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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. There were no press clippings about how good they were this week. I still think maturity is underlying issue on this team. If they can focus, I think they can make the playoffs.
  2. That is ridiculous logic. Someone has success with something so you change your whole offense to emulate regardless of the personnel you have? Or that it's not your offense. Regardless of what you think the spread offense being run here, that is just silliness.
  3. I think I will start a thread about the Hot Dog selection and how this is holding the Bills back.
  4. You're right he is better than Brady, but not as good as his Brother yet.
  5. Peyton made it known which teams were options and which were not options. Buffalo was not an option.
  6. I think Manning has ended this particular debate.
  7. I watched the Jets preseason games. They looked worse than the Bills and the Patriots looked nearly as bad.
  8. I believe next season is the last season they don't have to spend the minimum
  9. Hey, I haven't seen this thread before! http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/149691-bills-on-offense/
  10. Let Rex keep playing mind games with himself. I don't think he realizes, no one else cares.
  11. The problem isn't so much that they don't make money. It's that relative to the value of an NFL franchise, some teams income means they are high risk when it comes to banks financing them. If the Bills sold for 1 billion, paying back the load at 30 million a year would take 33 1/3 years without factoring in interest. Considering very few teams are purchased outright, it's certainly a factor.
  12. It's pretty surprising the offensive co-ordinatiors weren't doing this before or for like, the entire history of the league. You'd think they'd plan every season for weaknesses and defensive co-ordinators would counter and so on! I bet we'll see a lot of this 'planning' this season and going forward. Sounds like the next fad! Man, I missed the Giants having problems with missed tackles last night. Strange. Hopefully you can point out these issues with plays from the game. How does that relate to the Giant playing Dallas again? It's not difficult to grasp. It's just entirely irrelevant. If you wanted to complain about weaknesses in the Bills defense, then there were already threads for that. I understand there are people like you who just want to rail against the perceived slight from the Bills not listening to you and making all the rosters moves you would make, but that still has nothing to do with the Giants. LBs aren't generally considered part of the front four.
  13. of all the doom predictions on the board. This one has the most merit, imo.
  14. No, people are slamming it because the Giants defense playing Dallas doesn't mean one thing about the Bills defense regardless of what concerns there are about the Bills defense.
  15. You're right there with many of us who read this thread about the Giant's defense.
  16. I have never heard of this and would love to have a source so I can read more about it.
  17. I am not sure what the Jets offense did in preseason has to do with the game we play actually the Jets...in the REAL season! We should be looking at the Miami offense to gauge how the Jets offense is going to perform.
  18. They are not full time and part of the proposal is to have some full time refs, but the NFLRA is not griping much about that. They seem focused on money and the additional crews. I'm more than willing to have replacement refs if it means that the two worst crews get sat every week. In the bargaining process, the NFL wanted something in return for the drastic increase in salary the refs wanted. I'm not sure why anyone would be against referee accountability.
  19. A lot of the issues aren't about money. The NFL wants to hire additional crews so they can sit poor performing crews. the NFLRA is strongly opposed to this.
  20. Of course it means they are the same. Dave Wannstedt has a lot of ties to Tom Coughlin and Perry Fewell. Granted, they are invisible and mostly imaginary, but they are there. Just like the voices.
  21. The Patriots had a terrible pre-season. Looked downright awful. Not sure why the Bills are going to even show up for this game against the Jets.
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