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Everything posted by section122

  1. That was a great card in general and the McGregor Diaz fight was an exclamation on the night. I could have seen the fight called either way. Which is why I was okay with how it was called. I thought McGregor won rounds 1 and 4, Diaz won 3, and 2 and 5 were close calls. I thought Diaz could have helped himself being more aggressive in the 5th but he was gassed. I leaned McGregor for round 2 and Diaz for round 5 which put me at 48-47. Although to me the most dominant round of the night was the 3rd by Diaz so I was okay with the 10-8 there and a 47-47 score. All in all I think the argument could be made for McGregor winning or a draw but I don't really see a way to call it a Diaz fight. McGregor running away multiple times has to hurt his reputation though. It was a B word move.
  2. Sheesh I am a glass half full as much as anyone but isn't this a little early?
  3. 2 things here. 1. They did need an OT they just happened to get him in the 7th that year instead of the 2nd. 2. Are you implying that better players wouldn't make the defense better?
  4. Seeing you do to firechan what he does to everyone else was incredibly enjoyable this morning. It seems there are some posters that would rather take issue with what others say (cough weo) than offer perspective of their own and it is annoying to say the least. Well done beerball!
  5. I'm right there with you about Mario. He is someone I fear will terrorize the Bills he's a great player when motivated and I think he will be motivated against the Bills. That said I don't expect huge things this year for him either as I don't see him staying motivated for the year (especially when the fins are out of contention). I remember you likin Mitchell before the draft and he would fit the trend of they find a good one every 7 years trend lol.
  6. Highly recommend doing some mock drafts. That way you cna play with the strategy and see what happens. This year people are WR crazy. Normally I go against the trend but at 2 I would go with OBJ, AB, or Julio whichever is there and you feel best about.
  7. As to the bolded... I don't think this is necessarily true at the bottom of the roster (where I see Hogan) as opposed to the top. The Pats* have a terrible draft record at the wr position. In fact you have to go back to Edelman in 09 as their last good WR pick. They are 0-5 since then. Even in 09 they took a bust in the 3rd round. You have to go back to Deion Branch in 02 to find the next good wr they drafted. Even their FA signings leave much to be desired. Amendola, Brandon Gibson, Brandon LaFell, etc...
  8. I think the idea that Spiller will thrive is more likely than Hogan thriving. Like you said I've seen Spiller do amazing things in this league. I can think of one great catch for Hogan (against the Vikes). That said I was just trying to illustrate that it isn't always he left he sucks, sometimes it is he left and is going to be amazing because the Bills, as the narrative
  9. Yeahhhh I'll pass. Commonsense put it well but he is behind Edleman, Gronk ,Bennett, and Lewis for sure. He is likely the 5th target at best and is likely looking at Amendola like production. If you were starting Amendola last year you were in trouble even with Edelman and Lewis hurt and Bennett not on the team. He finished as WR 44. So in a 10 man league starting 3 WRs he was on the outside looking in. In a 12 team league starting 3 he is still on the outside looking in. Drafting Hogan at the end of your draft is hoping for an injury. I like to grab guys with potential to break out in that spot. That isn't Hogan to me. The Pats being good doesn't make them foolproof personnel wise. In fact their drafts have not been very good and there FA signings as well. They are very good at the QB spot. That may help Hogan put up slightly better numbers but it doesn't change who the player is. They tried to force a td to Chandler last year and it didn't work. IMO Amendola is a better player than Hogan and showed as much before going to NE. Edelman wasn't used much as a receiver his first few years in the league so it isn't quite a fair comparison. Add in that the talent was better in front of him and it isn't hard to see why he didn't put up the same numbers as Hogan. Dude is certainly winning at life and ended up in a great situation for a receiver. I think you are projecting the opposite of the bolded. There is also the thought that just because a guy leaves he is better than he was here. Wasn;t the case with Spiller (Peyton will know how to use him narrative) or Chandler (now he will star with Brady narrative).
  10. I defended Chris Hogan tooth and nail in the great darick debate. That said my argument was only that he deserved to be on the team as he outperformed and outworked Darick. That said I won't miss Hogan. Bottom of the depth chart guys churn all the time in this league.
  11. This article is just terrible imo. He is writing without thinking about the consequences for the players. Sure they can poke the bear but for what? Within a couple of weeks of their interviews if not sooner all of these players will be cleared. I struggle to see the "precedent" issue that he is using to frame his argument. If anyone of us had a workplace accusation of impropriety we would have to meet with someone to discuss it. It may even be as simple as did you do this? No? Okay. Albert Breer and others are making this a much bigger deal than I think the NFL intends it to be.
  12. The league has told the union it has evidence beyond just what’s been reported publicly. The union responded, “Show us.” League: “That’s not how an investigation works.” Union: “Well, then how do we know you have credible evidence?” They are exactly right. This isn't how an investigation works at all. As someone who routinely does workplace investigations you interview people and take statements while gathering evidence. You don't share evidence beforehand to give people a chance to make a good story. Tbh the fact that the players are making this big of a deal of it makes me wonder if they have something to hide. Yup simple as this...
