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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Their fans do. That doesn't mean the team does.
  2. He's going to want a big extension. Pass. Wait, wait.....I've heard of him before! Let's do it!
  3. You guys have to get off the weed...and I only mean that about Mike Adams. Replace Weed with something else trifling like wearing an orange shirt. It doesn't matter that it is ridiculous. It was clearly defined to him (and I'm sure his agent made acutely aware of it and could have provided information and help with finding a different color shirt), but he ignored the edict to not wear an orange shirt and wore it anyway. He was given an instruction by his future employer, "Don't show up wearing an orange shirt" and he couldn't follow it.
  4. You completely missed the point. It wasn't a surprise he was going to be tested (and I'm sure his agent warned him in more specific detail). Regardless of the substance he tested positive for, he knew he couldn't test positive. Football is a game of discipline. If he lacks the ability to stop smoking pot for a month, there is a problem that is not at all related to smoking pot. No one really cares he smoked pot. Think of it as something else entirely: He was told not to wear orange. He wore orange.
  5. I think he's more upfront than most GMs. If you look at the things he's said in the past and his actions, they tend to make sense. That is not the norm in the NFL and people try to read more deeply into the meanings because they think there is something 'hidden' behind the words.
  6. Various feelings on the legality of Marijuana are irrelevant (I'm in favor of legalizing it. There's no solid research showing it's worse than alchohol or a 'gateway' drug). It is currently illegal. The NFL does not like players doing illegal things regardless. It's a 'hot button' issue. The concern this makes is that he was: 1. Arrogant that the rules didn't apply to him. 2. Stupid that he didn't think he'd get caught 3. Lacks self control to not smoke weed long enough for it to be out of his system by the time of the combine It's like a company you're interviewing with that is planning to offer you millions tells you, "Don't wear an orange tie" and you wear an orange tie and they made it very clear that they literally meant what they said.
  7. No, he is not a hall of fame QB. There are already too many guys who shouldn't be in the hall of fame.
  8. This logic basically makes every first overall pick who isn't Peyton manning a reach.
  9. I've removed your tirade on TO and Spiller. I didn't think TO was good and have not bashed Spiller. These seem like ancillary arguments to back up your unrelated point about Trent being why Evans didn't have a stellar career. Evans best year was with Losman. His 2nd and 3rd best years? Edwards. So out of his eight years in the league, Trent Edwards was his QB for three of them. And it wasn't even three full seasons because, as well know, he was injury prone and Fitzpatrick was the QB for a good portion of one of those seasons.
  10. I'm always amazed how much people will want to get rid of players and how much they will lament some players leaving. Evans in 2008 cracked 1,000 yards (barely and something he only did twice in his career) and 3 TDs. He also had two fumbles. He followed that up with 612 yards, but 7TDs. Then yards and TDs decreased...and went down further. He's on the decline, he was on the decline. At his height, he was 'good'. Outside of the 'myth' of Lee Evans, he was a decent player who did one thing very well and seems like a nice guy. For comparison, Peerless Price had similar numbers to Lee Evans over his career. In fact, his best year was better than Lee's best year. Dozens upon dozens of players have had careers better than Lee. Pierre Garcon's numbers the pas three years and better than Lee Evan's numbers. Santana Moss' numbers blow Lee's away. His last three years were vastly above Lee's. We're making fun or the redskins for signing these guys. The list goes on and on. The point here is that Lee was, in terms of an NFL Wide Receiver, above average, but not a star. This is not to bash Lee, but the demi-god hood that gets associated with him here is a bit much. I really dislike you guys making me point this out about a nice guy.
  11. people say it is a reach to wipe your ass, but you still do it. Stop worrying about what people paid to talk keep saying is a reach.
  12. I'd consider it, probably reject it, but I also don't believe #10 and #41 get it done
  13. I disagree, I think it is a game of symbols !@#$%^&*()
  14. I heard the Bills took every prospect there to Tempo
  15. Seemed like a case of, "well, I like you, but only if Susie doesn't like me back." between the Bills and Bell. Then Bell got dumped by a bunch of other teams until Peters got hurt and couldn't go to prom.
  16. The problem is 'if' he buys into a team and then 'can' he perform at an adequate level. He had one really great season and the rest have been middle of the pack. He wasn't able to do much of anything in San Francisco and his last season with the Jets never made it into the end zone. On top of that, he's still on probation. I don't think it is beneficial to bring in a guy who doesn't fit your mold and is on his last legs to see if he has one passable season left in him.
  17. It's likely the starter's role. If he faced competition and didn't keep the starting position in Buffalo then it was likely his last contract (maybe a flyer on league minimum). Philly has no one to compete with him at that position and have a mobile QB. Terrible contract, terrible security though. If he gets hurt again this year, that is going to be his last contract. Of course, last season teams liked to beat Vick like they thought candy was going to come out of him. I imagine we'll see a lot of that early in the year again.
  18. I don't see him being a good coach. Who would want him to have influence over young players?
  19. Yes. Just like we play the 'This guy would be awesome' game for every free agent and 87% of all players in the league (trade).
  20. It's the nature of the business. It's one of the reasons many people writing at organizations such as this (I avoid the term 'journalist') get annoyed so much by 'bloggers'. Without the benefit of the 'podium', the job is a lot tougher. The other side of the coin, to be good at it like say, a Coach Sal, requires a lot of work and the pay isn't all that great.
  21. Eagles really like to pay tackles that don't play
  22. I understand you have a point you want to make, but please don't take my post that was in direct response to another post and use it out of context.
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