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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. This one goes the extra mile and blatantly lies.
  2. Should have these made up for the entire defense. Put 13 seconds on the front.
  3. These posts should require a link to the interview. This poster lied about his statement. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/ken-dorsey-i-m-excited-about-the-direction-of-this-offense The question is about 38 seconds into the interview.
  4. ..for 17 yards.. he's not the same guy that took every short pass for 8+ yards in 2020
  5. this has always been his schtick. Say ridiculous stuff. He has to try harder now. Don't give him attention and he goes away.. notice we haven't heard anything from him for awhile..
  6. 🎶16 screens and whaddya get...another game over and mac being ***** 🎶
  7. I actually want the pats to win. I'd love for them to end up keeping both the dolphins and jets out of the playoffs
  8. If you can survive a Denver prime time game, you can survive this.
  9. No one cares about him winning the MVP or winning in 'spectacular' fashion as long as they win it.
  10. One of the NYJ or MIA getting seems very likely I'd prefer Miami so the Jets playoffless streak continues and they can eventually break the Bills record.
  11. It's almost like having multiple options is a great idea and that you can't make all the people happy all of the time.
  12. I don't think Bills fans understand how much Saleh needs to make the playoffs. He talked big at the start of the year and if they miss the playoffs again.. it's going to get nasty for him especially without having a QB to sell their fans.
  13. Just curious, does anyone have stats on how many runs / short passes were called in previous years compared to this year?
  14. It feels like they molded him into every other analyst so what made him interesting early on has disappeared and he's just kind of annoying like most announcers now. You'd think the success of the manningcast would get these networks to start trying something new.
  15. I knew. Just because there's something you couldn't figure out doesn't mean that others were unable to do so as well.
  16. I don't think the weather from a game that occurred weeks ago affects how the weather in a game next week is an advantage. Please explain how a snowstorm is an advantage for the Bills. This is what I mean that people have become unhinged. Just because the heat affected the Bills doesn't mean that snow is an advantage. I mean, I guess you could make an argument that Miami's offense is more explosive so hopefully it affects them to a greater degree than it does the Bills. Seems thin to me, but makes more sense that 'the heat was an advantage for Miami so the snow is an advantage for us!'
  17. Strange how so many knew at the time and not two hours later.
  18. Why do people think snow is an advantage for us? Since the miami game I've seen this strange bit on here about how people want a snowstorm to 'get back at miami' that seems to have unhinged people who forgot we lost a game in the snow to a QB who attempted 3 passes. People seem more interested in this strange weather 'revenge' than winning the game.
  19. I kinda feel like those numbers were reversed for him.
  20. I'm glad you finally figured out why it shouldn't have been challenged. Seems like it was a long journey to get there and will make a great lifetime movie some day.
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