  13. Do you really think nobody cares? Do you really think NE fans who already think Goodell screwed them don't care? In this day and age do you really think nobody cares? Of course it isn't as big a deal as other situations which is why I am of the (repeated) opinion that the NFL just wants to give the appearance of doing something about it. An investigation was begun and can't conclude until all parties have been interviewed. Simple as that. I don't think the NFL is looking to hang any of the players named.
  14. For exactly the reason gug put below (in one thread I had to agree with gug and jboyst...) Although most of us don't care and believe it to be a false report, it was a report none the less. They can't do what they did to Brady and turn around and do nothing in this situation at least imo. Which again is why I say the players should just sit down and knock this out.
  15. I don't mean for show as in spectacle I mean for show as in have to show they are doing something about it. If these players had cooperated we wouldn't have heard much other than they were cleared just like we did with Manning. There are people on this board that didn't even realize Manning had been cleared. The league likely just wants to close the book on this but has to do some sort of due diligence.
  16. Exactly. An accusation was made now they just need to clear their names. I would imagine this is a for show investigation as it includes a lot of top names. Just comply, have a lawyer present, and be done with it.
  17. I would go so far as say sit down and even if you did it say you didn't lol. I don't think the NFL has any evidence or else these guys would have already been suspended. They are certainly misguided here. The NFLPA should encourage these guys to sit down and get it over with.
  18. Me too but I have been nervous to say it out loud lol. The last time I thought positive thoughts EJ had just performed well in the Cleveland game. I was in the middle of saying wow he might be the answer when he took that cheap shot. The Bills are doing exactly what I think is the best case for qbs. Entrenched starter, vet back up, developmental high ceiling rookie. I was very "under the influence" but apparently the other night I told a buddy that we have a young Tom Brady on our team (late round pick, benched in college for a worse player despite performing) and a young Aaron Rodgers (backup to a firmly entrenched starter for 4 years before getting a chance to be the man). I guess I was drinking a lot of kool aid that night too lol
  19. I agree with this. I might have blinders on for the guy but he is a perfectly capable backup qb in this league. If guys like Chad Henne can stick for as long as they have I don't see any reason EJ can't.
  20. Yes and he was subsequently cleared "The NFL has determined that Peyton Manning did not use human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing drug banned under the league's policy. The league announced its decision in a statement released Monday, saying it "found no credible evidence" of allegations in an Al-Jazeera America report that Manning's wife received deliveries of HGH in 2011. Before making its final determination, the NFL interviewed Manning and his wife, Ashley, who were "fully cooperative with the investigation," according to the league. The NFL also received medical records pertinent to the case and, after reviewing them and the interviews, determined there wasn't any evidence that any violation had occurred." It was an article based on secretly recorded info that was later recanted. This will all easily go away all the players have to do is sit down and cooperate. Manning has been cleared and the witness recanted. These interviews won't take long as I would imagine this is more about the NFL showing it looked into it rather than prosecuting it. That's why I had to give him credit. He had a rough off season! The NFL didn't quit pursuing it. He supplied medical records, interviewed, and his wife interviewed. They cleared him after he cooperated. If it was a back room deal we have to strap our tin foil hats on before we discuss it.
  21. Boyst had a good take on this. If you have a workplace allegation of breaking the rules an investigation must take place. That is what is happening here. The NFL wants to interview them. The NFL is their employer. Sure they can refuse but then it is up to their employer how to handle it. Much the same as you would be suspended until you complied if not terminated for refusing to comply. The players should go interview. The NFL has already cleared Manning so any lawyer worth a salt can question the validity of the report based on that. Go answer a few questions and be done with it.
  22. No just afc west. That's why I put it in 2014 but didn't want to keep repeating myself.
  23. Last year no teams came 2014 from the afc west both SD and KC 2013 KC 2012 beat KC lost to the Rams (Seattle was in Toronto so I'm not counting it) They are 1-4 over their last 5. Not good for the supposed west coast to east coast 1pm advantage. This is a game that I have to stretch hard to come up with a Bills win. Arizona was last year and will be again this year my favorite to make the SB from the NFC.
  24. Tasker was brutal last night. Here is a quick list of misses on his part and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. 1. Called duke Williams a CB 2. Called striker and another player for making a tackle against the bills. 3. Said Kevon Seymour was an undated steal. 4. Kept calling nickel robey Nicole There were certainly more. I remarked to my family that I probably wouldn't mind as much if he wasn't an ex-bill but he was cringe worthy throughout the broadcast.
  25. I have been saying all offseason that Sanborn was terrible last year. I think Carp's problems can be atrributed somewhat to him as well as my memory of several off the mark snaps to Schmidt. Good to hear that there may be a replacement for him or at least competition.
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