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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Demaurice Smith wants names of who talked to the NFL.
  2. I believe this is an attempt to uncover further information (ie names of the people who provided the information that they don't currently know and the league is not revealing). My feeling is that this is part of a strategy by the NFLPA to get this information.
  3. He has the NFLPA's pockets. DeMaurice Smith is behind this lawsuit. So it's ok to spend all the other's players money to defend a guy who put money on hurting them.
  4. I'd bet Smith and the NFLPA are behind this. Also, defamation? That's quite the burden to prove. This is an end run around the NFL not publicly releasing the evidence. Smith is still throwing a tantrum to get people to notice him.
  5. No free agent is signing up because the Bills were on Hard Knocks once.
  6. Does Vilma have brain damage? Although, this has Demaurice Smith written all over it.
  7. Excellent. Nice that he exceeded the specs for the rolly thing too. Gotta read those instructions!
  8. I think Gailey's take is good. Along the lines of, he hasn't been pushed that much so far. Good signs though.
  9. Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day!
  10. To be fair, they usually are..what's he supposed to say? Yeah, in three days I got to know each of the 40 or so player personally and understand what their full strengths, weaknesses, and potential are going to be?
  11. Whoa, you already have Edwards gone, The Bills not even talking to other teams and are on the anger bus about it? Why do people on this board keep believing that just because you don't want a player on the team, doesn't mean the Bills agree and another NFL franchise is going to give up a ridiculous amount to trade for him
  12. Good lord, backup QB who may not even beat out his competition gets a thread so long it has to be split. TBD - We love Players we have heard of before! The bigger the name the better!
  13. ALERT: This thread already ended at the previous post.
  14. So Thigpen vs. Young needs a 30 page thread? If Young isn't worth anything, he'll be cut. If he's better than Thigpen, he won't.
  15. In TBD's neverending struggle to make a thread for every player that exists should play for the Bills comes the second coming of "We should sign Braylon Edwards! CHAMPIONSHIP!"
  16. The primary goal of bureaucracy is to sustain itself.
  17. I'm in Austin, TX If only you could transport the whole city on Buffalo down here.
  18. This seems like a silly worry. If the coaches determine they need that spot, they won't keep a second kicker.
  19. If he is spending like a drunken sailor. At 320k a year, that would be 1.28 million. Consider that a person making 50k a year (well above the average 26,364 a year salary) would take almost 26 years to make that amount. If they invested half of that amount then they be more than set for life.
  20. Not on HFboards. Most fans believed the teams had serious issues. I think this post has more to do with your own issues.
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