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Everything posted by section122

  1. I have no issue with the bolded. I have no issue with any of your posts really. (you weren't on the darick bandwagon were you? I always get you and Kirby mixed up lol). The passionate he sucks, he will never be good, posts just get my goat. Cassel to me is dead bird in the hand lol. His best year was qbing one of the best offenses of all time. His second best year was mediocre other than the 27:7 tds to ints. The rest of his career is bad. To me he is a byproduct of Brady's injury and the aura of Belicheck drafted him he must be decent. If he didn't get to quarterback that Pats* team how long do you think a 7th round pick that didn't play in college would have lasted in the league? Point being he got a chance which I don't feel EJ has gotten and certainly TT hasn't (no shame being stuck behind Flacco). His second best year he completed 60.2% of his passes. Do you realize that he only has 2 years of completing more than 60% in his career? Or just 2 years of more than 3000 yards? Or that he averages 174.7 ypg for his career? None of this says to me he is any good. Chiefs fans have an active dislike of the guy, Vikings fans were relieved to be done with guy. As I stated in another post he is worse over his career than Orton. Sure he is veteran but what does that seriously mean? That he hung around the league? So did Todd Collins, so did many other mediocre guys.
  2. Very good and reasonable post. I do disagree a bit though As to the bolded section this is the conundrum. Matt Cassel has proven to be bad add in the fact that he is old and he certainly isn't going to sway a player like Dareus. I want TT or EJ to start for one simple reason. They both provide hope. We can all hope that they will improve and heck they might actually do it. Cassel will not be improving at 11 years in. I know Cassel is bad. I don't know that about TT or EJ yet. I liked what I saw from EJ during his rookie year. The game against the Pats*, Panrthers, Browns, and Falcons all gave me hope he could do well in this league. Last year the team was 2-2 when he got pulled. Both losses were against good teams. Houston had a fantastic d last year including an mvp type player. I'm still holding out hope for him. If it can't be him I want it to be TT.
  3. I have no problem with predicting he won't be good. It is the absolute posters that drive me crazy. We could all say every single qb drafted won't amount to a hill of beans and be right 80-90% of the time but to what end? The options on this team are Cassel, TT, and EJ. I am hoping either EJ or TT shows better than Cassel. I want zero parts of Cassel starting because his book has been written. He has proven to be every bit of terrible that posters are PROJECTING EJ to be. Why not wait to find out? I also don't think he has shown little progress. His rookie year stacks up with many good and great qbs. I'm not defensive to EJ. I am defensive of this aura of not rooting for our players. I try to stay away from we when talking about this team because I am not part of it but the Bills are part of me. I root for every single player to do and be their best. I don't need to be early to the he sucks bandwagon.
  4. LeBatard was doing a segment on the most embarrassing Jets thing to happen yesterday. One of the things they mentioned was audio from fans at halftime of the butt fumble game. They were absolutely ruthless to the point of absurdity. All I could think of were people who part of the fun is yelling and trashing people that are a million more times talented than them. Somehow because people are fans of a team it gives them license to just lose their minds and their civility. I have pointed out many stats that show EJ isn't nearly as terrible as some want to make him. He didn't come in the league and light it up, very few qbs do. Even the 3 qbs that came in and lit the league up took time. Luck still struggles against good teams and on the road, Russel Wilson won a playoff game passing for barely 100 yards, and RG3 has fallen off a cliff. Stop holding EJ accountable for the last 15 years. Be patient with the player who was labeled a project. You quoted my post and apparently did read it. I listed several qbs who EJ has at the same point in their career been better. In case you need more examples though I will offer up Rich Gannon who didn't have the light go on until late in his career, or Kurt Warner who was bagging groceries, or Jonny Unitas who was cut from the Steelers. Also accuracy does improve with experience. I can't stand people thinking otherwise. So many qbs improve their accuracy and completion percentage throughout their career. Take a look at some qb stats and you will see it to be true. Seeing the whole field also comes with experience. Sheesh have you ever watched a young qb develop?!?!?!
