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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. TBD insanity at an all new level. Another team struggles and it means the Bills are doomed. Did you guys know the Patriots had a terrible preseason?! The Bills shouldn't even show up.
  2. There wasn't any 'analysis' in that comment. It was a string of statements that said some things that may or may not be true. Granted, that is kinda the point of a message board, but we should all work together to recognize the difference between excellent analysis (http://yardsperpass.com/?p=58) and some comments that "feel" the same way we do ourselves.
  3. They are relying on a super secret magic offense led by a reincarnation of Jesus. I don't think much else needs to be said.
  4. If players can ignore the legally binding contract they signed in order get more money, then that is the other side of the coin. It's stupid. Honor the contract you agreed to and signed.
  5. I don't think it would be a surprise. Based on the pre-season, I don't think the communication is there for it.
  6. He is not 'worth' more than his contract. It's a contract. Players can give up guaranteed money in their contracts if they don't want to play them out.
  7. This is the insanity of it. Why should a player get to decide he's outperformed his contract? It doesn't matter what other players got until his contract is up. If the players want this ability then pay the fines ta the least. Maybe the owners should get the right to 'lockout' an under-performing player and not pay him. Let's see how that goes over.
  8. to be fair, most of that time was in a regular role, not the specialized role the Jets made for him
  9. I'll take the same stance I took with Peters. He pays the fine. If he wants to sit, more power to him, not getting paid for two years and then having been out of football for two years getting a much smaller contract.
  10. Stevie talked about being more mature this season. Speaking on the field is the mature way to handle it.
  11. Hey, another topic on brad smith and Mcgee! You can't figure out how to post in an existing topic and expect people to take your opinion seriously?
  12. Super secret Vince Young, Brad Smith and Tavaris Jackson Wildcat offense is now in play. SUCK THAT REX RYAN!
  13. I'd love examples. I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's easy to say these things. I'm interested in examples..the games and plays that you saw this.
  14. based on? Is this a 'feeling' or do you have examples of plays that show where one exceeded the other?
  15. If his name wasn't Tank, there would be a lot less interest in him not making the team.
  16. Peyton. I'm honestly not sure how it is a question.
  17. Eric Moulds squandered his own career. He could easily have chosen to take less money elsewhere.
  18. Ahh, Bills fans. Prior to season: Edwards shouldn't be in an NFL uniform After He's cut: KEY TO DEFENSE! SEASON OVER!
  19. They had one drive. Marched down the field. Scored a TD.
  20. The other team in the instance of the second detroit touchdown, wasn't all backups. Players in for the Bills like Howell, aren't even a backup.
  21. Is that some sort of badge of honor you want to wear? Condescending jerk who uses excel?
  22. I'm not sure of the team that rotates all of the backups in at the same time. I'm hoping you can educate me though.
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