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Everything posted by section122

  1. I had some fun last year with the team name offinchurch. Whenever I lost they would get a notification "you beat off in church" There were some young kids in the league, sharing a team with their father. Once my team went on a tear I changed it to your mom. When I won the notification was "your mom beat you" Incredibly immature but I found it hilarious.
  2. I wonder if that first Stat could have anything to do with the struggles we've seen in camp so far. 1. Amazing d 2. Offense always behind d in camp 3. New offense as opposed to similar scheme from 2 years ago 4. Average qbs Not surprising to see struggles. Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Manning struggled against this d! Can we get some levity please? This sky is falling crap is happening way to soon!
  3. Thanks for this Astro! Hadn't seen you posting lately and was nervous we wouldn't get these. They are very very much appreciated from us non twits.
  4. http://m.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily/Issues/2004/01/Issue-77/Sports-Media/True-Lies-Freeman-Resigns-Indy-Post-Due-To-False-Resume.aspx? Check this link. Also don't shoot the messenger. Seriously though, he is a long way from out of the league. I'd be more than happy to make a wager on that. Signature line, screen name, you name it...
  5. Listening to some jets fans the source on this info is not to be trusted. Mike freeman is to them as whatshisname may my daughter be hit by a car guy if Shawne Merriman doesn't get in trouble.
  6. He still goes in. Belicheck will too. I hate the pats* I hate them with a passion. This is why it is worth it to cheat for championships. These things won't be held against them.
  7. Players with red flags need to have a tight leash. Especially ones with any bit of success. It is very easy to fall into old (bad) habits. Possibly (just spitballin here) they are trying to make sure he doesn't get lazy/complacent.
  8. This isn't too shocking. 1. Most popular league in America. 2. Most players per team, therefore largest union. 3. Violent game with sometimes violent individuals.
  9. Tebow will make the team. Even if he makes it as nothing other than a 2 point specialist I see him on the Eagles this year. Chip loved going for 2 in college and with the new PAT rules I can see him doing it a lot this year.
  10. It has been surprising to see Pats* fans do a 180 on this. For the last few weeks they have almost had many convinced that the league was wasting time and Brady was innocent. After this dropped I have seen a lot of people admitting that he may actually have had a part in it. I don't see how this doesn't always stick with his legacy. If he took it laying down he could've come of as a martyr. Instead he is just making himself out to be a big baby (which many of us have said for years). Even WEO isn't defending him! The best outcome possible is for the favoritism to go away. Regardless of anything else I just want to see fair and balanced. No more superstar treatment for the entire team. I'm hoping this is the straw that breaks the camels back when it comes to looking the other way on the Pats* "missteps"
  11. Don't click that link from mobile! It does the load reload load reload repeatedly and from what I can tell it is a slide show... I don't think Fred will be cut though it wouldn't surprise me to see him hang it up before the season starts. Kind of a hey Fred we want to give you the option to go out on your own. No matter what happens I think we can all safely assume he will not be suiting up next year (2016) in the NFL.
  12. I live near Syracuse and there are so many fans still even though they have been terrible for what feels like forever. That said the NFL I feel is much bigger where I live. CFB is fun but way too drawn out for me. It shouldn't take 4 hours to play a game. 3 hours is tough enough to take but stretching it into 4 is overkill. Add in the talent disparity between teams and most weekends only feature a couple of games where the outcome isn't pretty easy to determine. Spreads upwards of 40 are embarrassing. Bills trump all for any sport period. However for football I will watch any 2 NFL teams play. I can't say the same for CFB. It needs to be either SU/Bama (fan from when they beat Miami - I hated Miami lol) or a game featuring 2 good teams. I can't watch directional state school vs top 10 team.
  13. Lets see... Murder, murder for hire, rape, killing someone while driving drunk, beating children, knocking spouses out, gun charges, throwing a party inviting women only. All of these things have been done by NFL players while active in the league. One of these things is not like the other. I just don't get it anymore. How can people seriously care about this? How can people get up in arms about this? Message boards are sometimes fantastic but man this year something has broken in me. I am in awe that something like this actually upsets people.
  14. If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and check out real husband's of Hollywood. It is a fake reality show and hilarious. Also how is he full of himself? A lot of his comedy and almost that entire show makes fun of him.
  15. why do you care so much? Why are you arguing semantics so much? Why does dropping the hammer mean he wanted him to go to jail?
