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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm on it. Be sure to hold your breath while you await my results.
  2. Kirk Cousins. Paging Kirk Cousins to the hall of fame. Your one terrible and one ok Preseason performance has qualified you for the NFL Hall of Fame.
  3. Did you read the thread? The overwhelming opinion is that Mario is going to have a field day.
  4. I wish it was chocolate. Or better yet, Chocolate Vanilla Swirl. On that note, none of the Jets offensive lines performed exceptionally well. The Giants were in the backfield before Sanchez was able to get the snap and get it into a position to throw. They may be bad, but they won't be that bad during the regular season.
  5. Rookies tend to take those penalties while adjusting to the speed of the NFL. He's been better than I expected, but he's still a rookie.
  6. The other thing to keep in mind is that Gailey has said numerous times that they weren't interested in making too many moves to help guys out. They wanted to see who stepped up. I think if Williams starts, he'll have more safety help than we've seen.
  7. to a point, this is actually true. If hunter is still starting (or his replacement) then he will likely get help from a tight end or back
  8. Is that different than being 2-14 with Bradford?
  9. for the most part, once a player is on the sh*tlist, it doesn't matter who actually makes a bad play. If Fred Jackson drops a surefire touchdown it will be Sheppard's fault (or Kelsay). Not to diminish his effort at being umimpressive this preseason though
  10. yes, because Sheppard hasn't been all that good, let's put in a rookie who hasn't shown all that much into a starting position because his name is Tank. Fans really should run the team.
  11. The sooner Desmith loses and is fired, the better for the sport as a whole. He's an attention whoring clown and got manhandled in the CBA and is now trying to get out of something he agreed to in the courts (or worse, he planned to go to court all along so he could 'give' on this point in the CBA) What a waste of the courts time and propagation of the sue-because-mommy-didn't-give-me-ice-cream culture.
  12. This is a misnomer. It's not comparing the two teams. It's demonstration of a lack of correlation between pre-season and the regular season.
  13. Green Bay is obviously a crap team. 2009, 2010, and 2011 were just a fluke.
  14. If it makes anyone feel better, Wayne Hunter vs. Mario Williams in week 1.
  15. Williams looks about the same as he did last season to me. I think expectations rose for him and he has not elevated his play thus far in the pre-season.
  16. I'm curious. Regardless of how tough it is to watch, does anyone have stats to back up that looking atrocious in pre-season translates to the regular season? Any one?
  17. He's worth looking into, not worth trading for and signing to the deal he wants.
  18. Whether it is or isn't a financial hardship has nothing to do with the issue. The issue is that the value does not merit the price. I'll give you buckets of my sh*t for a dollar. Is that worth the price to you?
  19. Thanks for the information. There's some disturbing things to hear from a court of law. "Judge- you're making me feel powerless" A judge shouldn't feel powerful or powerless. They should know whether they can intercede in a legally binding agreement or not.
  20. Sooo....this is actually a thread. uhh...well, this is awkward.
  21. He hasn't dropped off. He's inconsistent which is a problem he had last season. People raised their expectations for him and he hasn't met them which is why it 'seems' there has been a dropoff.
  22. Except that is not true. It's unfortunate that because they made money 'in one way' for awhile that they refuse to adjust and make money in new ways. Why would you actively choose to keep making stage coaches when there are automobiles?
  23. When healthy, McGee was good. I am not sure where the impression is coming from has been Florence is comparable to him when both players are at 100% McGee's problem has been the injuries.
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