that cost me way too much money. Let's go buffalo! Win this game so I can claim my daughter as a good luck charm and make my wife allow me to watch the games with her!
  11. I ran the what if simulation and it had the bills winning 41-16! I'll take it except they had spiller score the first td and lee smith scoring a 46 yard td. Even with spiller out the first one has more of a chance of happening than the second! I'm hoping the Bills play bump and run today instead of sitting back. That will diminish kcs ability to move the ball. I'm also hoping that the bye week was good for the offense and helped them get in a rhythm.
  12. I say on my couch and watched New England destroy Denver clearly they too must not be a playoff team...
  13. For sure rooting for the Broncos over Pats. For sure rooting for Jets over Chiefs as I want the Jets to win as many games as possible sans the second Bills game to screw themselves out of a pick. I'm rooting for the Phins for a different reason. I can envision a scenario where the Pats struggle through their next few games and they fall down to third in the division. It is a pipe dream (a pipe filled with some really high quality sh*t) but I would love to see the AFC East finish with the Bills on top at something like 11-5,12-4, hell if we're pipe dreaming 13-3 and the Fins one game behind that. With the Pats* just missing the playoffs. The only other game I disagree with the rooting interest in the article is rooting against the Colts. Having the Colts get home field advantage over the Pats* if they do end up winning the division would be great. Part of the success imo of the Pats* is due to the fact that they regularly beat up on a sub par division, get a bye, play on their home field for 1 game, and voila! They are in the AFC Championship game.
  14. I really liked this article. Not only did I like what I read about Orton but EJ as well. Most of the quotes have been hashed out here that were great but I'll add one more from Whaley... "He has become a big part of getting our guys expecting to win instead of hoping to win" From EJ: "I'm watching. I'm learning. Every practice. Every play in every game. I'm always prepared if my number is called. But I am definitely learning how to do some things by watching him." From Orton: "When you are a young quarterback, it's all big. You think you know how to prepare, but you really don't know how to prepare." This not only gives me hope for Orton in the present but also Manuel in the future. My biggest concern for EJ was the apparent lack of leadership. It seems like he is learning, without pressure, how to do so. My biggest concern with Orton was that he was just a mediocre journeyman. It appears that the time he has spent has been spent well and he may be better than I thought. (I hope so!)
  15. Did this really happen? Who was it? I don't have twitter please let me see this. I would cut the player immediately if I was Rex lol If you watch the clip posted Graham stayed in the endzone like he was supposed to. I would have loved to see the Jets shiny new toy THROW a pick. Or run it out as he had and then throw it to Graham who knelt down thinking it was a touch back and getting a safety. Those were the only other 2 results I could think of that would have been better. With how well the D played yesterday I fully expected a sack/safety or turnover for td after they started on the 1.
  16. The mistake in this play is actually on Harvin. He shouldn't have run the ball out of the endzone. The play is designed with one less blocker and relies on the st unit to ignore Graham. This opens up the pass to Graham and he can run it unobstructed. The issue is Harvin took it out of the endzone which removes the touchback (the right play) if the pass isn't open (it wasn't). This is a bad play by him not Graham.
  17. I'm thinking a G/TE would help the running game more. Brown and Dixon will be here as will Freddy and if you look at the free agent crop of rbs there is an awful lot of talent there. FA rbs also tend to be pretty cheap compared to other positions. I want to see a G more than anything as I think it is the most glaring hole on the team and great ones can be had in the second round.
  18. Aaron Rodgers had a negative rating in a blowout... A blowout win. That tells you how good pff is.
  19. Ha! I knew I had left that opening when I typed it but decided to leave it. I certainly never had a diagnosed concussion and played soccer close to year round. I started when I was 4 and continued until I was too old, fat, and out of shape to keep up with the kids playing indoor (so like 28 lol).
  20. That is 100% wrong. Many many many goals are scored off of headers. Concussions aren't caused by heading the ball. They are caused by heading the ball incorrectly or as another poster said hitting heads with another player. Much like the risk of concussions/injuries is lessened when players tackle correctly a head butt done correctly will not cause a concussion. I played soccer for many years and never got a diagnosed concussion. I don't remember any instance of heading the ball and having any symptoms. MMJ It was Kolb that was drafted in the second while McNabb was still around.
  21. Yup this game was terribly officiated and it all benefited one team. Shocking no that's not the word, surprising no that's not it either, par for the course. Yep that's the one. I do enjoy when the announcers or the official paid by the networks points out how and why the call should be one way and the refs on the field call it the other way. I don't understand how somethings can be so clearly seen and not called correctly. That fumble was clear and the most egregious call imo. The PI that was bogus as well as the non PI on Gates in the end zone was also bogus but at least the refs weren't looking at video evidence in slow motion before making the wrong call. The league's elite benefits again. Must be my loser mentality that saw one team I don't care about clearly get the benefit of multiple poor calls over another team I don't care about.
  22. No. Walter Jones or Anthony Munoz perhaps but Peters? I also don't think Revis will last long enough to be considered the best ever.
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