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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. That's your issue. Not an issue with the Bills receivers. Maybe therapy can help with that one. Them dropping balls is an issue. Hopefully, coaching can help them with that one.
  2. It's a blessing from the Football Gods. Between Murphy and Sal, the station is worth listening to again
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/02/santonio-coy-about-why-hes-out-and-when-hell-be-bac/ - Holmes "injury" http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/02/rex-ryan-going-for-two-every-time-might-make-sense-with-tebow/ - Rex says going to two all the time a good idea. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/02/sanchez-declares-no-problem-with-tebows-goal-line-work/ - Sanchez smart enough to pretend he's ok with that http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/02/jets-scale-back-quinton-coples-workload/ - Remember when Rex said he was an immediate starter? Not so much apparently. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/01/joe-mcknight-gets-more-than-he-wanted-after-applebees-dinner/ - Mcknight gets food poisoning...oh, and fat http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/01/chaz-schilens-disagrees-with-cromarties-take-on-jets-receivers/ - The Cromartie Saga http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/31/its-over-for-jeff-otah-with-the-jets/ - Hope and Prayer didn't work out http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/31/jets-not-ruling-out-another-move-for-a-tackle/ - Hiring Right Tackle. Start your career with the Jets. Experience with Arbys and Foot Locker a plus. http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/jets/2012/08/new-jets-safeties-laron-landry-and-yeremiah-bell-believe-they-can-stop-patriots-tight-e - Gronk and Hernandez just another pair of tight ends according to Jets secondary. Jets coach believes they have New England offense figured out http://m.nfl.com/news/09000d5d82aef6de/santonio-holmes-i-was-new-york-jets-2011-scapegoat/ - Jets keep Holmes away from Media to avoid stupidity http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/jets/post/_/id/13784/holmes-leads-cast-of-walking-wounded - Ryan pissed players not coming into camp in shape http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/rex-ryan-full-usual-bravado-day-ny-jets-camp-i-best-defensive-coach-football-article-1.1123268?localLinksEnabled=false - Rex claims he is best defensive coach
  4. Seriously. Talk Trash about the Jets after the opener. As of right now, the Bills haven't beaten them in awhile.
  5. Look at his actual ramblings. He is not a prophet because he he said the Bills Suck for years.
  6. I have never had a signature, but this is going to be my signature.
  7. Millions of people like to shove things up their rears every days which also makes that bigger than training camp.
  8. Did you even use the search function, original poster? Did you really need to feel special and start another thread on the topic?
  9. I disagree with the original poster's complaint, but I also disagree that the commercialized gathering of people that has replaced the Olympics is more important.
  10. The only guy brought in that is a 'pass rushing specialist' is Anderson. Also, if you can get pressure with your front four, it means you have all three linebackers free to play the run. The line is designed to get pressure with the front four so they can do more behind them.
  11. The most interesting work in sports coverage is being done by 'amateurs' with blogs. Sal's program is fantastic and wouldn't exist if he hadn't started doing his web show as an 'amateur'. Let's make this a Coach Sal thread so we can be positive.
  12. I don't think Merriman gets cut, but I don't think his contributions matter a whole lot.
  13. I generally couldn't be bothered to use the Buffalo News to wipe with..and a lot of the credit for that goes Sullivan. The 'Press Coverage' blog is the best thing I've seen on there in years.
  14. at the very least, it will get Fitz used to them caving. Thanks Op for the observations!
  15. As a QB, the guys need to respect you. The Rookies have a slotting system and for a team trying to come together..fair or foul, holding out for an extra million or two 'guaranteed' probably doesn't win him any friends. He needs to be there.
  16. They could look at Addai. I hear he's available.
  17. Why does this thread exist? To raise post counts?
  18. No Way! That was totally what killed their season. Backup Qbs saying stuff matters.
  19. What leads you to believe they need that money to sign Levitre and Byrd?
  20. Yet another moment of, TBD cares more about the imaginary 'respect' Fred Jackson is getting then Fred Jackson does.
  21. Did you use the search function? You're aware there are a multitude of posts on this subject already?
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