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Everything posted by section122

  1. I've been fairly quiet on this topic but now is as good a time as any to jump in. Fitz needs the Jets. That's right HE needs the Jets. He had a career year playing in the Gailey system which he already knew and had some success with before. It has been mentioned but glossed over in this thread that Geno was the starter before IK broke his jaw. If Fitz wants to get a deal done it will be with the Jets. I will admit that his asking price of 12 million is very reasonable but he finds himself in a Tyrod situation where there just isn't that kind of money to give him. Voidable years don't really work from a Jets perspective unless they think Hack is ready next year. Geno is likely gone next year if he doesn't start this year and even if he starts and shows poorly. That would leave the Jets with Petty and Hackenberg which is a worse situation than this year imo. I would think the Jets offered him 3 and were hoping for 2 years out of him. So why do I think the Jets don't need Fitz as much as he needs them? Simple, no other team in the league wants him. For those of you railing on his record setting year, how did he not get interest from other teams? Most notably the Broncos who are going forward with Paxton Lynch , Sanchise, and Trevor Simeon. Fitz's success comes largely from the Gailey system. I will freely admit that He can certainly sit the year out or retire but I would be surprised if that is the route they go. I am thinking he is sitting out camp and will be signed by the Jets somewhere between game 1-3 of the preseason. The only way he signs elsewhere is if there is a major injury. If I am reading Sportrac correctly, a preseason injury in Indy, Det, NYG, Chi, and Carolina who all offer a competitive team and could fit his 12 million deal in, could be a landing spot.
  2. You'll be alright. If you are set on a wr then obj, Antonio brown, and Julio will guarantee you a stud at the position no matter who goes before you.
  3. I think you are right on Woods. I don't see any way that the Bills will pay him what he can fetch on the open market. He will be looking at least at a Sanu contract as you said and that is out of the Bills price range. I'm thinking the Bills will move on from Woods, Lawson, Carpenter/Gay, Felton. Then a restructure or release of Graham/KW. Draft will likely be OT/WR and Gilmore/TT get re-signed.
  4. I'm looking for 4 uppers for the Jets opener. I don't want to use Ticketmaster as I don't like dealing with them or their fees. If anyone wants to PM me. Also on a side note... I will be staying at a friend's house in Depew. What are our transportation options? Is Uber available now? The most recent info I could find is a bill was sponsored for the legislator but nothing further. Is there a bus or mass transit option? Usually I drive in and out for the game but I will be getting together with some friends that I don't often see and don't want to worry about driving afterwards.
  5. I see a difference in that list beyond the amount of coaches. Pats*, Steelers, Packers, and Panthers all have established qbs and veteran teams. Bills, Jags, Browns, Raiders all have young/unproven/no quarterback and young teams. Something else I found interesting when doing some research on this topic... 1. Although the league has certainly turned to offense it still helps to have a good/great defense. Of the top 10 defenses for ypg last year, 7 made the playoffs. Of the top 10 defenses for ppg, 9 made the playoffs. In fact 11 of the top 12 made the playoffs with the only outlier being the 10-6 Jets. 2. Only 3 of the top 10 passing teams made the playoffs. 5 of the top 10 rushing teams made the playoffs. Unsurprisingly 8 of the top 10 scoring teams were playoff teams.
  6. My year's of Madden playing paid off! Motion with no movement from d usually equals zone, right side is the overload and allows Tyrod (or us) to watch the most receivers the easiest, as soon as the boundary cb shows his deep drop the comeback is an easy read.
  7. Yes! I have opined regularly that those "backups" that beat the Bills that day were some of the stars of SB winning teams just a few years later. Here are some of mine: Ralph wasn't a great owner. He held the fans hostage for the 00's, sold games to a different city, and oversaw 60 years of futility with 1 good decade. Much of the failings of the Bills can be pointed at not investing in the "other side" of the team. Going cheap on facilities, coaches, and trainers/training. As I've seen here... Marv wasn't a great coach. He was a good coach who was given a great team. As others opined if Parcells, JJ, or Gibbs were the Bills coaches they have a SB. Aaron Rodgers wouldn't be Aaron Rodgers if the Bills had their pick and took him. The fact that he got to sit, learn, and adjust is what made him as good as he is.
