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Everything posted by section122

  1. I'm about as rosy as they come around here but I would be lying if I didn't say I thought for sure that would be completed! Some bbfs creeps up on me at the end of games what can I say lol.
  2. Does every team have to "count their blessings" there were 10 others yesterday. Should all of those teams "count their blessings" too?
  3. I have to admit I like it as well. When it was automatic it was boring. Now the games have a little more to them. It isn't a guaranteed 7 just because you got the td. Then it changes the outcome and strategy of the game. Last year's AFC Championship game being a perfect example.
  4. What a Tuel did an excellent job of making my point for me... Your argument was consistency for Rex. I think you need to watch more of other teams. It isn't a Rex only or a Bills only thing to play great one week and struggle the next. Man I wish I was 160 lbs but those days are long gone. So are the days where I wanted to get into people's faces to show how tough I was. Oh wait I never had those days. I get it, I have a lot of friends that are prison guards. However the tough guy act isn't necessary on a Bills message board. At your job absolutely. Here? nah... My thought has always been that the Bills shut him down to let him heal up. If the season was tanked and over with then he would sit the year out. If the team was in contention (like it is) then he will be brought back and got some extra rest for his foot. This is all speculation on my part so I hope mrags doesn't threaten to beat me up as well.
  5. He's a prison guard hence the tough guy attitude. oh look on display for all to see. You actually said you want to get in his face to show him to be the pu$$y you think he is. I thought maybe you were drunk but you just continued on today. I think you need a vacation... Asking seriously... Do you watch football besides the Bills? Every team in the league does this.
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/12/24/nfl-referees-association-thinks-giants-panthers-was-handled-poorly/
  7. Maybe he gets to put his sole focus on being the DC and doesn't have to worry about being the HC like Rex does. All pros on the Eagles from last year - Fletcher Cox and Connor Barwin All pros on the Bills from any point in their career - none Pro-Bowlers on current Eagles Defense - Fletcher Cox, Connor Barwin, Malcolm Jenkins Pro-Bowlers on current Bills Defense - Kyle Williams, Marcel Dareus (can we count him this year?) Might want to rethink the sentence after the bolded. The Eagles do not have less talent than the Bills on the defensive side of the ball. If anything they are more talented and haven't dealt with an injury to their starting S or all pro DT. Might want to rethink the sentence after the bolded.
  8. As to the bolded, I think you are wrong. I think Augie is spot on. I am basing my opinion on knowing people who unfortunately slipped into heroin addiction, talking with police officers, as well as a substance abuse counselor. I asked this question of all of them because it is so unthinkable to me. I always wondered who decides to just take up heroin. Every single one of them stated it is never the intention to abuse heroin. People get a prescription for an opiod and then get hooked. When they can't get their hands on a script they turn to the cheaper alternative. Heroin use is not increasing due to availability it is increasing due to the prescription drug problem this country turns a blind eye to. From your own linked article: the sticky brown and black “tar” heroin they produce is channeled by traffickers into the U.S. communities hit hardest by prescription painkiller abuse, off­ering addicts a $10 alternative to $80-a-pill oxycodone. later: The United States has an estimated 600,000 heroin users, Payne said — a threefold increase in the past five years. But that number is dwarfed by the estimated 10 million Americans who abuse prescription painkillers. Those addicts are the prime target for the booming heroin business. A U.S. crackdown on prescription opiates has driven up the price for drugs such as OxyContin and Percocet, enticing desperate addicts to switch to cheap heroin to fend off withdrawal symptoms. later still: “Now, we’re seeing housewives coming in who had been addicted to Vicodin for two or three years before switching to heroin, Augie hits the nail on the head. There has to be a demand for heroin. Increasing supply will do nothing but decrease cost. People won't just try heroin there is almost always a pre-existing addiction that is replaced by heroin.
  9. I agree that if their pot sales are minimized they will move to a different product. However you see a ton of money going into anti-marijuana funding. That is their first step. They would like to hold on to this cash cow for as long as possible. What I don't agree with is the (preposterous) idea that because they can no longer sell weed they will sell heroin and enjoy the same level of profitability. As I posted earlier the demands are the same. Are you really theorizing that if marijuana is legal more people will move to heroin? People don't smoke weed because they want to run afoul of the law. They smoke weed because they enjoy it. That is why the demand is so high. There won't be some magical uptick in demand for heroin if marijuana is made legal. Do you know what the punishment for selling weed is vs selling heroin? Do you really think if people couldn't illegally sell weed anymore (they still could sell it though) they would move to a more dangerous substance with a higher criminal penalty just because? Here is some good reading if you actually want to be informed on the issue. The price is cheap -- sometimes as low as $5. Some dealers also offer incentives -- buy 10 balloons and get one free. An 80 mg OxyContin pill has a street value of $80 to $110, Utah County Health Department substance abuse division director Richard Nance said. Nance says OxyContin and other prescription opiates are often "gateway" drugs that lead to heroin use. First, a doctor may cut off an OxyContin addict's prescription, then the money runs out buying the pills on the street, and then a dealer is quick to offer the cheaper heroin. Users of marijuana or spice are far less likely to move on to heroin. "Most people who like alcohol, like alcohol. Most people who like pot, like pot. Stick a needle in your arm, though, it's almost like crossing a point of no return," Nance said.
