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Everything posted by section122

  1. Good thing to think about when it comes to NE rbs. If it is a speed defense or one that excels on pressuring the qb Lewis is the play as they will throw quick passes and rely on the shiftiness to get things done. If it is a poor run d they will batter it with Blount. As for your predicament I would lean Boobie and Anderson/Hillman whoever you feel more comfortable with. I'm still rolling with CJA until something definitive comes out but won't argue Hillman has looked better to date. My buddy who is a ff aficionado as well loves Hillman this week.
  2. This bolded is what I have been saying from the start. Who would get a job at these companies? Probably people that love fantasy football. Now imagine if your JOB was fantasy football. All day long you got to talk about, had to know everything to keep prices correct, and didn't have to hide fantasy related discussions from your boss. It makes sense that they would place and make money. I've made money off of DK and I don't have any of those luxuries, work 2 jobs, and have an 11 month old at home. This is a drummed up story. One of these companies will become VHS and the other beta max. Or more recently HD DVD or Blu Ray. One of these companies will become Myspace and the other Facebook. Starting to make sense? Big money in this. Answers your own statement. I watch every single NFL game I can. Sure I love the game but I'm really interested in the 1,2, or 3 players I have on my various fantasy teams. If I didn't play fantasy football staying awake late on a Monday to watch the end of the game to see if the WR2 for some random team can get me the 1.6 points I need for the w.
  3. Houston might run the most predictable offense I have ever seen. No wonder they aren't good this year. It's either a throw to Hopkins or run up the gut by foster.
  4. Please explain why. I can't think of a good reason (sincerely)
  5. After reading that article color me underwhelmed with the accusations. As the article states it makes sense that the employees are players. People are drawn to what they like. People who live and work fantasy football are likely better than the vast majority of fantasy players. Knowing what you are doing doesn't make you a cheater. Even with info of the most used players seems somewhat worthless. Any algorithms about touches vs cost per player can be run by anyone. This seems much ado about nothing to me.
  6. Not that it is completely on the up and up but your scenario doesn't work with fantasy football. Once a game starts you can see the players you are against.
  7. I have contact info and will be attempting to reach out tomorrow to the team. We received a donation from a Buffalo hotel so we are hopeful we can create a package with some tickets. I'm hoping for at least discounted cost. We also have reached out to the Buffalo zoo. Either way we be helping out Buffalo tourism lol. As for my mother in law things took a turn for the worse. She had a stroke over her right eye yesterday and had one over her left eye a few weeks ago. She's been pretty upbeat until this but I think the benefit and outpouring of support will help lift her spirits. Thanks everyone for any info you provided even if we can't get anything from them I appreciate the help.
  8. We are doing a benefit and looking for donations to raffle at the benefit. I figured with some of our posters having contacts within the organization they would know where to send me. If it is as easy as going to the website I'm a bit embarrassed lol.
  9. The point is to make money though not scare everyone away!
  10. My wife and I are putting together a benefit for my Mother in Law. I figured people here would be a better resource than Google or being on hold forever. Does anyone know the contact at the Bills for something like this? Thanks in advance!
  11. I don't know if this is terrible or not but I have no interest in bills store credit lol. What can $25 even buy me? I am willing to bet though. If we did bet Bills store credit how would the transaction work? Feel free to pm if you would like.
  12. Guys here is what happened... The Bills jumped out on the Colts so there was no need to dive deep into the playbook. Rex stated that the gameplan for the Pats* has been in place for a while. Rex didn't want to give too much away when the win was in the bag. Book this: Sammy will have over 100 yards and at least 1 td against the Pats*. He will be a focal point of the passing game. Yes I am willing to make a friendly wager on this. Name your terms.
  13. Me too and that is what I was driving at. I root for the Bills no matter who is on the team or on the field. That said I would have had to do some serious convincing of myself not only of the player but the coaching staff as well if Cassel was selected the starter. I would have figured out a way to billieve come Sunday but I'm glad it didn't come to that. Most of the most ardent supporters have already chimed into the thread to comment. It hasn't yet. Now the first mistake TT makes let's hope it doesn't go there! Busted! Would you like some Campbell's Chunky Soup?
  14. You may or may not know that I am a Manuel fan. I banged the drum for him to get a chance, that the reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. I argued with many posters who definitively proclaimed he would never be any good. I was ecstatic to see him play so well this preseason and EARN a spot on the roster. Nobody can say he didn't look much improved this preseason. I still believe he can be a very good qb in this league. Now that I have said that I am going to ask for one thing (pie in the sky dream incoming).... Support Tyrod with all of your might. Don't call for his benching after a bad pass, a bad series, or even a bad game. Don't turn into the type of poster we have had to rally against in defense of EJ. Tyrod is the starter and hopefully he proves to be the franchise qb we have all been looking for since Jimbo. I know the backup qb is the most popular guy cliche but please don't be those fans. Especially since Cassel is supposedly the number 2. We are 4 days away from the most exciting season in a while! Please don't turn into the posters we have rallied against for so long. Enjoy the ride, hope Tyrod is everything we want him to be (starting him over Stafford in a free fantasy league!), and be a Bills fan first! Lets go Bills!!!!!
  15. Yup I built my team around his 5k salary. Tyrod is worth a stash as a backup qb. If he lights it up then you've got a steal. I wouldn't go into the season without a contingency plan.
  16. Who would you have preferred? I honestly can't believe this is anyone's reaction after this preseason?
  17. Yup! I'm very pleased with this. If EJ was named the starter the first bad pass he had everyone would have been calling for his head. If he is the backup (should be with his play) he can continue to progress under Roman and has the ability to not have a huge letdown for the team in case of injury to Taylor. This is best case scenario for the Bills. Cassel was only there in case the other 2 stunk and it was quite the opposite. Cheers to all 3 guys for playing well this preseason and making the conversation a positive which of these guys do we choose instead of a negative which of these guys is the best of a bad bunch.
  18. Stop it with the Pats* He is way too old to get signed there. Unless he takes a tremendous discount to go there he will not be a cheatriot. I honestly don't know if he goes anywhere. I have long thought he wouldn't make it out of training camp but with all of the injuries I then came around to thinking it was possible. His long run on the first play against the steelers showed that he has gotten very slow. This is a sad day indeed.
  19. Rapid reactions... 12 hours later haha 10. I'm an admitted ej fan and it was great not only to see him perform but also to see him rise to the challenge. He was lights out throwing darts yesterday. 7. I'm gonna miss hearing about Coe college every game. It has become such a staple! However that was the slowest 41 yard run maybe ever. One of the best parts of acquiring shady is fred will not need to over work his body. Hopefully he can go out with a playoff win to end his career.
  20. I wanted to start a thread about it but I guess this as good a place as any. Is there anyone who wants cassel? In a prefer him over the other 2 kind of way? After watching the preseason and reading practice reports I just can't see anyone having Hine as their number 1.
  21. Cockrell is a good name as well. Starting to look like Mike Evans is going to get the last laugh
  22. Suprise: Deonte Thompson. A who guy to me that seemingly gets brought up every day for making a great play Disappointment: Sticking with the WR it is Hogan for me. I thought last year the light really came on. The catch against the Vikings was clutch and showed toughness. This year the reports have him suffering the dropsies.
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