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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. and that Eagles aren't as thrilled with him as they were prior to him playing a game for them
  2. Shouldn't the Redskins copy the Eagles, not the other way around?
  3. maybe he is going back to play in college where he can cover a TE
  4. What leads you to believe that a ten year vet can do that? Obviously, not with the Vikings. This also seems to imply that because the guy is older and over 30 that him being out of shape and unable to perform is somehow better than a younger guy being out of shape. It's much more difficult to keep your body performing post 30. He may see the field again, but the question is, is it worth it for him to be there? You've already had one NFL team decide that Demarcus Love has higher value than McKinney.
  5. I would not be against signing him if he's healthy.
  6. What part of he got cut for not being healthy got missed here? Amituanai, Conan Huntley, Rod Isom, Byron Johnson, Charlie Kooistra, Scott Love, DeMarcus The Vikings feel these guys would all do a better job.
  7. I understand it's tempting to go bargain shopping on Donte, but do you really want a guy who has nearly twittered himself out of the league? He's a good player if the scope of his duties are narrow. However, this is *NOT* a guy you want players to take after..his lack of mental fortitude is his biggest flaw and not a poison you want in the locker room. It is not ok to sulk and mope because fans say mean things about you on the internet.
  8. If the Bills had picked up prior to this thread, the same people lauding McKinnie would be the ones talking about how is old, out of shape and over the hill and how it is another awful decision.
  9. They did get Coach Sal so that is a huge mark in their favor!
  10. This is the simplistic thinking. You have to take stock of where the Bills are...and it's not a competitor. Why would you sign a high priced free agent who is on their 2nd or 3rd contract now? So you can maybe squeak out to 8-8? Value is what keeps the top teams at the top. The Bills have had very poor value players. Also, keep in mind the 'Best Available' at a position doesn't always mean 'great' at that position. It amazes me that people who continually express that they believe the Bills are a bottom feeder and quite possibly think they Bills are the worst team in the league also somehow feel they are only a 'player or two away' at the same time. The Bills need a complete overhaul. As much as it may make you tingle in your naughty places when you look at Asomugha...does he win the Bills any more games? I doubt it. The Bills need to establish a system and stability to bring the overall base level of team talent to a higher level. If we go in Madden terms, having a whole team at 85 is better than having a team of 70s with a couple 99s. That is not relevant for this season.
  11. It was funny four five years ago when it came out.. Albright didn't write it. He has said so on record.
  12. expendable is a long ways from 'fourth best receiver' behind a guy that has yet to not be injured.
  13. Hell yes, WGR just got a lot better. I'll actually be tuning in to listen.
  14. just curious, do you believe it's possible that one of both of these players don't work out?
  15. you being this upset, just made ESPN money
  16. There's about five teams ahead of them even with their recent additions. Let's wait for Vick to have two good years (over multiple 'meh') years before anointing him as a great QB as well. Brady Quinn was considered a pretty good QB after his one year of solid play.
  17. *if* they return to form, you don't think they would be significant players?
  18. I doubt it. Someone with an ego like his would be difficult to take an offer from the Bills that likely isn't even on the table at the moment. I think he'd rather drop his price for another team.
  19. It will be amusing when they fail to win a Superbowl again..that's for sure.
  20. I think it's a statement on this board that it could have been a completely legitimate post.
  21. What's sad is that people can't pickup on it being obvious, obvious sarcasm
  22. I don't even understand how that happens...
  23. Holy crap, the Bills still have holes to fill? NO WAI This is *why* they're not singing the top tier free agents left and right. Too many holes to fill and tying up a great deal of money on a few positions makes it difficult to upgrade the overall talent level.
  24. Are the raiders just signing QBs without trying them out first? Ohh....forgot Trent is great in practice
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