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Everything posted by section122

  1. The number 1 overall "once in a generation" guy counts as a hit for everyone. Besides 4merper4mer everyone knew this guy would be a stud. The #36, #8, and #3 overall picks nobody knew about?!? what? I'm just giving you a hard time here but let's be honest. You are forever Skelton for Mario guy. We still love ya, it's safe here, you can admit you just throw stojan at the wall. I don't even know why I remember this but Casey Pachall was your big guy once upon a time. Did he even get drafted? I appreciate that you stick your neck out and stake an opinion but yeah I got nothing
  2. I think that is what I enjoyed most was that he was just some guy. Then he got full of himself and it went downhill. To top it off the Bills have never made a smart move in his opinion. Every single move gets trashed. His mock drafts play out like he just uses Kiper's rankings. Like you said take it for what it is and to me it ain't much.
  3. Don't go to Walter Football for analysis, insight, or anything really. I used to enjoy the site but he has been mailing it in for a couple of years now.
  4. I was all set to type something up but Kirby hit the nail on the head. Limited tape and what tape there is has huge production. He certainly looks the part and it is funny you mention Culpepper because I had the same though simply though becuase he looks a bit fat. He looks like he still has baby fat on his face! That said there isn't anything on film really to knock him down and the paralysis by analysis that happens around draft time would be limited with this kid. If he comes out it really wouldn't surprise me to see him the 3rd qb off the board and gone by pick 50.
  5. That would be amazing!!! Think about all of the money that this would generate! It would be a gamblers wet dream! Brackets for the NFL Playoffs?!?! You could even stretch it into 6 weeks to still have the week off for the SB. Now I'm sad this will never happen
  6. Those of you screaming for Reich do not know what you are asking for. A worse offense with a much better qb. What has he done that says hc to you?
  7. As I have said he is a below average starter. To me that is lower than league average that is bottom of the league... They seem like the same thing. I also said in the post you quoted that he ranked somewhere around 19-23 imo. That is bottom of the league and below average. Do you really want to argue semantics here or can we agree that Orton just isn't that good. Not the worst, not the best, and certainly nobody that can lead you to the super bowl. And all time Bills leader in completion %?! come on man. 64.2 percent while averaging a 30th ranked in the league ypa is something to hang your hat on?
  8. Please explain this post. What are the reasons he was hired to you? To me it was to rebuild a franchise that had been stuck in mediocrity for over a decade. Which he did. The 2015 offensive cupboard is bare? I don't know what you are driving at here so please explain it further. I will then be glad to point out how you are wrong.
  9. It would be for 12 games so I will extrapolate out the extra 4 games. yards he would move up to 14th. tds he would move to 13th ints he would go from 20th to tied for 11th (higher number is a bad thing) As I have said he is a below average starter. Not the worst in the league but nobody I would plan on winning anything such as a playoff game with. Also keep in mind this ended as statistically about the 2nd best season of Orton's career. So this subpar production was about the best we could hope for from him. Hopefully his true value this year lies in showing EJ how to be a professional qb. The 9-7 was fantastic and the most fun I have had in a long time rooting for this team. That said I am not sad that we are moving on from him.
  10. Excellent post! I agree with a lot of this particularly the EJ part.
  11. Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of qbr myself but the ypa is a pretty good indicator. The other rating puts him at 19th or slightly below average. In a discussion with other posters I settled on him being between the 19th and 23rd best starting qb. Again not good enough to go anywhere with.
  12. Sure do... Orton ranks QBR: 25th in the league Yards: 22nd ypa: 30th rating: 19th tds: 19th ypg: 16th To me that is lower than league average that is bottom of the league...
  13. You haven't been ahead yet soooooooo....... quit while you're behind?
  14. How about covering up and holding the ball with 2 hands?!?!
  15. They were crushing defeats for the fans who thought same old Buffalo Bills. The team on the other hand went out and thumped NYJ and then played great against DEN and GB.
  16. Even IF I gave you that.... Then there would be absolutely no excuse for him fumbling there. If he is looking to see if he could pass then he needed to get rid of it quickly or put 2 hands on the ball to secure against the sack. It isn't the first time I've seen him prepare for a sack that didn't happen. It looked a lot more like he expected to get hit and turned around to brace for it. There is absolutely no way you predicted the Bills to win 10 or 11 games at the beginning of the season.
  17. I don't agree with your assessment of Whaley but yesterday on the Orton fumble he got away from the sack, then turned around to look for the guy again, then didn't secure the ball and fumbled. Right then and there I thought he just doesn't care one bit.
  18. Not while still in the playoff hunt and I am probably as big of an EJ fan as anyone on this board next to biscuit.
  19. I still don't get it. I just don't get how Orton gets credit in this thread but in another you are saying how Marrone is lucky to have a job. So effectively you are saying that a journeyman qb is more responsible for the 9-7 season than the hc. That is what I don't understand. I don't hate Orton. I think it is and has been clear that he will not get you a sb or likely even a playoff win. He is very mediocre and looked to have quit from at least as far back as Denver. His heart hasn't been in it for a while. I don't at all feel the same about Marrone.
  20. I don't get you. You bash Marrone but back Orton?
  21. Believe it or not Marrone is well thought of. He took the FREAKING Buffalo Bills to 9-7 the best record in a decade. Bills fans are coming off as real idiots insulting him and pushing for his firing. The Bills get to within one game of the playoofs for the first time in a decade and people want to fire him?
  22. So now that we know what the trade ended up being here is how it worked out: 9,19, and 115 1350, 875, and 64 points respectively total 2289 points on the value chart receiving #4 1800 points on the value chart difference of 489 points or about the 41st overall pick. So Watkins basically cost the Bills a second round pick of extra points according to the value chart. Not too shabby!
  23. The ones where he led to the team to 17 points all day? The one where he threw a pick 6 and Sammy made an amazing catch on a ball behind him at midfield and Carpenter kicked a 58(!) yarder to win? Yeah I saw those and will say that the Defense won those games allowing 16 and 14 points. He played well against Minnesota but anytime a team wins scoring less that 21 points it is because of the defense imo.
  24. The Raiders got him because they traded way more than anyone else would have been willing to give up. Who is better? Carson Palmer (64.8 qbr) or Kyle Orton (40.3 qbr)? He was far from terrible in Oakland passing for over 4000 yards in the season he played all of the games. In 25 games he threw 45 tds to 30 ints. I'm not arguing that he is a top 10 qb I am arguing that Arians did much better when he had a much better qb starting. Now that he has garbage the offense has turned to garbage. Much like the situation in Buffalo. When you don't have a qb you don't have an offense.
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