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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. LOL Classic. I can't believe an adult trots out the 'I have reasons, but I'm not going to tell you. You should probably stop and consider that you have the same opinion as @FilthyBeast and for some reason neither of you will back it up.
  2. You just explained it.. you have no basis for your opinion. You're still welcome to it.
  3. Explain. Gase was a pretty bad coordinator except for the years he got Manning his coffee.
  4. Thanks for laying out the dates. I had apparently misread the information.
  5. I am not a savant. I saw the Elway thing which is why I was so specific. If they have stuff like airline tickets, hotel checkins, etc then they can outright prove Flores is wrong. I think it's a bad strategy not to phrase it differently to be more generic. You can argue later that these things actually show they weren't serious, but now you're locked into "they were hungover". I don't think the Belichick thing helps him as the Giants had already satisfied the Rooney rule before his interview so his argument ends up being that they chose Daboll over Flores because he's white and I highly doubt there's any evidence where they say that so it's going to be hard to prove. I really don't understand the legal strategy here. This suit should have taken months to prepare to check on things like, "Were the Denver guys really drinking?" and "The Giants had satisfied the rooney rule so his interview wasn't a sham interview for that purpose". I don't know if these things kill his suit especially if there's solid evidence, but history shows that the 'proof' tends to be a little more fluid in these type of things than hard documents or something. It just doesn't feel thoroughly prepped and researched. We *know* a lot of these things are true, but the racism probably isn't blatant like you have some white klan guys sitting around going out of their way to not pick minority coaches. It's more subtle and a suit that feels like it is kinda slapped together haphazardly out of anger probably doesn't help anyone.
  6. That's great and all, but we live in reality. What quality coach is going to want to be DC of a team that having the #1 defense wasn't good enough? I think the Bills defense were paper tigers too and they used smoke and mirrors to achieve that #1 status. I'd prefer they get a new voice at DC as well, but firing Frazier might be shooting yourself in foot. This also assume that he's utterly incapable of learning from this which is just a silly emotional reaction.
  7. It's stupid, but no one ever said the owners were smart. I'd probably expect some nuance to it as like, "Look, we're losing and going to be bad. We're making some decisions with the future in mind by playing younger guys, acquiring draft picks, etc. I want you focused on the long term and to make those decisions easier and remove the financial incentive you have aside, I'll compensate you if we lose games". Maybe his contract had some performance escalator that Ross was offering for all games instead of just wins or something. Still dumb, but seems a more likely scenario to me.
  8. I think Flores has made some very serious claims on an issue that certainly exists in the NFL. However, I'm not sure how much his situation is the one that people who are concerned about this issue want. He is going to need a hell of a smoking gun here and I don't think he has it. The problem with tying together bombastic accusations such as "Owner offered to pay me to lose" is that if fails to produce real evidence of that then the rest of the claims are going to be cast in doubt. I am also surprised the lawyers allowed this.. he's made claims that are going to remove him from being protected against libel/slander/defamation against public figures (aka the reason you or I can say things about coaches/players/etc that we know aren't actually true about public figures). This suit feels like it was thrown together. The things he said about the Denver interview seem like they should have been blunted to protect him ie instead of saying they looked hungover and had been out drinking.. you say, "They looked tired and unprepared." because then when they produce something like airline tickets that show they had flown in in the middle of the night because that was the only time available to meet with you.. well, now they have a pretty good basis for a suit of their own. Now if they can show that based other interviews and Flores own schedule that is true.. well, the whole case is affected and suffers. This is also why I don't think you'll see too many coaches joining into the suit and I'm surprised organizations working for change would choose this as a strategic case to get behind. If I was them, I would have pushed forward in other avenues. If the ross allegations don't have some substantive proof behind them then many of the other valid claims by Flores or other coaches are going to received with more skepticism. I think the strategy would have been separate suits against the Dolphins, NFL for being fired without cause on the Ross allegations for Flores personally. They should have had found another semi-high profile guy like Bieniemy to file and have Flores join that suit against Giants, Broncos, NFL, etc for the Racism allegations.
  9. hell, go to a team with a superstar QB and do it without Reid. He's not going to get a HC job without leaving Reid.
  10. Fitzpatrick. There is no 'backup' for Josh Allen. If he goes down, the season is lost. Fitzpatrick is an awesome guy and if we win a Superbowl, I can't think of another player I'd rather have get a ring sitting on the bench with the Bills.
  11. He lost me at "I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been started."
  12. I ask over and over because we know two things.. 1. Bieniemy does not come up with the scheme week to week (Kafka) 2. He does not call plays (Reid) So I ask.. what does he actually do as Offensive Coordinator?
  13. No, we'll just add 'curse-breaker' to his titles and it will all be good.
  14. So brady isn't scared away by McDermott?
  15. Allen didn't break the drought. Tyrod Taylor is the drought breaker.
  16. He's done a pretty poor job of teaching the defense to tackle. So he can work on that.
  17. Dorsey already recruited him to the Giants..
  18. It's only fake news if it doesn't support the narrative I've made up in my head!
  19. If it's true. To be clear, there is zero evidence this actually happened right now.
  20. It happens all the time. People throw FUD up all over and hope the other side gets nervous or wants to be done with it enough to settle.
  21. I think we just report his posts. He's not having a discussion about issues, mistakes, etc. He's gaslighting and pushing propaganda to get a response which is trolling. Enough reports and the moderators might do something. ..and yet he's still here..
  22. Wait, I thought the Bills screwed up letting him go to the Giants..
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