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Everything posted by section122

  1. I really like Wynn last year. Great depth and allowed the starters to stay fresh. Very happy to see this.
  2. I would like to make a bet with you. Can be a signature bet, can be a donation to charity bet but you are extremely wrong on this imo. Just like you were wrong about Kiko and Murray for the same price as Shady. Murray signed a deal for more money even though it was slightly less guaranteed. Add in that he is injury prone, older, and they owe dead for money for Shady this didn't turn out quite as great for the Eagles as you thought. Other things I am willing to bet on: Murray doesn't play all 16 games next year Bradford not only is on the roster for the Eagles but (barring injury) is named the starter
  3. Not sure if it is just based off of the fake tweet but this article popped up yesterday. If you don't want to click it guesses Brees for the #1 overall and the Saints draft Jameis Winston!
  4. Really want boling. This would be a fantastic get for the Bills.
  5. After the McCoy trade I thought that this may happen at the end of training camp. To hear that time table accelerated is not that big of a surprise if it happens. It will certainly be a sad day when he is released but it happens to all players. As Bills fans we just aren't used to seeing a player be here long enough to lose his effectiveness due to age. Freddie has been a great representative of the Bills but age is certainly catching up to him. To me this should be viewed as a good thing. The Buffalo Bills are doing everything they can to win. Think about how many of you have bemoaned the pats* and how they stay good for so long. A big part of that success is BB not being afraid to cut the cord with players that have been great for the organization or fan favorites. Eventually, no matter how much of a fan favorite, or how much of a good guy, it is time to cut the cord.
  6. Here is what I saw on another site. 5.5 in 2015 7.675 in 2016 8.875 in 2017 8.95 in 2018 9.05 in 2019 Not sure about accuracy but the numbers work. Will be interesting to see what is guaranteed in 18 and 19.
  7. You can't be serious. Geno is beyond terrible.
  8. For those saying that McCoy is washed up Marshall is certainly nearing the end. Through his career he has excelled only with Cutler throwing the ball, he had some injury problems last year, was passed on the depth chart by Alshon, only scored tds in 5 games last year, and will be 31 by the end of the month. He isn't done yet but the end is certainly near. He also has had some issues with attitude and I wouldn't be surprised to see them crop up again when the Jets start losing or Geno goes Geno and throws some picks. A 5th is peanuts but I don't know as if I would want him at this age, with that contract, and with his attitude.
  9. Both big name TEs come with serious question marks. Thomas missed a lot of time before his great season in 2013 and then broke out again in 2014 before getting hurt again. He played in 5 games in 2011, missed all of 2012, missed 2 games in 2013, and 3 in 2014. So out of 64 possible regular season games he has played in 32. That's not good. Cameron has had 3 concussions in a short time. Cameron had one good year out of 4, has a career high of 80 catches, hasn't broken 1000 yards ever. Neither of these big name TEs are worth the money they are going to get.
  10. Some time to digest and here are my thoughts on the off season so far: The Bills have gotten better at HC The Bills have gotten better at OC The Bills have gotten better on o-line The Bills have gotten better at the RB position The Bills are no worse off than last year at the LB position I don't care about the cap as others have said the numbers will be different and the Bills don't have concerns with it anyway. I sure hope Hughes comes back but that really has nothing to do with getting Shady. I liked Kiko but think that Brown had just as good of a rookie season as Kiko's. The defense did well without Kiko last year so as long as Hughes returns I don't see why that success can't be repeated. We will know if it was the right move in the next 3 or so years. Until then I have no urge to stake a claim to be right later on. I am very excited that McCoy is part of the Buffalo Bills and bummed that Kiko isn't.
  11. Thanks for clearing that up but I still disagree with you The FA loss I get and it certainly does move the needle but 2 FA for 9 million? You are talking about middle of the road players. Now 1 at 9 and Kiko that certainly makes sense. I just see McCoy as an elite top level talent in this league and about to enter his prime. Considering the Bills didn't have either on the team last year in a contributing fashion, they just improved significantly over last years team. Spiller and Freddy are not anywhere on McCoy's level save for 1 season from each of them. Kiko's injury history is concerning and this could just as easily work out to a selling high situation for Buffalo. (hopefully )
  12. I have no idea what you are getting at here. OBJ played 12 games and put up amazing numbers - much better than Freddy's. He may have an argument for #1 wr in football this year but his numbers were still good for close to top of the league not 18th like Freddy in 2010 (and I'm not taking anything away from him - 2010 was a great year for him and a lot of fun to watch) Would you rather Freddy's 10 games and 927 yards rushing, 4.2 ypc, 5 tds, and 4 fumbles or Arian Foster's 16 games, 1626 yards rushing, 4.9 ypc, 16tds, and 3 fumbles? Do you really want to say that Freddy's year was better than Foster's? Or to go back to your strawman that Calvin's year was better than any of the other players I listed? There is rarely a position in the NFL where the best player is the best player year in and year out. Megatron was in that conversation but this year he was hurt and missed some games. Was he still the #1 wr this year even though he was #31 in receptions, #16 in yards, #18 in tds, or #9 in ypg? Does that make him a bad player? Of course not but this year he wasn't the #1 wr in football and a lot of that had to do with only playing in 13 games instead of 16..
