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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. The GIants were considered the best the first year they won? By who? Does this make the opinions of ESPN and the like legit if they considered a team the best? Somehow I doubt your words and would love for you give evidence to backup your claim. I have some stats too: Preseason Win % | Regular Season Win % 1.000 | 0.495 0.750+ | 0.508 0.500+ | 0.535 0.400+ | 0.533 0.250+ | 0.442 0.000+ | 0.450 0.000 | 0.473
  2. It amazes me how many Bills fans do not realize that the Jets D is a top 5 defense.
  3. I assume it has been approved and thus the risk to other players is minimal. I agree he doesn't last the season though.
  4. or making brand new topics on something that is being discussed ad nauseum in other threads and yet, for some reason, people feel they need a 'new' thread on it.
  5. I guess, my ultimate view, is that the replacement refs are good for the game in the long run if they do nothing, but knock the complacency from the regular refs.
  6. Yes, get Harrison too! All the guys who intentionally try to injure other players! Opposing teams won't even be able to field a full roster by the time we're through with 'em! Yee Haw!
  7. At 11 seconds...he comes in fromt he side on a guy already being blocked and pop him in the head. Still a class act.
  8. If it's allowed and works then all players should use it. They can't bark about their own safety when they keep choosing not to take advantage of what is available.
  9. The replacements were worse than I thought, but there's some things the NFL wants that are really good like adding additional crews so the worst graded crews can be sat each week. The more experience these refs get, the leverage the real refs have.
  10. The bills have no issues with cap space. I think he can contribute, if healthy, but healthy has been a problem for him.
  11. Roscoe and Tavaris Jackson don't play the same position.
  12. If you think he Bills have a better Defense, I would strongly urge you to re-evaluate your position.
  13. Hell, at TSW, a lot of posted seem to argue with themselves and double down before anyone schools them. This board is filled with people who would rather base things on their 'feelings' than actual data.
  14. because his record is 9-7, 11-5 and 8-8 and things don't look good for this season. I think his situation is much more complicated and dismissing him as a coach is premature. A lot of coaches have a very difficult time achieving success on their first head coaching stint and he has done pretty well. Some of his wounds are self inflicted, but he has yet to have a losing season.
  15. It doesn't matter who was there physically. In spirit and our minds, it was Sheppard. Stop bring your reality crusade here.
  16. There's issues other than money involved. However, the NFL ponying up more money would likely resole those issues. A larger pool of officials to draw from is a good thing and I'm glad the NFL wants that so bad crews of the regular refs get sat each week.
  17. cutting players is new pink and tiny dog in a purse this season
  18. Bills fans are nuts and people were calling for Young to replace Fitz prior to the second half of last game.
  19. What leads you to believe that the current TO is better than what we have? Examples would be helpful.
  20. This thread is about our WR issues. Please stay on topic.
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