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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Tom brady was drafted in the 6th and if the Bills had followed the draft board I made yesterday from that year, they would have drafted Tom Brady! Budday Asleep at the wheel again! Notice the hold up in MONEY! RALPH IS CHEAP!
  2. I guess the question in their mind is 'can they play Young or Thigpen?' It is still a rumor at this point though.
  3. to be fair, the reports say that Jones has finally gotten his act together.
  4. No receivers should be cut. I'm sure you could trade them to the dolphins for something
  5. or a big return...based on stats...which of these is more likely?
  6. The Patriots offense looked like a disaster their last game to the point that Belichick said that it was 'terrible to watch' . What does that mean?
  7. This thread is apparently filled with Ghosts.
  8. There was a large contingent of 'fans' on this board suggesting Buffalo bring him back.
  9. Exactly, how many hallucinagenics are you willing to take?
  10. Can you tell me the four players who were on the line for the majority of that drive? what does 'vaulted' mean in this context?
  11. I wish they added a feature that data mined your posts and weighed your opinions so like when someone goes apesh*t over a rookie QB in preseason, it would like add a tag to their post that says, "I thought Rob Johnson, JP Losman and Trend Edwards were good choices too".
  12. I'm not sure that is their base offense. Thought they played a modified spread which has they put a second TE out there.
  13. The question is, will you be excited to see him play after a game that matters
  14. That has been their history. it would be interesting. We might see a lot of two TE sets.
  15. I'll defer the k-9's post following this one. It's much better.
  16. or send a great message. If people actually read the whole article he answers *why* that is the right thing to say in that same article.
  17. That offense does not exist outside of imagination. I'd be interested in more theories on it though and how those theories compare and contract to the stats from last year. Every NFL coach disagrees with you. Every team needs the guy who can pickup 3rd and 2. Teams often have a 3rd down specialist. I notice that instead of bringing up stats and numbers, you're relying on the 'feeling' argument and also ignoring the question of what does getting rid of him, 'gain'. How does *not* having Brad Smith in the 3rd QB slot help. You're proposing to remove him for Tyler Thigpen (please note, his roster spot is Thigpen's spot. The Kicker, Potter will not take the '3rd QB spot'. If it's not Brad Smith, it's Tyler Thigpen).
  18. He was one of the top rated QBs in the first half of the season. Did you mean "Fitz has to be waaay more consistent than he has ever been to get us anywhere"?
  19. I don't get this. He seems like a great guy who could be a good player, but he hasn't shown anything that points to him being ready to start. Somehow, the name, Tank, seems to have qualified him for the hall of fame though.
  20. It's ok not to know much about professional athletes. They use many motivational techniques such as bulletin board material, rousing speeches from coaches, bounties, accountability, etc. I'm sure as you watch professional sports more, you'll pick up on these things. We were all newbies at one time so ask any questions about things that confuse you and there's likely somebody who can answer it for you.
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