  8. As a Laker fan I despise Dan Gilbert. He cost the Lakers Chris Paul and penned a letter rebuking super teams. Then he built one himself. For that reason I was rooting for the Warriors. I am glad the fans got one and glad Lebron was able to deliver for them. I think he had to leave when he did. It allowed the Cavs to gather assets, it allowed the fans to respect him more as they didn't know what they had until he was gone, and it allowed him to learn how to win one. I hate Dan GIlbert. I just wanted to say that one more time
  9. I'm kind of on the opposite side of OP although maybe the same side. I love the Bills. I especially love that I get 16 days a year to hang out with my friends who I don't get to see as often as I used to and drink some beers with them. The Bills have been so bad for so long I can't talk trash about them. Not only that but people have given up talking trash to me. That is the most depressing part. However Rex is fun. I don't know if he will lead the Bills anywhere but I certainly have fun seeing his quotes and antics. He has made the Bills nationally relevant which hasn't happened in a long time. All week long during the season I'm pretty sure the Bills will lose that week. However I am still excited to have a game on, to watch them, and again see some old friends. When I wake up on Sunday I am convinced they will win if just a few things go their way. I would imagine that I fall on the o3 side much more than the n3 side but that has more to do with not being able to muster the anger that some of you have. The Bills are entertainment pure and simple. Winning would be awesome but a loss is just another in a long string of them. I can actually point to a specific game. The Falcons game in Toronto. When Stevie and the Chandler coughed up the ball and lost that game I was MAD. To the point that my wife gave me a time limit to complain about it . It was then that I realized I may be a bit to invested in what is meant to be entertainment. My daughter being born the next year also put the importance of the NFL in perspective. I used to live and die with the Bills but those days are gone for a multitude of reasons I rambled on about above. I haven't stopped caring about the Bills. I have stopped caring about the results to a degree. If they win Monday is a little better. If they lose Monday is Monday and nothing changes.
  10. Blatt was hired before LeBron re-signed. I am trying very hard not to over react to the first 2 games. I overreacted to game 1 of Spurs OKC and thought OKC would get run off the court. That said the Cavs don't match up well with the dubs at all. I will be very interested to see what happens tonight as it is the series. If the dubs win it is likely a sweep. If it is a cavs win all is not lost. yet.
  11. I haven't seen this. What i have seen is people bashing Mario for openly quitting on the team last year. I get it. He red shirted last year. He knew he was leaving and protected himself. It doesn't make him the worst player but it does make him a pretty bad team mate. It also gives him some not so pleasant labels such as selfish, quitter, etc... As I have stated elsewhere, his contract tells you what the league thinks of him. Getting 8 million is a pittance for him and if he had bucked up and played hard last year he would have seen much more. He isn't the worst player in team history and I would challenge you to find multiple posts that have stated that. He quit and is reviled. Same as Marrone, same as Peters, same as Mularkey. I'm still excited for Shaq. Even if he misses a few games I am excited to see what he does for the team over the next 4 years. The next 4 years that will cost the Bills less than just one more season of Mario would have cost. If Mario stays then Cordy and Richie are gone and the o line is in shambles. There was no easy way to keep Mario. It just sucks that he performed as he did on the way out the door. Part of me can't blame the guy but he showed some ugly sides of himself with his action (or inaction) last year.
  12. One team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, flagged Shaq for a medical recheck. Every other team in the league cleared him. I put it more at 25.7592385832959235029358/ 74.24076141670408 (yes the math checks out) That said if the foot heals correctly there is no reason to expect another injury.
  13. Because you get your rocks off on calling other posters out... In 2012 Rex Ryan had the 8th ranked defense based on ypg (the stat you chose) In 2014 Rex Ryan had the 6th ranked defense based on ypg So twice in the last 4 years RR has not finished with a top 10 defense. As a HC not simply a DC like Pettine was. Pettine went #27 and #23 as a HC. In fact the 2 years that Rex didn't finish in the top 10 for ypg are the only 2 years in his HC career that he didn't finish top 10. Pettine finished with the number 10 defense once and for that you want to trumpet his abilities? As to those who stated that Pettine didn't care about stopping the run, you appear to be correct. The Bills with their "top 10 defense" had the 28th ranked rush defense. Surely you remember all of the conversions on 3rd and long against that defense as well. Facts are fun.... Belicheck first year in NE 5-11 second year 11-5 and SB champ. Pete Carroll first two years in Sea 7-9 both years third year 11-5 in playoffs Tony Dungy first year 6-10 in TB next year 10-6 in playoffs Three SB winning coaches who took a year or two to get it right and that is without looking to hard. You don't have to expect success but to say it can't happen because it didn't last year is flat out wrong. Here's more without looking to hard Mike Zimmer first year in Minn 7-9 second year 11-5 and division champ Mike McCarthy 8-8 to 13-3 Ron Rivera 6-10, 7-9 to 12-4 I think I've made my point...