  13. I see it the exact opposite way. Kiko is boom bust. He has had both knees repaired and there is no guarantee that he will still have the same explosiveness. McCoy is a known quantity. I don't get how a high ankle sprain knocks McCoy out for good but there is no such scenario for Kiko in your hypothetical. Kiko may flame out completely and never return to form while that specter is not hanging over McCoy's head. Who knows what happens especially with the fickle nature of injuries but to this point it is inarguable that McCoy has shown much more in the NFL than Kiko. And it is worth noting that he entered the season with a turf toe injury. Certainly COULD explain the slow start.
  14. Seriously this is where we go? I guess.... Well was Calvin Johnson the best WR in the league this year? Or would you rather have had D. Thomas or Dez Bryant or Antonio Brown or Jordy Nelson? Would you rather one of those guys for all 16 games or Calvin for 10? Freddie was fantastic that year, but only played in 10 games. Was Adrian Peterson the best back in the NFL this year? In none of my posts have I said anything negative about Freddie other than Father Time is catching him. People in the McCoy thread are saying HE is on the downside of his career and he is 7 years younger than Freddie! Also want to add that Bryce Brown had 126 yards rushing and somehow was rated as the #27 overall back this year. If that doesn't show you how bad PFF is I don't know what to tell you...
  15. Astro I love your draft insight and all you do for this site but please tell me you don't believe in pff. In 2011 was great! For 10 games before getting injured. The #1 back and he only plays in 10/16 games?! In 2014 Fred played in 14 games had a 3.7 ypc and 3 total tds but was the 22nd best rb in the league? I love Freddie but I have to take issue with that. Also Bryce was 27th best back in the league and played in parts of 7 games!
  16. Freddie has been great for this team. He was not the same back last year. He looked to be running in quick sand. He may stick around this year but it would not be shocking to some of us to see him not be on the opening day roster. That is all I am saying in this thread and will now be stepping away from my (surely) dead horse. I do appreciate your snark though
  17. No I think everyone (Frdddie included) will see that he doesn't have it anymore. It was readily apparent last year that he had lost more than a step. I don't think they will outright cut him. I also don't see it as out of the realm of possibility that he is not on this team in 2015. He will be the oldest back n the league by far. He has played 1 full season in the last 4. At some point in time it will be over for Freddie. I would not be shocked to see it be this year.
  18. I don't disagree but that means absolutely nothing going forward.
  19. Seriously you hope it falls flat? I will never understand a fan like this. I don't care if it is the dumbest move in the world. I am ALWAYS hoping it works out for the Bills.
  20. Ingram is not anywhere near the class of McCoy If McCoy at 26 is over the hill after 6 years in the league what is Gore? Ajayi? A 3rd round prospect?! A guy who has just as much chance at success as washing out of the league? It is clear from your posts that you love Kiko. Think about the trade this way. The Bills traded a maybe star with 2 knee injuries in 4 years for a definite star that will touch the ball 20-30 times a game. I don't know about you but I'll trade a maybe for a definite every time.
  21. First off Wood and Glenn are certainly at least "decent starters." Now for the Philly O-line. Johnson was suspended for the opening four games, and by the time he returned, center Jason Kelce and left guard Evan Mathis were out with with a sports hernia injury and a knee injury, respectively. By the time they were healthy enough to return to the field, right guard Todd Herremans was sidelined with a torn biceps. Instead of a single starting five, the Eagles used seven different starting combinations along the offensive line, featuring 10 different players. For a unit demanding cohesiveness to be outstanding, the Eagles were forced into a piecemeal approach for the entire season. As for the 2 pro bowlers even Kelce admitted that he was elected based on reputation. Dude missed 4 games and still got elected?! Come on.
  22. I think Freddie will ride off into the sunset at the end of tc. Let's be honest he is the heart and soul of the offense but he didn't look great last year. Especially when he returned from the groin pull he suffered against air. Boobie fits the ground and pound attack, has familiarity with roman, and is a special teamer. Mccoy is locked into #1. Brown was just traded for last year and is younger than Freddie as well as a better replacement for Mccoy as a similar style back. I could certainly see Brown being cut but it wouldn't shock me to not see Freddie make the team this year.
  23. No their line was not better than the Bills last year. Only Jason Peters started all 16 games last year of their original starting O line. The year before all 17 games were started by the same group.
  24. I can't keep reading this and not offer a rebuttal. Mccoy had a turf toe injury at the beginning of last year. The Eagles then had their entire offensive line decimated by injury. All that and Mccoy still finished 3rd in rushing and that was a down year for him! Kiko might be great Mccoy is great.
  25. My grandfather was on the USS Chester for over 2 years and this was one of the battles his ship saw. One of my favorite things as a child was listening to his stories and his story about Iwo Jima was one of my favorites.... He was not a religious man but knew that this would be a bloody battle. He said the night before he prayed to somehow escape this battle. On the first day his ship took some damage and had to return to SF (port) to be repaired. By the time the ship was repaired this battle was over.
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