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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Last season: 1. Von Miller had 9.5 sacks in 15 regular season games (Jerry had 2 in 17). - 4.5 in 7 with Denver / 5 in 8 games with L.A. 3. Von Miller had 17 QB hits (Jerry had 7). 4. Von Miller had 12 Tackles for loss (Jerry had 1). 5. Von Miller had 54 tackles (Jerry had 26). 6. Von Miller had 12 QB hurries (Jerry had 19). 7. Von Miller had 30 pressures (Jerry had 26).
  2. Beasely has been an ex-bill for a couple months. Just waiting for the paperwork to catch up the reality.
  3. He was 15th in sacks. Two DEs on the field so he was above average based on sacks alone.
  4. Are you just saying stuff or do you have stats and facts to back it up? I'll also you need to start with: "I understand that it's not actually a six year contract and has 3 voidable years."
  5. You almost always are mad on here... which is why I asked in Beane is threatening you for making a positive post.
  6. If the Bills win a Superbowl, there's no active player (not on the team) I'd like to see get a ring with them more than Fitz.
  7. Holy. Are you ok? Blink twice if Beane has a gun to your head and is making you post this.
  8. We've got some bad news from you. We got you a red stapler and fixed a glitch to help pay for this.
  9. What a dastardly plan. Only Terry would think of winning a Superbowl just to sell a stadium!
  10. I doubt it. His backing out seems more likely to impact us signing Howard.
  11. I assume you have an argument on this. He had 9.5 sacks during the season and 4 sacks in the playoffs. He was great in the playoffs. ..or are you just saying stuff with no basis?
  12. The whole 'interested' thing is stupid. Of course they are interested in all the top guys. Interest doesn't just mean they want to sign him. They need information about the market, they learn about trends in contract structuring, what other teams are doing, etc. I would not be surprised if Von Miller was their target all along. Jones is talented, but he's not the same kind of leader. Jones is talking about 'the right scheme' which is pretty obvious he doesn't want to drop into coverage. Von Miller is a grit and glue guy. Von Miller would die before he let 13 seconds happen with him on the field.
  13. He's been all over twitter about he was recruiting for the Pats and, well, nobody has really gone to the pats.
  14. Von Miller is exactly the type of player this team needs. 13 seconds will never happen with him on the field even if he has 2 broken legs.
  15. I kinda feel like Star has already retired. I think you mean convince him to stop taking a paycheck. 😉
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