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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I want the Patriots to upset the Dolphins. I hope the Giants upset the Titans. I would bet on Dallas over Tampa.
  2. People have way too much time on their hands to go out and finds thing to get upset about on the internet
  3. I watched the whole thing earlier. He's actually trying to praise Allen, but the whole segment was just strange and awkward. He was trying to say that Allen using the short game to setup the deep passes was a new element to Allen's game.
  4. OMG, they're paying Waller $310,000 per reception based on last year which I see from earlier in this thread is way too much money!
  5. Miami fans.. they're already worse than Patriots fans and the pats fans at least had a 20 year run and the GOAT at QB. I hope they finish below the Jets.
  6. Ahh, you didn't read the study I presented. Thank you for finally saying so.
  7. Except the data does not back up your claims... you took very specific parts of the whole thing.
  8. The #1 seed of the AFC was 12-5 in 2021 so it's not as crazy as you think. I do think the Bill will win 13 though.
  9. I've already provided multiple links in this thread. You've already made mistakes on quoting said data as it is 'per play' not totals. I'm not sure wasting more of my time on providing easily findable data points is worthwhile. Why don't you provide some sources of data to back up your claims?
  10. I suspected Beane had told him that it had to wait until next off-season when the cap will go up ~20 million. I don't know how Beane keeps finding the room, but I am glad they found a way to do something for Poyer.
  11. Then go look at the data compiled by John Verros. It disagrees with you. There's more studies out there as well.
  12. I've got to say I'm enjoying the Rams fans and their insistence that the Bills are the best team in the league and maybe in the last 200 years of the NFL.. ..meanwhile, the other AFC East fans, Titans fans, other AFC teams: "Rams suck and the Bills struggled with turnovers against a bad team!"
  13. I mean, he got the ball back from the running back and was in the pocket such as it was at that point.
  14. The odds of him taking that hit are greatly increased IN the pocket than on a designed run.
  15. Cunningham certainly declined, but most pocket passers also decline. He also had his best year by in year 13. As I also displayed, many, many more injuries occur in the pocket. Many more 'big hits' occur in the pocket against a stationary QB. I'm not arguing that they shouldn't look to have Josh run less. The concern about it vastly overblown though. Then your argument is a fallacy. All points of data refute your assertion so then saying "Well, maybe there's something we don't know!" is not rational. On top of that, we have even more data showing that QBs take more big hits in the pocket. Why would the hits pocket passers take (which again, are more frequent) not add up on their injuries?
  16. I've already told you that both of Newton's injuries didn't come from running. His shoulder injury which is when it's widely considered he started sucking came when he tried to make a tackle after an interception. Please explain how that is related to his running? Also, his second injury to his foot was evading a sack. So should Josh stop attempting to evade sacks?
  17. Then you must hate Allen being in the pocket. Joe Theissmann was injured while in the pocket on a flea flicker.
  18. According to your shifting goalposts? That's obviously unlikely as I already provided several examples and data on where most QB injuries occur. I'd appreciate it if you have actual data and not your random feelings. Can you provide data on the 'average' career of 'pocket' passers vs 'running' qbs? Can you provide any data at all?
  19. I see you are quite misinformed and are trying top use several points that are either strawman or random flailing. Cunningham's injury came on a sack, not a run. What does Vick's ability as a passer have to do with injury? Steve Young is considered a 'mobile' or 'running' QB by everyone. He had more Rush yards than Josh did in 2019 or 2020. Would you like many, many differnt resources that consider him a 'running' QB? He had 5 seasons with over 400 rushing yards. It was also a different era. RPOs weren't nearly as prevalent. Your assertion that Kordell Stewart was a pocket passer is certainly a unique take. Donovan McNabb's broken ankle was on a sack. I'll concede on Elway. He only had roughly 50 attempts a season and ~250 yards. Again, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone describe Steve McNair as a pocket passer. QBs that ran less than 5.5% of plays missed 8.5% of their games. QBs that ran more than 12% of the time missed 9.5% of their games. QBs that ran 5.5% to 12% of the time missed ~11.5% of their games. You can see injury rates on types on plays: Knockdowns: 1 injury every 57.1 plays (90 total injuries on 5,135 plays for a 1.8% injury rate) Sacks: 1 injury every 75.1 plays (52 total injuries on 3,903 for a 1.3% injury rate) Scrambles: 1 injury every 106.7 plays (23 total injuries on 2,455 plays for a 0.9% injury rate) Designed runs: 1 injury for every 174.2 plays (11 total injuries on 1,916 plays for an 0.6% injury rate) (John Verros, the injury coordinator at Sports Info Solutions) I'm curious if you have any information beyond your feelings. I'm not sure you got through the whole thing.. You can see above for more information. As I mentioned, RGIII suffered that injury that is attributed to the decline in his play in a non-contact injury recovering a fumble. Cam Newton suffered the first injury that people attribute with a decline in his play (shoulder) attempting a tackle after an interception. His foot injury came evading a sack.
  20. What history has shown this? Please name the QBs you are talking about. Randall Cunningham: 15 seasons Mike Vick: 13 seasons Steve Young: 15 seasons Kordell Stewart: 9 seasons Donovan McNabb: 13 seasons John Elway: 16 seasons Steve McNair: 13 seasons Almost every commonly cited rushing quarterback used as an example to avoid running had their most significant injury happen in the pocket or on a fluke play(like RGIII who got injured recovering a fumble).
  21. Can we get a little less conversation on Singletary/Moss and more about Blackshear in this Ed Oliver Injury thread?
  22. Actually, studies show that QBs that run the least and QBs that run the most are the least injured. Really good breakdown here: https://www.filmstudybaltimore.com/new-study-quarterbacks-that-run-most-are-not-injured-most/
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