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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Regardless of who is ahead, it's likely it will be a mix of both of them opposite Jackson to start the season.
  2. No one said any of the things you're refuting here. Also, if you're going to put forth something without some sort of source.. whether it's true or not.. how do you expect people to take you seriously? Please hang up and try again.
  3. Regardless of having the Bills players breakdowns.. every team will be doing the work regardless. They will rely much more heavily on their own breakdown than anything they get from this.
  4. There's a difference, it's just that the benefit of it is low. You're also assuming that the player's self-analysis is 100%, they're telling you "everything" in said podcast, and the person using said information is going to process it in an effective manner. You created this topic, but my current impression is that you want to change other people's minds, but aren't willing to have your mind changed.
  5. I expect Tua to be better this year, but I've been following their camp and I just don't see him ascending to the top. While his ability to throw deep has been overly-maligned, he still has problems with his, and I'll borrow this from Water Boy, medulla oblongata. He makes really poor decisions.. especially when he's pressured. So they'll be better.. he may likely finally put up stats that take him out of the bottom of the league, but not a guy I want to count on when you need him to elevate the team. I suspect he ends up as one of those QB purgatory QBs like Kirk Cousins.. too good to get rid of, but never seems to be able to get to the top.
  6. of course it isn't... just like not picking up his 5th year option. The only surprising thing is how many Giants fans still believe that Jones is one of 'those guys'
  7. The start of the season is still wonky and a mess regardless of the number of pre-season games. You can't 'simulate' when the Ws and Ls actually count.
  8. ..and if they get hurt in practice? Slip on a mat? Again, I think the risk vs reward of them playing is not in favor of them playing because I don't think there's much reward at all so accepting any risk to do it doesn't seem wise. However, the flipping out over the prospect of them playing a couple series is not the levels of insanity it's being made out to be.
  9. I voted no, but I don't think there's really a big deal between them playing a series or two and not playing. I think people make a mountain out of a mole hill on the difference between those two possibilities.
  10. I certainly don't agree with them. I'll borrow this from the Jets board to express my opinion:
  11. The Jets are not a landing spot and never have been. They believe Joe Flacco is good enough to fill in and are very high on him as a replacement for Wilson. They have zero interest in Jimmy G. That interest is all outside speculation.
  12. him not showing up has little to no impact on any team's interest in him.. The factors are compensation to trade for him, his salary, his injury history and playing ability. What team out there *NEEDS* Jimmy G? Seattle.. maybe.. and they clearly seem to be of the mind that they can live without him and wait until they can pick him up without giving up assets.
  13. This is a fallacy. People keep operating under the assumption that an increase in pre-season time automatically resolves "sync" issues. It is not simply: 1. Play Pre-season = Offense Performs week 1 2. Don't play Pre-season = Offense Struggles week 1 There were a lot of things going on last off-season. I harped on here all last season that they were too many distractions going on all off-season long. This feels a lot more like 2020 where they're much more focused.
  14. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
  15. I think it's more the type of talent they have this year than having "more" of it over last year. I've said in the past they banked on smaller, quick penetrating players. Then the NFL went and was like.. yea.. offensive holding.. we're not really gonna call it unless it's egregious. They've course corrected and now they have more guys who are physical.
  16. It's not like I'm etching Zero in stone. He could certainly find a team who wants somebody and will toss a 6th or 7th for them. The point is people on here get dumb and expect Beane can just force trades for players because he wants to and it's not simply a situation of xx would be better than xx on xx team. There will be people on here getting all uppity because the Bills cut a guy "when they could have at least gotten a 7th from SOMEBODY for him."
  17. Zero. A deep roster doesn't necessarily make it easier to trade guys when teams know you might actually be cutting two decent guys or putting good players on your practice squad. (Side note: Wildgoose has a great pre-season game for the Jets)
  18. It was exactly 3.0 last year and I think most of us consider the offense to have been disjointed for much of the season.
  19. We're gonna need to find some entities that can run a 4.3 80 yard dash 😉
  20. Does anyone know the hang time?
  21. He's been the reason it's not done.. he needs to get the rocks out of his head.
  22. My apologies, I guess I conflated the level of your concerns with that of other posters. I've literally posted that if they want to carry barkely for his charming personality they should make him a coach or carry a developmental QB in his place. I don't think it's something critical though as you can always ***** someone else developmental QB if you really want one though.
  23. I no longer feel bad for Browns fans. There's way too many of them running around the internet excusing Watson and pulling garbage like saying it's not technically sexual assault. They're getting what they deserve.
  24. Hey, we can't really panic about the starting QB anymore.. gotta find something to panic about or what will make life worth living?
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