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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It's front office. WGR550 talks about RJ, neale, ray, etc for the Sabres all the time
  2. Look at part of the situation when these guys were signed too...you don't pay the same price for Water floating down a river as your do in a desert.
  3. There is absolutely no reason to use him there given other players on the team.
  4. Why? Why 'let him be himself'? Why shouldn't Stevie get to be himself then? What about Williams? Everybody should just do their own thing. Where does this belief that he's willing to do what it takes to win come from? He's shown time and time again, he's willing to do what he wants to do, but not what he needs to do. So there is a lack of confidence in the number 2 position at receiver. Let's make dumb moves just because the options there aren't all that great.
  5. Continuing the TBD tradition, there is actually someone who think singing him for the Bills is a good idea. Here's to all of you keeping it alive.
  6. My preferred course is to let them stay part time, add an additional Ref who sits up in the box with all the multiple views and can institute instant replay on any play. That would likely interfere with the TV schedule though so the NFL won't be for it and I don't the ref as an organization really care about 'accuracy' or replay.
  7. Yep, sounds like he thinks Sheppard sucks. Do you also think the cashier at the gas station is totally into you because she said, "have a nice day?"
  8. So you think Mario Williams should not have been signed then. I disagree with your view on Mario Williams.
  9. Kelsay will be a hated as a terrible player until the day he is in another uniform and then he will be viewed by TBD as a surefire hall of famer.
  10. They did not listen to TBD enough. Ignoring all that expertise is a recipe for disaster.
  11. Gotta crusade about somebody. Current Mario Williams Thread - 1 reply. Chris "The Motherfing Machine' Kelsay - 4 pages
  12. Except making HBOGo a valuable property that can be subscribed to without a pay TV subscription. Then again, if they don't want my money, I'm ok with that.
  13. I think how many they keep depends on how they do in camp. If all of the guys look good, I think they could find space for them. If they are average...then someone will go. That's the goal...that average players walk due to competition.
  14. It seems like the Bills knew exactly why a lot of teams had their number and addressed it in the off season. We'll see if the players they brought in resolve the issue.
  15. ChanOverChin: What position would you consider a success for offense? Top 5? Top 15? Top 20?
  16. The older players are suffering, but it's not about *if they are suffering*. The question is, "Did the NFL know the impact of concussions and disregard it?" What new players deal with for the most part is up to them. They've been greedy fools that have ignored these type of issues for top max dollar contracts. The NFLPA and by extension the players again have chosen again and again for *max* dollars instead of safety.
  17. The PS3 package is pricey, but works well. I think it was $340 last season (not bad considering like me, I don't pay for cable, direct tv, etc). It also gives you the redzone channel.
  18. Holy mother of all things, why are you people feeding the troll? Did you really fail to see that from the start?
  19. Ignore Billsvet, the collective Bills organization had a team bonding event where they all pissed in his cheerios. Every player that leaves the Bills is a 'good player' to him. His previous comments on Bell that include "knowing full well Bell was an injury waiting to happen." and "the OT's aren't much in pass pro". Now that Bell isn't on the Bills, it looks like his opinion has changed. -------------------------------------------- That said, this statement means nothing. What is he going to say? This new scheme is much more passive? His job is to sell hope and after experiencing the scheme 'without pads' he says it is aggressive? Keep in mind, they also have Vick and there's pages upon pages about how blocking for him is a nightmare so maybe they adjusted the scheme to accommodate his running. This is a non-starter statement.
  20. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/improve Oh, look at how clever I can be too! I understand that you're having a hard time expressing yourself, but I fail to see how your link helps. ----------------------------- If the team improves, by one win each year, every year, do you fire the people at the helm?
  21. this thread was started by a different poster.
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