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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It wasn't used as a bargaining chip. The players didn't address it. I think they would have had to give up something (in terms of drug testing, a higher 'moral' standard of some sort or that they would have had to agree to strict guidelines on player conduct (why I think they let it go). The players don't just want a voice, they want to have the pull to decide. The important point is that Goodell didn't magically make them leave it the way it was.. There's also the question of 'impartial'. I think the players very easily could have included a voice in the process to gain 'impartiality', but they focused on money. They were laser focused on the dollar figure. This isn't the only point that seems to have been overlooked by the NFLPA in the CBA. I think we're headed for years of litigation over various issues because Desmith got snowed. Goodell offered to share the evidence with the NFLPA (I believe there was certain confidentiality terms. I'm not sure, all I know is what outside what is required by the CBA). They declined.
  2. They're trying to change what they agreed to...in short, Desmith got owned because he was focused on money. They're saying that the NFL did not follow the basic due process (they did). The process followed all goes to Gooodell. So players can appeal...to Goodell. The NFLPA is trying to have its cake and eat it too. That should have been hammered out in the CBA, but it would have meant they had to give up something. The aim in the Vilma lawsuit is to get to discovery so they can get all the documents (names) involved. It's disgusting. Why isn't the NFLPA going after players that purposely tried to injure and affect the careers of other players? If the NFLPA had been ahead of the NFL on this, it's likely they would have been included. The NFLPA should have more concern for player safety than the NFL does..they represent players. Again, unless you're an utter moron, you don't agree to a ten year agreement without having settled this question which is what the NFLPA did and they should have to live with it. That they can throw a temper tantrum when the hand is caught in the cookie jar is somewhat absurd. No one cay say that they were not fairly represented in the negotiations.
  3. The NFLPA should have addressed this during the negotiations. Supporting the litigation culture whenever you don't get everything you want it pretty ridiculous.
  4. I was all ready to come in here and trash the OP for such a stupid thought..turns out..the "Electronic Journalism" degrees from Kansas State don't include the "don't talk out your ass" class
  5. It's cool. We all understand you have something to learn about the game. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We'll be happy to help. First things first, a touchdown is worth six points.
  6. I feel like the Bills giving Stevie a large contract was a slap in the face to him. It seems like Football keeps getting in the way of his hobbies.
  7. He'll have good practice for the season at least.
  8. The NFLPA should have addressed Goodell's authority during the negotiations for the CBA.
  9. The suit is not about Vilma at all. It's an end run by the NFLPA to get at the names of those who talked. Vilma is going to be sore when the NFLPA gets what it wants and leaves him hanging.
  10. The goal was to get the NFL to show evidence. They don't need much evidence to fight Vilma's case. The NFL isn't worried about losing the case. DeSmith isn't worried about winning. It's access to the evidence that is the fight here.
  11. You've made a big leap. You have seen 'some' evidence. Not all. What strikes me as strange is the NFLPA supporting players headhunting, violating very clear rules on bonuses outside a contract and now going after testimony from players who do not want to be reveale. Vilma's lawsuit is a thinly disguised attempt to get at the players who tattled.
  12. Not quite. The top four teams in rushing: 1 Houston Texans Wins 10 2 Pittsburgh Steelers Wins 12 3 Green Bay Packers Wins 15 4 San Francisco 49ers Wins 13
  13. Finally, someone else who sees the real problem like I do
  14. Holy Heck Guys, I have totally heard of this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Terry Bradshaw Ken Stabler Jim McMahon Phil Simms Doug Williams Jeff Hostetler Mark Rypien Brad Johnson
  16. Actually, the RIAA is to blame for MTV sucking. MTV stopped playing music videos because labels started wanting massive fees to play music videos. Apparently, the RIAA's position is...if people like something and someone is making money on it...somehow they owe the RIAA a cut.
  17. "NFL Players' Association spent $12,000 on paper shredding last year, destroying roughly 62 tons of documents. Sixty-two tons."
  18. Amazing, in a thread that has virtually nothing to do with kelsay...We stepped up as Bills fans and managed to get some digs in. Congratulations to you on making up a rumor, telling it to yourself, and then posting in a thread about Levitre.
  19. I'm sure he is filled with regret from the dump truck of money they backed up to his door
  20. Ah, Bills fans...they make a pre-emtive move to sign a player and the second reply is about not signing Byrd.
  21. Stop responding to the trolls. They want you to tell them that they are 'pessimistic' and 'wrong' so they can tell you how right they are.. Just stop responding and it will torment them. They will squirm and think about it. Dwell on it and become more miserable. It's much more effective then trying to debate them as they have no interest in a rational middle, only the attention you provide them that they aren't getting elsewhere.
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