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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. At the time, there was a lot of opposition to it given the rivalry with Miami. That's died off quite a bit so I'd love to see it happen.
  2. "They"? Do you mean Fred Jackson himself or the people he could sue if they were 'rushing' him back
  3. They will not be picked apart nearly to the degree that the replacements are. Regular Refs have blown calls that decided games and there isn't nearly the avalanche of criticism. My contention is that the regular refs should be held to much higher standards.
  4. I'll have to try out tunein. I use the player directly from their web page.
  5. You're living in fantasy land if you think the replacements did not get more scrutiny than regular refs get.
  6. He has 15 punts. Six of those were out of bounds.
  7. I hope the real refs get as much scrutiny as the replacement refs especially from the media.
  8. Keep in mind, it's not simply about the refs. If they give it to the refs, then what do they say to the rest of their employees? These guys have a union...you don't. So...now what is the cost per game to give every full time NFL employee a pension? Then what about the team employees who work on Sundays part-time like the refs. Why don't they get a pension? You consider the regular refs "quality"?
  9. Yes. It's about consistency. The Bills will need to win consistently and beat good teams to get ranked higher. Barely losing to Baltimore and beating the browns are not equal
  10. They have said it would take a week for the regular officials to return.
  11. I think it because he chased the money and when he got the philly, he made some comments that people took as insulting the Bills where he talked up the philly line (which seems to prove he may not be a good judge of line talent)
  12. How it Feels to Play The Patriots with Regular Refs No Worse than the "Tuck Rule"
  13. Whatever commercial they want to air is fine with me. I take issue with two things: 1. Locking the volume during commercials through the web. 2. Letting commercials blast out at a higher volume. An annoyingly higher volume.
  14. Welcome to the Complaining Forums! The #1 Community for Complaining on the internet!
  15. I don't see the problem. Sleep is incredibly important. Are you really trying to make fun of them for this?
  16. Trade Urbik or Levitre for welker? I see the pre-game drinking has started early.
  17. He would not be traded to the Bills for a 3rd rounder. NE castoffs, even successful ones, aren't a good bet anyway.
  18. It's my understanding that Youth soccer has always been pretty popular (and that is confirmed by the article), but never translated to spectators. That seems to continue to be the case, but Soccer does seem to be gaining ground and picking up steam in that regard.
  19. Except, you're not engaging in a discussion. People present actual facts to you and you just ignore them to keep ranting. You're like a kid in walmart running around with arms flailing, screaming saying you're having a discussion with your parents about the toy they won't buy you. Your posts don't have any analysis or actual plays that you have issues with...it's just wild, babbling. Please, start discussing, we'd love to have you join us.
  20. I notice you didn't address the facts about the running success that Gailey had. Nice deflection yourself, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good crusade!
  21. Everyone knows Failey would never run the ball if he had a choice. Not once. He obviously wasn't the one calling the shots on Sunday. You'll see. You'll all seeeee! I'll destroy you all! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!
  22. Bills had a chance to trade up and give 100 million dollars, next ten 1st rounds picks and 1000 virgins to get Andrew Luck and didn't do it. This is why this will always be a sh*t team. </insanity>
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