  16. Yeah I enjoy Cowherd myself. He is nowhere near as bad as Rome, Skip Bayless, or Screamin A Smith. I enjoy his take on things and don't get the feeling that he says controversial things just to say them like I do with the others.
  17. I don't care about "stealing" or whatever you want to call it. I was simply making an observation. That said for other topics there are people that post info just as quick as yolo and 26cbblitz do here for Bills info. Most of my nba news comes from there as they are quick with the info. Also the community is much much larger. Therefore the conversation isn't the same 5-6 posters going back and forth that you see here for some topics. For Bills news/discussion this site is the best I've come across by far. For time wasting and the rest of my Internet fix Reddit is fantastic.
  18. There are a few of us. You will catch a lot of topics posted to off the wall that you saw on reddit first. As for the bills discussion. It is much more active here. There are a couple of posters who get tweets up pretty immediately as I'm sure you've seen. I contribute somewhat over there but as you can see I'm much more of a lurker myself on both boards. Welcome though!
  19. I'd also be concerned about how many guys with issues were on the team. Incognito has had his battle with substances as has Seantrel. Adding another to the mix would at least be concerning to me.
  20. I think what got missed in the hubub (myself included) is that Hogan may turn out to be a decent player. The debate got turned sideways and became about the 2 players instead of the types of players (which I believe was both of your arguments). I don't have huge expectations for Hogan but love seeing "effort" guys making it. When I coached I loved having a "try hard" player, even if they weren't the best, as it seemed to get the other players that may have been more skilled to work harder.
  21. The worst outcome of this battle for me is that Cassel wins it. Cassel to me is Orton. We know what he is which is mediocre. Tyrod or EJ could be something special. They could not be. If one of them can come out and take the job it would give hope for the future that the qb issue is solved. If Cassel wins it he is a placeholder for at best a couple of years and our search for a "franchise qb" continues.
  22. With interest can they become loco tacos?
  23. I don't care much for the argument myself because the sport is so different based on the position you play. Era's are so different as well it really makes is impossible to compare players. Bill Russell dominate his era playing center and is thought of as the consummate winner and one of the greatest defenders of all time. He was on a team that was absolutely loaded and before free agency. John Havliceck, Bob Cousy, and 4 other Hall of Famers. He also was 6'9" and 220 and dominated the paint. LeBron is bigger than that and plays SF. Jordan is thought of as the reason the Bulls won 6 championships. They won 57 games the year before his hiatus. They won 55 without him and, if not for a poor ref call, could have made it back to the NBA Championship. I don't know why they have to be stacked in any particular order. What I do now is I just saw a player strap a team on his back like I never had before. That said even the best player on the planet (he is) can't do it alone. This is where LeBron has gotten screwed. Playing in the unbelievably bad East every year helps him have an easier path to the Finals. Once he gets there though he has to play a team that has battled through the Western Conference and is already battle tested. Looking at his 2 Finals with the Cavs nobody was picking them to win. Especially this year after Kyrie went down. His first year with the Heat he learned a ton and was a different player the next 2 Finals. It isn't surprising that they won. His last year with the Heat DWade was a shell of himself and I still can't believe the shooting exhibition the Spurs put on. He makes the Finals with sub-par teams sometimes and unfortunately it seems to be tinting some people's perception of his legacy. The East is so bad...
  24. NoSaint I give you credit for showing up and taking your lumps (kinda) here. Kirby has been conspicuously absent The Da'Rick threads were legendary and any new members should look them up. How many tacos have been paid out? That said (and I will preface with the statement that I was in agreement with letting him go) Da'Rick is just an example of the philosophy they were arguing about taking a chance on the physical specimen with production at a high level college conference. It doesn't make their philosophy wrong that Da'Rick didn't work out. It can work and the Bills are certainly trying it now (Da'Rick, then Henderson, even lump Incognito in there this year) but there error was discounting the high motor, gym rat, lunch pail (am I missing any white guy euphemisms?) STUD that is Chris Hogan! Seriously though if Hogan and Da'Rick didn't come in the same year I don't think Hogan would get half the hate he does. That catch against Minn alone would have gotten him tons of support from the board. He's just a guy who routinely outworks and out hustles people on the practice field and in the weight room. This is the second coaching staff to rave about him. Maybe it is time to cut him a little slack?
  25. No I just broke my own rule of not posting while drinking lol
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