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Everything posted by section122

  1. You think they would have expected the handout to the upback again after it worked so well scoring the first td.
  2. Yeah but just imagine what an offensive genius like Andy Reid could do with this offense. Welcome to the "enjoying the best season in years" club. Or the dark side whichever you prefer.
  3. For those of you who don't know how to use google translator I have done it for you. Your welcome in advance! *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS* 1. Anyone who disagrees with me and needs to keep reminding me that the numbers show my opinion is in the minority please note that I left myself the out of a statement that can't be proved added way after the votes showed that my opinion was not the popular one. 2. For those of you that think I will attempt to back up my less than popular opinion with facts or anything really. Please note I am not willing to actually defend my outlandish statements just to justify them. I'm right your wrong nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo. Thank you, and have a great day.
  4. People continually talk about how great the Chiefs, Cards, and Niners offenses are and they are all ranked in the bottom third in most categories. It is maddening to say the least.
  5. Just 13 posts before this I posted something that refutes pretty much all of this. Since Palmer went down the Cardinals are averaging 12.8 ppg. For the year their offense ranks below the Bills in yards per game, points per game, and rushing yards per game. Please tell me more about this respectable production Arian's has gotten from the Cardinals.
  6. I've always loved the idea of former hcs as coordinators. Something about stepping back in responsibility along with the idea that they were succesful enough to be promoted always makes that my first choice. That said Trestman and Philbin immediately spring into mind without doing too much thinking on it.
  7. Didn't the Bills get into some trouble not listing Mario on the injury report a couple of years ago? Found this and remember perhaps a fine for the team but can't definitively remember what happened.
  8. He did it to me too and I also had no idea what he was talking about lol
  9. There is never any debate between whether to pay a pass rusher or a og. Pass Rusher EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  10. The Cardinals are averaging 12.8 points per game with those 2 as their qb. Lets not pretend Arians is working miracles. Posted this elsewhere but since you keep going back to this well... Reid with a better qb: averaging 1.1 more ypg and 1.4 more ppg Arians with a better qb for half the year: averaging .3 less ypg and .9 less ppg It is funny you chose those 2 as well since it goes KC, Buffalo, Arizona at 21,22,23 in ypg in the league. Kelly is an absolute magician but coaches like him do not grow on trees. Norv as oc with Bridgewater btw?: 9 less ypg and 1.8 less ppg. 3 of the 4 coaches you listed as "improvements" are on par or worse production wise than Hackett.... Arizona is proving that you can win with amazing defense to the tune of 3-2. Unless you want to claim their 12.8 ppg is why they are winning. They were 9-1 with Carson Palmer and 3-2 since. Surely you see a correlation there?
  11. Agree with all of this. Pay Dareus when the time is due (an extension mid season next year would be ideal). Spikes brings a quality that isn't quantifiable in leadership. Add in his relationship to Pepper and the fact that he isn't a 3 down lb, and I am hoping he stays at a decent rate. He adds depth, toughness, and leadership to a young lb crew.
  12. This would be a dream for us given Cincy's propensity for folding in prime time and the fact that we will need them to lose this game!
  13. as big cat pointed out how many of us thought coaching was the reason for the poor st unit last year? This year they made a commitment to improve it and did so with the same coach.
  14. Ask and Marrone shall deliver Seriously though how can you ask that question coming off of Sundays win? It really is too bad that someone, that cares about the Bills as much as you obviously do, can't enjoy the best season of Bills football in a decade. This has been fun! For 8 Sundays so far the evening has been a little better, it has been a little easier to get up and go into work on Monday, that is the most in a long time and something I will celebrate.
  15. Sanchez has regressed greatly and they have lost 2 in a row. That said Kelly is the only coach who has his team in the top 6 offensively without an elite level qb. Sure it can be done but it is definitely the exception and not the rule. As for Gailey getting it done, Gailey in 3 years averaged 20.83 points a game. Marrone in 2 years has averaged 21.4 points a game. I also still contend that this is the second best year of Orton's career so maybe the coaching is getting the best out of their players. Their best just isn't good enough. 3 of 5 coaches are returning. The only new additions to the staff (from the website so don't quote me) are Pepper and Pagac.
  16. Well he did just defeat the team that was declared by many as the best in the NFL. Certainly one of if not the NFC favorite so yes of course I could. You did this last week asking for a signature win. This was his signature win. Last year with a 6-10 team the Bills beat the defending SB champs.
  17. Wow. Fair enough. I would prefer to see a talent upgrade first as I wonder if it would allow/lead to more creativity. I just feel that the offensive coaching staff is a bit hamstrung by the (lack of) talent on the offensive side of the ball. Maybe receivers but they were very young and wr is traditionally a position that takes 3 years to really break out and our top 2 are a rookie and second year guy. RB I disagree. The best part about it was depth but a 33 year old Freddie and CJ are not as good to me as a backfield that sports a top back regardless of who is behind them so Dallas, Chicago, KC, Philly, etc all rank ahead of Buffalo for me simply because of what 1 guy can do. I don't think the offense is barren of talent I just see it as middle of the road talent and therefore am not surprised by middle of the road production. The defense has top talent and therefore I am not surprised it has top level production.
  18. Damn now you made me give them some traffic! I use to frequent that site but the guy simply hates everything the Bills do. So much so that it almost seems forced. I swore him off and now you got me giving him clicks!
  19. Agreed. The wind was out of the sails of the team after the Toronto loss to the Falcons. One of the only times I can remember since he took over that the team looked out of sorts. ? I hadn't heard that before. More details please!