  10. Wow this is just an excellent articulation especially the bolded.
  11. What? Ask yourself why would they do it the first 3 times? Simply because there dealer had it? Do you think people are just not trying heroin because they can't find it? Are they not doing it because "the cartel" has been pushing weed and not heroin? What is your argument? That weed should stay legal so heroin doesn't become a worse epidemic? Heroin is an epidemic right now because this country has a serious prescription pill problem. That is where the issue lies. Not with weed or the idea of weed legalization. I just want to add that if you do crack or meth 3 times you'll likely go back for more. That has absolutely nothing to do with anything. It just further drives home the point that heroin and marijuana are completely different.
  12. My criminal justice professor in college (retired police officer) said that the best way to start a fire is with potato chips as they will accelerate a fire but burn completely so it is difficult to prove that accelerants were used. I didn't believe him then but this story prompted me to do a quick google search. Turns out it isn't that far fetched.
  13. I just couldn't disagree more. Drug dealers offer and sell what people want. Are you telling me just because these mythical dealers have heroin more people are going to want it? If you got to your weed guy for weed and he offers you heroin you aren't buying it. If you want heroin you find someone who has heroin. The cartels may decide to push heroin or they may decide to push other illicit drugs or they may get into something else altogether. If you think the demand for heroin is anywhere in the same neighborhood as the demand for weed then you are just wrong. Nearly half (49%) of Americans say they have tried marijuana, and 12% in the past year, which the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health says is the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. The government survey showed that 18.9 million Americans 12 or older (7.3%) had used marijuana in the prior month. 3.8 million people (1.5 percent of the population above 12) say they have tried heroin at least once in their lifetimes. Ask yourself this, if marijuana were legalized nationwide do you think the economic impact would be in the billions? If heroin were legalized do you think the economic impact would even be in the 100 million range? Heroin is much more dangerous and stigmatized (rightfully so) which is why you don't see rallies to legalize heroin. There isn't a heroin subculture like there is with weed. People hide the fact that they do heroin. Heroin and weed being the same schedule is an embarrassment and undermines the anti-drug sentiment. It is really hard to take people seriously when they argue that marijuana and heroin are equally as damaging.
  14. Drug dealers don't push products on people. The market is already there. The best part of selling drugs is the business comes to you. No matter what you have if someone wants it they will come to you. I have never once had something pushed on me. Heroin use has gone up because prescription pill use/prescribing has gone up. For all the nonsense the Feds push about the war on drugs they allow a lot of awful legal nonsense. I even saw a commercial for opiod induced constipation meds last week. I feel like I am taking crazy pills talking to people about marijuana use and legalization. People are perfectly okay with their teenage kids getting prescribed percocet, xanax, and hosts of other highly addictive substances but can't stand the thought of their kids ingesting marijuana. Weed isn't bad this countries obsession with prescription pills is. It can be psychologically addicting but that is a much easier habit to break than something that is physically addicting and it happens in rare cases. It won't kill you as it is impossible to od on. It won't cause you to steal from loved ones to get your next fix. The worst it will do is make you lazy and hungry. How marijuana ended up being more demonized than alcohol is beyond me. Ask yourself if you know anyone who turns into an a**hole when they drink. Now ask yourself if you have even ever heard of someone turning into an a**hole after smoking weed. Alcoholism is rampant in this country and we are bombarded by beer ads and prescription ads that are twice as long because they have to list all the side effects however the thought of weed be legalized is terrifying to some. I just don't get it.
  15. I know this is just anecdotal evidence but... I was sitting 2 rows behind Noel when he came to the Dome. If you recall he was really good friends with MCW. It happened to be the game where JB got into it with MCW and had to be restrained by other coaches. Then JB benched MCW for the rest of the game. Shortly after that interaction Noel got up and did not return to his seats. I knew then he wasn't coming to SU.
