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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I think it's interesting that the players are all aflutter to talk about the 'safety' of players and then go out there and perform illegal hits knowingly because the refs won't see it. Player safety starts with the players.
  2. I can only assume you're intentionally misunderstanding standard sentence structure so you have a straw-man to knock down. It was clearly stated that they must perform against the best defensive lines and perform every week. That would naturally imply they would have to perform against whatever line they are playing against, good, bad or otherwise.
  3. You do realize the Pats cut Branch, right? He was previously on their team and cut. Are you saying you want Roscoe back?
  4. I'd be interested to see facts or numbers on it. There hasn't seemed to be any aberration. I think there's incidents like this that come out that everyone goes "OMG OMG OMG" about, but do you really think the real refs don't play fantasy football or have favorite teams? The mistake is these refs saying anything. The other side of the coin is, the NFLPA is supporting the RFA. I don't think the players have any goodwill towards the replacements and would not mind them being embarrassed. Hearsay is just that especially when the environment is willing to accept whatever people say about the replacement refs. The same players care little for the integrity when they win a game then get pulled over for a DUI. They're not concerned about integrity when their contracts haven't expired and they want more cash. They're not conerned about the integrity when they take cheap shot on fellow players. I'd say let the players worry about their own integrity to help the 'integrity of the game'.
  5. No, they have to do it against the best defensive lines and week in/week out. You can't say anyone is 'one of the best' in week 2. Consistency is the name of the game. Potential to be? Sure.
  6. Branch was told he'd be coming back during the season from what I've read.
  7. Only in their own minds. The Stats are on the side of the experts.
  8. I love Bills fans. Bills throw the ball. Chan is an idiot. Bills run the ball, Chan is an idiot and got lucky. I wish I could live in the magical world some posters live in where everything fits their own narrative.
  9. Bills fans are not better or worse than the fans of the 31 other teams. It's a fallacy to believe you have the 'best' fans or 'more intelligent' fans.
  10. There will always be an element of truth missing. or it lets the NFLPA who is running the other side of it lock themselves into a story. The league likely aren't saints here (pun intended), but the NFLPA and players have flowing with the wind on a lot of 'facts' too. It's been a battle between Goodell and DeSmith. vilma is going to be the example. He let the NFLPA direct his actions and I think it's likely the NFL give him the harshest deal. He's not going to say anything until the NFLPA decides what is best. I take a lot of issue with the NFLPA throughout this process as I don't think they were doing thing in the interest of players individually or otherwise. I think DeSmith is dirty and one of the worst things to happen to the league and the players in some time.
  11. Once again, I have no idea why fans are so insistent on cutting people for no reason then they woke up today spin their wheel of random hate and it landed on a player.
  12. It says to me that he recognized that they have 1 running back who stole the show and have 14 more games to win. What does it say to you?
  13. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic that Glenn is doing so well. It does seem a bit much to be calling for people to retract their doubts about two games into the season though.
  14. One of the most brilliant posts I have ever seen on this..nay, any message board.
  15. I don't really consider myself a pessimist, but Fitzpatrick and Johnson both look like they need a kick in the rear. This plays in with my hate for big contracts to guys who have not established themselves as unquestionable top 5 at their position. I worry about Stevie getting paid with him being a guy that has a hard time focusing on football to begin with..I think they need to go back to just letting him be immature and take the good with the bad.
  16. No, but your fantasy league must love you if you're starting him.
  17. You should probably note that the officials responsible for the replay are not replacements. It's the same guys.
  18. I'm not shocked he got another shot at it. After all, BB had a bad run in Cleveland and he got another shot. Turned out pretty well. I think there are a lot of factors that go into the success of a head coach. They have a defense that seems to have the attitude of the Jets without the talent. Pioli..well, can you believe Matt Cassel won 11 games with the pats and looked good? Scott believed it and took it to the bank.
  19. when someone wraps a word in quotation marks, I think the intent is to be sarcastic or imply something other than the direct meaning.
  20. I'm loathe to reply to a silly thread like this that already has a place in multiple other threads, but for some reason you felt needed its own thread. It should be staring you int he face, sometimes when you're up 35-3, it's a good time to put something on film that other teams have to look at and gives you a chance to see its execution in a setting that is real and live.
  21. Not that I agree with the sentiment, but the obvious one is Seattle.
  22. I think most people expected him to draw attention to free up Dareus and Kyle. That seemed to work today.
  23. So what you're saying is that you're consistently wrong, but we should believe you on this point? When is obvious troll going to be banned?
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