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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Whether it was or wasn't (and I agree that the decision was not likely Wade's), it certainly didn't benefit Wade Phillips to publicly say that. The same way that it doesn't really benefit McDermott or the team to to get really specifics on what happened and who wanted to do what or exactly where it went wrong.
  2. This board is unhinged for the most part and thinks pretty much every draft pick is a bust. Allen may be the only one you couldn't find someone on here saying he's a bust and that's really just come in the last 2 weeks.
  3. I'd argue that piking up the 5th year option occurs for 2 main reasons... 1. You value the player and want them back. Plan for a 2nd contract. 2. You're uncertain and/or have an issue at the position. Basically a stopgap. I think #1 is Oliver and #2 is Edmunds. Edmunds is good at some things, but I suspect they would have brought in someone else there if they had the resources. The pandemic and subsequent salary cap drop really boned the Bills on the timing. Picking up Edmunds at that point was the best solution to keep the position at at least it's past skill level and allow Beane to focus dollars elsewhere to keep most of the team together or make improvements. It was really a masterstroke by Beane to keep as much of the team together in the circumstances. I suspect we'll see resources spent at LB this offseason where he has a bit more breathing room (even if they keep Edmunds). To keep this on Oliver though, I believe they value him and want to give him a 2nd contract.
  4. lol, this place. McDermott is the HC and needs to accept responsibility! Also, he needs to finger point at other people whose fault it is! He's doing exactly what he should. He's indicated there was an error. He's accepted responsibility for it. Now he should make whatever decisions about anyone else who screwed up privately. It's shooting yourself in the foot if you start publicly blaming other people when you want to hire other quality coaches.
  5. Why should we put any stock into and listen to what you have to say when you can't get simple facts right? I'm gonna need a more serious answer from you to show you get it.
  6. What new offense? Any offensive coordinator is going to run the same offense they have.. and you an rest assured, Brady has a huge say in it.
  7. Daboll and Dorsey had no relation prior to the Bills. He has a prior relationship with McDermott. He has an established QB in Buffalo that's likely a ticket to his own HC job. So does anyone know something that would indicate it's more likely he leaves with Daboll? This sounds like hysteria.
  8. You can't even get simple facts right. Can we fire you from the board?
  9. There are fans on here who advocate driving rusty nails through their scrotums. I suspect there's a crossover between these two groups.
  10. Never let facts get in the way of a good crusade
  11. a pair of sacks.. I'm not sure you could find two between the lot of them
  12. I'm not jumping down frazier's throat specifically on this one, but they could use some outside thinking in the room imo. The defense is predicated on playing the odds on what the other offense will do. They also play what I call gamble ball.. watch a lot of their stops aren't players directly making the play, but being in a position to make it tough for the offensive player to make the play (Ie the guy drops it because he's focused on the Bills defender), When they play teams that can limit their own mistakes and not be intimidate, they have trouble responding. They also need to get some different talent on the team. They need a different type of guy at LB. They need someone who can diagnose of the fly faster and get there. They need some more 'punch' as well. It's too easy to physically dominate them. Not sure what the hell happened with their tackling, but holy hell. It was bad. That's got to get fixed. It was less of an issue against weaker teams, but 2-3 guys making a solid tackle compared to the mockery of tackling they exhibited tonight would have changed the game.
  13. Covid causing the cap to go down so much screwed up their ability to shore up weak spots. They did a solid job under those circumstances imo. There's a couple real weak spots they have resolve on the defense, but they'll have a little bit more room to work this offseason. I'm hoping they take next season more seriously and don't spend so much energy of off the field stuff and ignore the off-season fellating they'll get and remember they still have to work in the NFL.
  14. I can't stand sullivan. He's a clown, but I hope he's at the press conferences.
  15. So? They couldn't even get Mahomes to throw an incompletion. It would have happened on the next play.
  16. If you're playing prevent, the point is to stop them from getting big plays! How are guy opens downfield? That's the entire point of prevent!
  17. Can I hear some more about the #1 defense?! Somebody needs to ask them again.
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