  16. He was very lucky when it came to injuries. The following year both Kyle and Aaron Williams missed a good chunk of time. As we can see they are both major contributors to this defense. He had knowledge of 4 teams on the schedule because we played the NFC North that year. He had played against 3 of those teams twice a year for many years and coached the 4th. Why did you stop after the 3rd season with Schwartz? He was there for 2 more years and his teams went 4-12 (crash and burn using your words) and 7-9. In 5 years as a HC he had 1 winning season. Rex in 7 years has had 2 losing seasons. Surely you see a difference there. It absolutely is his d and I have said as much. Just like it was Schwartz's d when he was the HC in Det. If we are truly going to compare them lets look at there D rankings while both were HC. Schwartz went 32, 21, 23, 13, and 16th ranked defenses over his 5 years. Why the disparity? It is because as the HC even if it is your d you don't have the same level of responsibility, input, and control as you do when you are the DC. I truly get the disdain for Rex. However this comparison between Schwartz as a DC and Rex as the HC is poorly constructed.
  17. It absolutely is Rex's defense. Run by Dennis Thurman. Just like 2013 was Rex's defense run by Mike Pettine. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp (look I can be condescending too! ). If Rex was the DC we could have this conversation but he isn't, he is the HC. It is an apples to oranges comparison. I posted for you how poorly Schwartz's defense was while he was a HC. What is the difference? Are you telling me it wasn't his d? Schwartz is a great DC and I was sad to see him leave. He oversaw a defense that performed fantastically, no argument from me. He was incredibly lucky with regards to injury and had intimate knowledge of 4 of the opponents that were faced that year. That defense exceeded expectations. Last years did the opposite. However there is no guarantee that he would stay as the DC and he wasn't a very good HC.
  18. Here are my posts from the other thread. Schwartz is a very good dc. You can't compare his numbers to Rex because Rex is the HC. If you want to say that Schwartz is a better DC than Dennis Thurman I don't think anyone will take an issue with it. Stop with this false correlation. Look at Schwartz's d rankings while a HC and compare those to Rex. I already did the work for you and it is right here. Rex is a better HC than Schwartz as shown by their track record. Rex hasn't been a DC for almost 10 years so we can't really compare them as DCs.
  19. This should be a fun year for the fans. As you guys stated they actually can fill up the bucket! It seems that Franklin Howard is the whipping boy for Jimmy B this year. Less than a minute into the game he had Gillon sitting at the scorers table for him. I don't know what he did wrong but Jimmy gave him an earful a few times last night.
  20. I agree with Johnny that this team appears to be very deep and talented. They were playing against Colgate but there is a lot to be encouraged by. 1. Roberson looked great. He played with the energy that is missing from time to time. If he takes to the leadership role I see him being the go to guy on this team 2. The grad transfers look great. Gillon is a little sparkplug. He dumped 7 quick ones in the last minute of the first half to really stretch the lead. White also looked really good as you can see from the box score. 3. Franklin! I don't know why I love this guy but I do. He played really well and was humble in the post game interview. He had more 3s in this game than all of last year. When asked about it he said "well it wasn't that hard to do" lol. 4. Lydon, Coleman, Chukwu. There is size and depth! Coleman is obviously limited and Chukwu can't hit a ft to save his life but big bodies are always coveted. Chukwu looked really fluid on the court for a big man. 5. Thompson and Battle looked good out there for Freshman. Battle is HUGE. 6. It looks like it might be a 9 man rotation for Cuse which to me has been there biggest downfall in recent years. They had 0 depth and guys were playing 39-40 minutes a game and getting gassed by Feb. Should be a fun year for Cuse!
  21. Should have never left. He could've been a top 10 pick if he stuck it out this year. I don't blame guys for chasing the money but if they thought long term and about their second contract (where the real money is in the NBA) it would have been a better idea to stick it out. Add him to the list of Cuse guys that left too early.
  22. Yeah I couldn't bet on a TB team that is as bipolar as this one. I also couldn't bet against the Seahawks as they are money in November and on prime time (even if the league helps a bit).
  23. I like the idea of a TE in the first 2 rounds. Being able to run a 2 te set seems to fit more what the Bills want to do. I think a S in round 1 has a high probability of happening. TE/WR in round 2, then OT. I wouldn't mind if this is one of those drafts where they spend all of the picks on just a couple of positions.
  24. My rules for survivor: Avoid division games as they are tricky and can go either way Avoid road teams if at all possible. Unfortunately that would lead me to suggest the Jets over the Rams.
  25. Opening Night! Time to start the ritual again. 5 guys on the way then the long trek up the hill. 2 years ago I found an amazing parking area that is free and I've parked there since without issue. If anyone heads to a game pm me and I will give you directions. Easy to find as it is right by Marshall St. Things I'm looking forward to seeing: Lydon's growth - So glad he came back as it was the right choice imo. Franklin! - came on at the end of last year will be interesting to see if he has continued to improve Battle - Can't wait to see if the hype delivers Chukwu - 7'2" is literally huge and I want to see if he is more Chino or Arinze Roberson - When motivated he makes the team go. Now that it is "his team" I want to see if he can be motivated all the time. Grad Transfers - Some vet leadership for a young team. Can they fit in quickly?
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