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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Whether you feel Florence was left hung out to dry or not, the stat that is being thrown around, he was the worst on the team in that stat. All players, including McKelvin, had the same pass rush.
  2. I think it's way more likely they have a subscription and looked at the same stat people here did.
  3. I think it's important to note again that the stat being thrown around, 103.3 passer rating against was the worst on the team.
  4. I hope they dangle his return over him long enough to get him to testify against the players then just go, 'Psych, you're banned for life'.
  5. Ridiculous TBD Panic resolved. What is our next panic attack for?
  6. Ralph Wilson fulfills the role of 'President'. No offense, but I'm not confident in your knowledge of how the organization functions. He may have been behind moves, but to take every move made and attribute it to Littman seems ineffective at discovering the underlying motivations.
  7. The scary thing is that people on here would believe this. Someone in the Florence thread really believe Jeff Littman made the call to get rid of him.
  8. The problem is you don't seem to know what Jeff Littman actually does.
  9. Actually, it's not MTV's fault they went away from music videos. The RIAA and the labels started charging them huge amounts of money in order to license to music for music shows. They were basically forced to start doing reality TV which was cheap to produce and got good ratings. Thanks, RIAA. Anyways, hope someone posts a recap.
  10. If the Bills signed him, there would be riots. If the pats, sign him...CHAMPIONSHIP!
  11. That would be a six year contract. Fred's a great guy, but you don't play a 36 year old back 5 million.
  12. An my English professor used to say, "There are a lot of good writers in the world, but only a handful are willing to work." Sullivan is a lazy reporter. If he didn't have a job at Buffalo News, no one would pay attention to him. There's a lot of reporters who rely on having the podium instead of actually doing their jobs (a big reason a lot of them hate 'bloggers'). We'd be better off without them. The best thing that can be said about him is he crystallizes what is wrong with sports media and is a great example of what not to do.
  13. Every Single Player gets one of these. They should be banned from the forum and one thread made for 'Should we sign this guy'?
  14. It is considered really bad form to release a guy late when he can't latch on somewhere else.
  15. This is silly. If he's unable to interact with people on this board then why would you be interested? If people are outside of the terms of the board then ban them. Him posting on the board does not grant him a right to immunity from criticism.
  16. I think it's respect for Florence. They probably told him that they were not looking at him as a starter and released so he could look at his other options.
  17. I've noted that Tim Graham will be returning the 'Sports' section of the Buffalo News.
  18. This is why they need to get offseason workouts back. People are literally flipping their **** over 5 lbs.
  19. I'd suggest researching the issue more since you think that: 1. Fitz isn't in the weight room 2. That hitting weights alone will resolve all issues with deep balls
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