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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Lee's reputation is much larger on this board than it is in the NFL
  2. That quote means nothing. Much Ado about nothing. Nada. It contains no information on 'what' is different. Pass blocking is more passive, it's more technique than brawn.
  3. So if the team improves, you want to get rid of Nix/Gailey and start all over again?
  4. If you keep replacing people after two years then you're gonna keep losing when trying to rebuild a team. If the team improves each season, then you keep them.
  5. Fantastic Post. A little improvement can mean big things.
  6. If you're saying, you're familiar with the legal intricacies involved in the case, I'm going to go with you may be overestimating your knowledge of the intricacies of how the law and the rules of the NFL impact this situation. You've also failed to grasp that most people are not commenting on 'the case' as much as the owners of those teams knew they were taking advantage of the situation and screwing over their business partners. Their business partners then used their powers to rebuff the actions they took when it was possible. Please convey the specific rule that they followed that you are referencing. Please provide any relevant legal citation and appropriate articles from NFL regulations.
  7. Wade was a great co-ordinator. I'd trust his word over a lot of other people's on the issue.
  8. They weren't innocent or unaware in all of this. They tried to take advantage of a situation and screw over the rest of the league. The rest of the league said, 'No'. That's all their is to it.
  9. The O line was good, but it was unable to 'dominate' or 'impose their will' for a large portion of the season when injuries started to hit.
  10. McKelvin has no value at the moment and is in a contract year. You keep him.
  11. Thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea there was a thread on the topic.
  12. If a team is willing to let a 'talent' go, the question 'Why?' and if they are willing to let him go for 'not too much' the question is 'What wrong with him?'
  13. He's obviously trolling. Looks like he's caught a few already.
  14. Apparently, no one told Wes Welker...or the countless other players that have taken the money. I feel like the numbers would support my view that player will almost always take the contract that offers them better financial compensation. As fans, I understand we feel a strong pull to believe otherwise.
  15. I think it could be a good combination, but shouldn't half of the combo call a single play for the team before being dubbed the best ever?
  16. Except...they're not. Look at the pissy fit they are throwing now because they didn't get control in the last CBA. Desmith went for the highest $$$ ignoring a number of other issues. Now they are throwing their own players who were targets of bounties and the guys who gave the league information on it under the bus to try get more control.
  17. Not really that interesting. Gailey is known for tailoring his scheme to the players he has..
  18. I'm not sure why you think I disagree with you. The implication int he article was that teams (ie the organization, The NFL) is cheating these players out of money. It's not their responsibility.
  19. Reality doesn't agree with you. A couple million changes a lot of what players think about an organization.
  20. The NFLPA gave this away in order to get other benefits. The person who should have cared when he had the chance was Demaurice Smith
  21. I voted no, because Drew Brees is not available for trade. I don't vote yes on forum wet dreams. That means you would have to offer an insane amount to get them interested. It's doubtful, with them not being interested, you're looking at giving up four 1sts+ to get them talking. That's with no guarantees. He's a great QB, but you're never assured of success from any individual player. You need to build a team. In addition, I am always against trading for players who are pushing for the money. Keep in mind, he is looking for a long term deal in the 18million a year range. He is an obviously a talent, but is he looking for another ring or another paycheck?
  22. The last thing Demaurice Smith cares about is players.
  23. Demaurice Smith wants names of who talked to the NFL.
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