  5. Here we go again I guess... Major points in this thread: EJ hangs his receivers out to dry. Peyton hung Emmanuel Sanders out to dry against the Rams. Seriously take a look at the play he gets destroyed. It happened against the Bills too and the Bills got a ridiculous penalty. EJ should have been drafted in the 3rd or 4th. Mike Mayock had him a late first rounder. EJ has terrible accuracy. Do you know that EJ had a better completion % as a rookie than Dan Marino? Too old school for you? How about a better comp% than Matt Stafford in 3 of his first 5 seasons. Too many injuries for you? How about a better comp % than Ryan Tannehill who many seem to love all of a sudden. How about a better comp % than the first 4 seasons of Eli Manning's career? EJ will never be good. Eli Manning was terrible for the first 4 years of his career. 64 ints in the first 4 years bad. Drew Brees was so bad after 3 years the Chargers had the #1 pick and drafted Phillip Rivers. He threw 29 tds to 31 ints. So what is the point to posting all of this? We all and I mean ALL have no idea what will happen with EJ. Here is what we do know. By all accounts he is a great guy and teammate. He was drafted to be the qb of the future. He works extremely hard on improving. He plays for our favorite team. Why in the world do people need to trash him? Why do people need to proclaim he won't be good?
  6. Fantastic post. I know I'm in this thread trashing cassel. He did make a pro bowl. Playing qb for a team that was one play away from going undefeated. That was a stacked team. Prime moss and pre concussion welker. I don't hate cassel. I hate what him starting means. It means that ej and tt can't beat a mediocre journeyman qb. That is bad for the Bills which is not anything I'm interested in. I also think many fans refuse to look at ej objectively. They think he was a reach and refuse to let go of their pre draft notion that he couldn't be the guy. I also think the last 15 years have removed patience from a lot of fans.
  7. Nobody's raving about EJ but there are tidbits on Cassel and that is good enough. How about this tidbit then: FJax on Manuel: "I think he's going to be the guy that we need to be, it's just about keeping him healthy and getting him more reps,""He's got enough foundation now that he can build off of. ... I think he'll definitely be that guys who can get us over the hump and to the next level." A second coaching staff hasn't turned the page on EJ yet. If it happens I'll eat crow. If it is Cassel that starts I will be sad bc just like Orton we know what he is and it isn't very good. You say that 2 teams have traded for Cassel that also means 2 teams have been willing to part with Cassel. Teams don't part with competent qbs. Especially for a 5th and a 7th rounder.
  8. Bleh 3 good years out of 17 doesn't make him darn good. They also played together for 5 years at the tail end of Brown's career. Also I misspoke it was 10 straight years of 75+ catches. That is fantastic. A dud doesn't have the 6 most catches of all time, the 17 most tds of all time, the 5th most receiving tds of all time, or the 5th most catches of all time.
  9. This should never ever be a determining factor for a wr. There is so much else to the game before a wr gets the ball. Calvin Johnson also falls into this category and I don't think anyone believes even if he hung it up tomorrow that he wouldn't be in the hall. I heard a pretty amazing stat on him last night. 9 straight years of 75+ catches. I don't care who you are that is impressive. Who was the best qb he played with Gannon?