  20. Well put here. THe talent on the offense is being vastly over rated. You can't be seriously comparing the 2008 Patriots with the 2014 Buffalo Bills. The year before Cassel led the team to 11-5 Brady led the same exact team to 16-0. Plenty of excuse making was done at the time and still to this day (you even did it by saying Cassell was in for Brady). The 2008 Pats* had won the super bowl 3 times in the last 7 years! If you are what your record says you are then this is the best Bills team in 10 years. You were told all off season how the talent improved and look they are 2 games better with 2 games to go. Your post makes no sense. Yes yes yes. So why does anyone want to replace the captain of the ship?!?! Many have it is why I want to pull my hair out. The second bolded is why I like Marrone so much. I bet he feels the same exact way. So there is no way for Hackett to save his job in your opinion? I used to think it was Hackett too but as I have been watching I see plays that are there to be made. That speaks to a quality coordinator. I see turnovers in the redzone taking points off the board (2 in the minnesota game, the brown fumble in the chiefs game come to mind). I see missed opportunities. If there were no opportunities I would be on board with replacing him.
  21. There are better alternatives. Belichick comes to mind but I don't think he's answering the phone. As for realistic possibilities I don't see anyone I want to see so bad it is worth firing Marrone for. Harbaugh ain't coming (his o is actually ranked worse than the Bills), college coaches are a crapshoot, Gase is a product of Manning, Bevell is having a down year and the passing numbers are terrible, are there others I am missing (I'm sure there are)? Marrone hasn't been perfect, Marrone has made calls that have fans scratching their heads. Every single NFL coach has a lot of the same issues. Whether it is punting when down late in the 4th, not going for it on 4th and short, not playing the guy fans want. None of these are just Bills/Marrone issues. We nitpick every last tiny little detail. What some are missing out on by doing so is the most fun Bills season in a long time.
  22. Playoffs is a dumb argument. The results should be on the record as what record qualifies you changes every single year. If the Bills finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs that doesn't make it a worse 9-7. 9-7 would have made the playoffs in the AFC in 4 of the last 8 years. So about 50% of the time the record this team will most likely finish at was good enough. If they climb to 10-6 you have to go back to 2008 for when that wouldn't qualify. Record is what matters as playoff fate is many times out of a teams hands. The AFC North is likely what will keep us out of the playoffs because they got to play the 2 worst divisions in football. The Bills played 2 divisions where 5 of the 8 teams are above .500. The AFC North played 2 divisions that have 2 out of the 8 over .500. That is 3 bad teams that the Bills missed out on playing simply due to schedule. If the Bills got to play the Titans, Jags, and Colts instead of the Broncos, Chiefs, and Chargers (removed opponents they would have played due to division finish) you don't think this team would have a better record? That's 14 wins between 3 teams as opposed to the 27 wins between the 3 teams the Bills faced.
  23. Aren't at least 3 of these 4 on Whaley? 1) I didn't care much for the move to Orton either but 2 things have at least tempered my disagreement. It appeared the WR group was very frustrated with EJ. Whether that is just me making assumptions or not I don't know but it seems they were all not only on board with the change but happy. The second thing and we have discussed it previously is that EJ may benefit from sitting and learning (as many qbs have) more than he would being thrown into the fire. Players have commented on how they like what they have seen and EJ has mentioned how much he is learning by watching Orton. 2) I don't think our o-line was a strength under Gailey. Where Gailey was better than Marrone is that he masked their deficiencies much better. The quick throws negated the need for the lineman to hold their blocks and made them look better than they were. Hell Levitre has a big money contract to thank Gailey for. He has struggled mightily playing in a more traditional system. 3) I won't argue this. What I will say is that I like the design more recently that the offense has done particularly more screens. I will be interested to see how Spiller does when coming back. As for the common complaint of Spiller up the gut being a bad play, although it doesn't work, it does have its place. If every run Spiller did was to the outside teams would be able to game plan to stop that. Much like what is going on in NO with Jimmy Graham. When he is on the field teams know it is a pass. So they gear up to stop the pass. 4) Jauron was a terrible HC. Nice guy, good dc, terrible hc. As for Gailey his offenses were middle of the pack. Much like Marrone's. This is exactly where I stand. This was an incredibly unique situation. There are no overnight success stories in the NFL. Marrone has the arrow pointing up on this team. Well put!
  24. Yup just on the cusp of gaining back respectability. It would however totally be a Bills move to do lol. This kind of backfires on you. That makes the fact that Marrone has them with a winning record in only his second year all the more impressive. I too am a champion of talent means more than coaching. That said your last line contradicts your first 3 if you think a competent coach can get this team over the hump. Improved QB play whether from Orton, EJ, or another will get this team to the playoffs. To me Marrone is 8-6 in spite of the shoddy qb play. Spurned lover alert. You're still a homer at heart which is why you think at wrost we have a top 10 talent team. I will give you the defense is phenomenal best we have seen in years. A top 5 unit by most measurements. The offense though? Orton is about the 20th best qb in the league, the line might be bottom 5 in the league, receivers top half but middle tier, rbs middle tier. They are close to a 10 talent level team and their record bears it out. Regardless of playoff standings the Bills currently have the 13th best record in the NFL. On another note being a big defender of Jauron, Edwards, Fitz, Gailey, etc., doesn't that like make you the Buffalo Barbarian of coaches where if you like a guy it's a bad thing? Maybe since you don't like Marrone he is a good coach?
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