  14. His agent is denying the rumors. Not sure what is true but I will miss him.
  15. hmmmmm. Rob Ryan took over the Cowboys in 2011 and took them from #23 to #14 and then #19 in 2012. So both years were an improvement. Then he left and in 2013 they finished #32. So they were worse the years directly before and after him. He took over the Saints in 2013 and took them from #32 to #4. Then they dropped back to #31 with him and finished at 31 after firing him this year. I looked back through New Orleans and they finished #24 in 2011, #4 in 2010, #25 in 2009, #23 in 08, #26 in 07, and #11 in 06. So in the last 10 years the Saints have had a top 5 defense twice and once with with Rob Ryan. So I don't see any top 5 defenses he has ruined. I see mediocre defenses that he has coached with 1 very successful year and 1 really poor year.
  16. I have bolded some interesting parts of your discussion that are pertinent here. Using words like "I Know" and "Inevitably" kind of drag down your post. Your entire post would be much better if you just changed it to "I think" because at this point you have no idea. You think that is what will happen but really have no idea. This whole line "Being realistic and knowing our defense will be passed upon like crazy in the middle is not negative. Its knowing that TE's will put up career numbers. Its knowing that flankers and inside route running WR's and RB's - like Forte - will eat our ILB's alive." is much more of the same. TE's will put up career numbers is so much hyperbole it makes my head spin. So are you saying that you are positive beyond a shadow of a doubt that every te that the Bills face will have a career best game? You say Forte will eat our ILB's alive and know it to be a fact. What if he starts to slow like everyone has put on McCoy who is younger? What if Ragland is the real deal? Again an I think would be so much better. The piece de resistance though is this: But I could probably coach this team better than Rex Ryan. I think there are a dozen here who could. Just like Bill said, a bunch here could have drafted better than Whaley. you don't seriously believe this do you? Do you have any idea what it takes to be an NFL HC? Seriously this is just absolute nonsense. ooooh look you lay out a scheme, and know your x's and o's even! Let me guess you played in HS maybe even a low level college? That is a long way from matching wits with the best of the best. There are guys that have dedicated their lives to this, who I would imagine know x's and o's, that haven't succeeded at this but there are dozens on this message board that could succeed. If you truly believe this why are you not coaching in the NFL? Do you not want to make millions of dollars for something that is so easy dozens of internet posters could do?
  17. My post was simply directed at those that bash everything Bills. There are many posters here who post on both sides. Metz lives is one I can think of as well as Kirby and NoSaint among others. Then there are those that I won't throw under the bus that post nothing but negativity. Those are the posters that bother me. Poster with a clear agenda such as cuz wrecks sux bother me they have made their point but refuse to move on. Here is the thing though the other side is just as bad just less bothersome. If someone wants to post pie in the sky it isn't going to annoy anyone. It also doesn't add too much to the discussion but it is much less obnoxious. I prefer to be an optimist because I get enjoyment from watching the team. It is the off season where every team has a chance. Am I getting concerned about Sammy's injuries? Yes I am. Am I concerned about Shaq's surgery? Not really as a few games will hopefully be a blip on his career and I would rather have it happen now rather than later. I enjoy engaging in discussion about the Bills but get annoyed with the everything is terrible crowd. Not everyone has to agree with me as that would make for boring discussion. However not everything the Bills do is terrible and the worst decision ever. The Bills are middle of the pack and have been for most of the 16 year drought. That tells me that they make some good and some bad decisions. That tells me that they both are not making the best moves in the league nor the worst. As an aside, condescending "I'm so much smarter that everyone and your dumb for disagreeing with me" is another type of poster that annoys me. That said I don't and won't block anyone as everyone here shares the same passion, the Bills.
  18. It really is simple... If you are negative and trash the team and all of its decisions one of two things happen. You are right and can proclaim how smart you are when the team does poorly or you are wrong and your team does well and you can celebrate the success. It is a win win for them.
  19. I think his 8 million dollar contract says otherwise. It has all the markings of a prove it deal. I think a lot of teams were scared off by doing their research on him. Pass rushers always get paid. Olivier Vernon got 15 Mario couldn't even get 10.
  20. Jaws and merrily hodge also watch a ton. I haven't seen it in a while because I don't watch any ESPN anymore bit nfl matchup used to be a very interesting and informative show.
  21. Can we stop referring to them as experts? They are just writers. They are no more expert than most that frequent this board. Seeing them called experts annoys me more than their opinions.
  22. Yup and I'm okay with that. I have said multiple times this offseason that I pin most of the kicking problems on Sanborn. It was very noticeable with punting and I have to imagine it played a role with carp too.
  23. Beerball must be sleeping! No thread to hear instant regret in?
  24. You shouldn't have put out your big board! BBs cheating knows no bounds! This is your fault! ;-)
  25. Pats grabbed Malcolm Mitchell and eland on roberts. I know a couple posters that don't like that....
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