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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. If you ever find yourself agreeing with Schopp. You might want to rethink your position.
  2. He also knows surprisingly little about Football
  3. Did you mean to say: because regardless of good/bad performances, that is where it ends. There is no evidence supporting performance in pre-season games means anything.
  4. While it's unfortunate that you chose to purposely take the wording out of context. The point of 'health crazes' and 'invented panics' are all too real. Instead of harping on one factor, which the research is woefully underdone at this point and hammering home, "IT'S BRAIN DAMAGE!". That is obviously only one facet why NFL players commit suicide and struggle after leaving the game. The other side of the coin is that plenty of players who experience brain damage don't kill themselves. My point is, it's irresponsible to just keep yelling "BRAIN DAMAGE" when the research on it is still in its infancy. Brain Damage is an easy copout. If it is Brain Damage then what is the solution? More Research? Waiting on the 'cure for brain damage'? Maybe, there is some awesome helmet that will prevent it completely...funny that players opted not to use helmets that are considered 'safer'. If it isn't Brain Damage, then what is the solution? No one talks about that because it is so much easier if it is Brain Damage. Again, to make it abundantly clear. I'm not saying that Brain Damage isn't a factor, but that it is the easy way out versus the longer harder road.
  5. It's one of the many current 'crazes' that people are going through. Instead of looking at real issues like, "These guys were golden gods with millions. Now nobody cares, they have a lot of free time on their hands, don't necessarily have skills or even an idea of how to function in normal society, and generally watch their wealth diminish (even if they're not poor, they're probably not filling the coffers unless they invested very, very well)", we invent a craze like "BRAIN DAMAGE". That's not to say that ramming your head into something over and over is a good thing, but I think the problems many former players have are much more nuanced than their brains being damaged.
  6. It was a preseason game. He didn't get hurt.
  7. not a huge fan, but the Bills won't admit their mistake and bring in a guy who can win games.
  8. Pfft, if I was GM, I could have found 11 guys to play the 3-4 in 3-4 days. All of them allstars.
  9. So Ralph 'is cheap' Wilson didn't cut a player for monetary reasons and now this is a problem? That they spent 3 million to see if he could improve the team and we're bitching about that now. Some people just want to B word.
  10. The selective memory around here is amazing. People ran by Florence almost as quickly as they do by Wayne Hunter.
  11. Explain the benefit of cutting him early? Beyond vague generalizations of 'They Should Know'
  12. I think this post is pretty spot on. What should they have done? Cut Merriman instantly? That serves no benefit.
  13. You can take a chance on a QB, but you don't trade 2nd round picks for 3rd round picks. Ryan L Billz wants to trade a 2nd round pick for Cousins. Also, I'm incorrect, Cousins was drafted in the 4th round. So before he ever has played a game or had one play in the NFL...he wants to give Washington a 2nd round pick. That is not how you built a team.
  14. read what you're saying though...you want to trade a 2nd round pick for a guy who was drafted in the 3rd round who has nothing of any (and I can't stress this enough) significance to add to his resume since being drafted...why? Do you also wipe with $100 bills?
  15. Not if Buddy wasn't asleep at the wheel again!
  16. They need to do something, but dollars talk so it's unlikely to happen.
  17. I think it's easy for those things to look one sided especially when you say, "My take is that they are trying to stop the other team and put together a drive to score everytime they take the field. And it isn't happening." and everything Gailey has ever said has leaned towards the opposite that he doesn't care what other teams do and he's more interested in 'who steps up' without masking blitzes, sliding coverage, etc They looked sloppy and some players missed tackles, assignments and a few looked flat out bad. However, instead of discussing the finer points of those players we're having a conversation about 'how we feel'.
  18. There's already a topic on him. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/148928-delano-howell-is-making-the-team/
  19. Are you serious? You want to trade a 2nd rounder for a 3rd rounder before he has done anything? Anything at all?
  20. Why does it have to be 'realism' or blind faith? The issue is that this board is filled with extremes, but the 'negative' folks seem to be intensely vocal and hell bent on everyone else not just simply acknowledging there are problems, but that the season is over due to those issues.
  21. Wayne Hunter was the #1 trending topic on twitter for awhile after the game. LOL
  22. The bills had a price point for him as a second receiver. They held firm to what they believed his value. San Diego did the same.
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