  10. My apologies. It happened in the shoutbox. EJs bad game last year was still much better than Cassel vs the Pats*. In 2.5 games Cassel went for 3 tds, 4ints, and 4 fumbles. In 4 games EJ went for 5 tds, 3 ints, and 1 fumble. Again Cassel made more mistakes in less playing time. Cassel looks even worse if you go back to the start of 2013. He played in 12 games and EJ played in 14 (including obviously this being his rookie year) during this time frame. In 2013 EJ went 11tds : 9 ints, in 2013 in 10 games. His 9th year in the league, Cassel went 11tds : 9ints in 9 games. So identical stats for a 9th year player and a rookie. Who do we want leading this team? First I will point you to KOK's link. That was clearly a blown call. A first there and maybe the drive continues. Maybe EJ leads them to a td. Crazy that his career could end on a blown clear call. Now I will address your post. Yes there certainly will be at least one game where the Bills end up with a line like that. It happens every year. If a team jumps out on the Bills then they will be forced to pass. For your second question, how about Cassel and EJ having the same stats in 2013. You know when EJ was a rookie and Cassel had the benefit of Peterson (who is better than Shady) as well as being in his 9th year. I see Minny's boxscore and say yes every team would love to win 34-6. Even in that game though Cassel had 2 fumbles. He is not this calming veteran presence that takes care of the ball that people claim him to be.
  11. Let me start by saying I hate Orton. I hated the move to bench EJ, I hated that a fan yelled bring back Orton, I hated watching him quit on 3rd and short. Matt Cassel wishes he was Kyle Orton. Matt has thrown for a lower completion percentage, less ypg, less tds, more ints, and has a lower qb rating than Orton over there career (both came in 2005. Some of the numbers are close but we saw what Orton got us last year. Cassel is not someone who won't lose games with dumb moves. He will do that and also lose games with piss poor play. Everyone likes to point to EJs game against Tampa as a poor performance. He was a rookie. Matt Cassel had a similar game last year. In his 10th year in league. He had 1 td and 4 ints while taking 6 sacks against the Pats*. Yes the same one that the Bills will play twice this year. Cassel is bad. I am sad to see him even being discussed as the starter.
  12. Yup and then it gets picked up nationally. Twitter is fantastic for somethings but it is ruining so much.
  13. Oh I certainly agree I just am confused by why the quoted poster thought it indicted ej and nobody else.
  14. Your math is a bit off. If they get suspended for 10 games and miss 2 starts out of their approximately 30 it is about the equivalent of 1 game. Brady is only getting 2 games for the infraction itself the other 2 are for impeding the investigation. I don't care to draw a correlation to baseball for that but 1 game vs 2 for the infraction is not the egregious amount some are making it out to be. Also one has to wonder if punishment would be stiffer if it happened during the league championship series. The pitcher would likely be suspended for the world series not meaningless April games.
  15. Why is the Qb purgatory comment only an indictment on EJ and not the other 2? Yup I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Some posters want the qbs to throw more ints bc practice is the time to try new throws and improve. The media is all over any incompletion these guys throw let alone ints. The tweet that broke me was "all the good ej has done today was undone by that int." This stuff drives me crazy. It is all about driving clicks and views and it was learned long ago negativity is the way to go especially with Bills fans.
  16. Not only are they thrown out but they are suspended after the fact as well.
  17. Well I'm an American horror story fan so confusing story lines that don't get tied together are my specialty lol. I didn't make it through freak show yet. Wife is afraid of clowns so I gotta watch it on my own. Difficult with a 9 month old :-)
  18. Yup by the end I was dying to figure it out. I called the lawnmower guy the second mms character got called away being involved but man what a ride last season was! How is this year stacking up?
  19. Does it end tonight? I loved last season but hated waiting week to week so I promised myself I would until it was over this year so I could binge on it. Can I start my binge?
  20. The roll out and missed throw to Patterson had me wondering what the reaction would have been if it was ej. Our guys need to be perfect other teams guys just need to look decent.
  21. Just the idea that this would happen and he would have no idea is ridiculous. I'll admit to not completely keeping up with the story. Was the ball boy taking the balls to the bathroom ever debunked or disproven?
  22. I don't hate Fred. I actually love him. Bought my wife his jersey bc it is a "safe" choice. That said this year is for sure his last. Before this injury I had thought that he may hang it up at the end of tc. Now I'm thinking he will play this season but can't see him making it all the way through it.
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