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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Giving up a 1st rounder for Romo is a desperation move because it's pretty clear the Cowboys want to get rid of him. On top of that, he's a choker. That being said, I wouldn't be angry if the Bills traded a package of late picks and/or a middling player. Romo can at least perform well in games he's supposed to win.
  2. Again, that is not a fact. It is something you have chosen to believe. We don't know what happened. Those coaches could have said, "yes, I'll do it for ten million a year" and then the Bills declined. They could have wanted ten million a year for ten years or something. We don't know.
  3. Did you read the comment you posted? At no point does it ever say that they offered 10 million. The only thing going around was that people heard Wilson was 'willing' to spend that much.
  4. Chip Kelly also has the added benefit of 1.5 threads per day asking if Chip Kelly is related to Jim kelly.
  5. That was just a rumor that people decided they wanted to believe.
  6. I'll be ready to give him credit on the second consecutive winning season.
  7. It seems like it changed something last season. The change I noticed is last season we heard a lot about how fitz, stevie, etc were all hanging out together and putting in extra work. We didn't seem to hear about that this offseason. Fitz also got a great contract around the same time.
  8. Hey! Every person int he NFL gets their own threads on TBD time! SWEEET!
  9. Belicheck of bust. Appeal to his ego and that he could deconstruct the team be built and show he really is the master.
  10. Ralph is cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Players always say they 'want' to stay. They are always more true to wanting top dollar. Levitre is worth top dollar.
  12. It was fairly mind boggling that the offense wasn't tailored to Spiller by mid-season.
  13. People are really taking every little thing and running with it. I heard Ralph had three bowel movements while at the party.
  14. I was impressed with his offense in Cleveland, but I'd be more interested if he had two successful seasons in a row.
  15. I wonder if anyone wanted to Cam Newton's offensive coordinator last offseason and if they would still want him now.
  16. There is no excuse for this sort of thing. I think it probably happens more than the average fan suspects. It makes all those players kvetching about player safety ring hollow.
  17. You're just proving my point! You're not putting the crusade first and trying to use all these facts to show the reality of situation instead of just wildly flailing around with the rest of us. Stop your over reliance on reality and facts man and just start lynching everyone!
  18. could you not let facts get in the way of a good crusade? Geez, some people just don't get it.
  19. I haven't really seen any threads with similar sentiment on this board. I'm glad someone finally brought it up.
  20. I heard Gruden was going to be coaching the Sabres after he resolved the labor situation in the NHL.
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