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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. forget this guy, there was a guy bagging my Groceries that I am pretty sure is the next Kurt Warner and the Bills completely overlooked him since he doesn't play in the SEC! Buddy asleep at the wheel again!
  2. I can't believe they wasted this pick when ******* was still available. This team is going nowhere.
  3. Eagles traded for Peters, but I don't drafting guys means they are looking to trade him in the offseason.
  4. Seriously, no idea why we don't draft hall of famers. Buddy one step behind drafting players who have never played a down in the NFL and not listening to expert advisers who vast and intimate knowledge of 98% of college players. The ability of the scouts of this board would have us acing the draft every year if only OBD would listen.
  5. If you're complaining about them not drafting someone in the eight round...I think you need to re-evaluate your life.
  6. Could you stop posting and just go throw a temper tantrum in Walmart so mommy will pay attention to you
  7. No, the article works off nothing, but they drafted a tackle and he's expensive.
  8. You don't get it. Bills should have traded their next three drafts for Andrew Luck. Still, interesting that OP won't answer the question if he's ever considered the possibility that *he* is wrong
  9. This. I mean, there were a lot of Hall of Fame locks in the 3rd, round, right?
  10. My impression of the post so far is that Wagon Circler thinks he is smarter than everyone else I'm curious, have you EVER considered you could be wrong?
  11. compared to going into the season with group of <insert punching bag of choice here>?
  12. because it is generally a bad idea to base draft picks on whether TBD posters have 'heard of them'? My guess is he will be the '3rd outside receiver'. He'll line up and sprint down the field which would likely outdistance the linebacker/3rd corner on him and force a safety to swing over and pick him up.
  13. How could the BPA player be anything else than the best player for the team? BPA for the most part, means don't draft on need if the guy is not probably great. It's better to have two great players competing at a strength then drafting average because you have 'bad' at the position.
  14. You need more than 3rd, 4th and 5th for one of the top 8 in the 2nd round.
  15. It's good, but would be better if it didn't have like 60% broken images
  16. ROFL! You got me! All this time I thought your posts in this thread were serious.
  17. You've seen one more player than most of this board.
  18. I think it was the best pick they could make and I assumed it would be hated by the same people that wanted us to sign every receiver and offensive tackle over the age of 35 this offseason. It's not a name they 'know'.
  19. I'll laugh when the Bills have two victories over them in a season.
  20. Every Player who is not on the Bills is better than whatever Player is on the Bills at that position. You should know this.
  21. So you should make trades because everyone else is doing it?
  22. I don't think you give up that much for any RB. specially not if your Cleveland. Good Luck surviving, Richardson.
  23. ESPN can't go down any further or more often.
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