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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Simply because you preface a stupid idea by saying it's stupid doesn't give it anymore credence among people who think about this for a few seconds. Evans wasn't let go because poor circumstances or someone was willing to give up a 4th for him. He was let go because he did not want to be a part of what was happening with the Bills. Maybin? Seriously? You want to waste another first round pick on him?!
  2. I am not even a fan of this move (hate blockbuster deal 'savior players' no matter who they are) and I can enjoy this for the excellent moment that it is, but damn some of you people could suck the fun out of anything. Take a day off from hating yourself, The Bills, and everything else.
  3. overpayment for a DE on the decline and has been injured. Maybe we should bring Bell back so they can go against each other in practice and both go down together and everybody is happy about this? worse than 25 million for walker. disclaimer: this is a re-enactment of one of the miserable SOBS that frequent
  4. because he is one of the unquestioned best at his position and by all reports beyond 'normal'. As good a Mario is, CJ is in a class by himself and has zero question marks.
  5. Flynn isn't going to sing until Manning is done and the teams that didn't get him panic.
  6. I believe we should demand accountability from people. The person who wrote the report on PFT did a bad job. If you're going to use a source that is so vague, you should at least have two vague sources. It's now been shown that the report was wrong so seems like a good idea no matter what you are reporting. If my trade is on my credibility, I'd be interested in maintaining it.
  7. I'm not trying to say anything about you. Would you ever use a single source and identify it with "A source with knowledge of the situation"? Considering it's now official that he's staying the evening in Buffalo, it sure does seem like they went with flimsy information and didn't follow up on it. I'll bow out of this since it's obviously a matter closer to you than it is to me and the question of the report being accurate has been settled. I apologize for offense to you personally.
  8. How many have that? The desire to be 'first' makes people do a lot of things that shouldn't be done now that the internet has taken away the soapbox. Considering the way some 'journalist's' source things, professionalism doesn't seem to be of great concern to some of them in relation to speed.
  9. Can you point to specific areas of his game that make him such a leap above the rest of the lineman and give examples of this play?
  10. they just need to make Sal the main guy there and it would be a station worth listening to without them having to lock up 'flagship station' bit
  11. Honestly, I wouldn't want him to know about the miserable piles of depression that some of the 'fans' are..
  12. It's very possible which is why his agent likely has flights scheduled to get him to other potential teams as quickly as possible. If he's spent this long in Buffalo, he likely believed there was a very high chance of a deal being completed. Chicago is already out. Denver seems an unlikely destination. Jacksonville just burned through some more cap space on a WR so it seems they have moved on. He either is signing in Buffalo or is going to take a less money at this point. If the final call is his fiancee's like the current panic seems to be heading then he needs to move quickly to get a contract close to what Buffalo is likely offering.
  13. That's a fairly naive assumption. It's also likely, that he's had flights scheduled out of the city all along and his agent schedules new ones so if the Buffalo deal doesn't work out they can move on to the next team. Cap space is dwindling quickly.
  14. What confirmation? The PFT story does not have any kind of source. PFT is known for using 'sources close to the story' to generate hits since it doesn't have the access competitors have.
  15. It's the reporter circle jerk. Whenever you see 'sources close to the team/player/situation' instead of something like 'an official from the team who wants to remain anonymous' it means they got it from another reporter. It usually goes something like this, "I need to write something. Spin the wheel...Mario going to Chicago who already said they were out" *call reporter for team that needs pass rush* "yeah, the team feels he'd be a great fit and they've talked to him. They told him they would be interested if the Buffalo deal doesn't get gone and his agent said they'd visit first." *write story Mario scheduled to leave Buffalo according to sources 'close to the situation'*
  16. It's amazing that an unsourced report from a site that is known for throwing things against the wall to see what sticks sends people into a tizzy
  17. Dude, I have heard of him too and he plays guard. If both of us have heard of him and know what position he plays that instantly makes him the best player on team!
  18. I tried to keep listening, but Schopp and Bulldog are still terrible.
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