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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Stevie didn't get to free agency. Indications are Levitre intends to test the waters. We'll have to agree to disagree. I believe the 99% in this case are going to take the money. There are other factors, but they quickly lose out to money.
  2. It's possible, but not likely. History agrees, even for "really awesome guys who love the team they are on and we really like too" will want money very similar to what they are getting in free agency. There is a reason he is testing free agency.
  3. I would take him as a DC. He's terrible human being, but he can coach defense.
  4. No matter all the extra stuff, money will always determine where the player goes. If someone offers him 3 million more, the Bills will need to offer 3 million more.
  5. You should check out this site, google.com http://www.syracuse....ews_syracu.html http://profootballta...t-west-as-well/ http://www.philly.co...gles_radar.html I'm not sure why you are trying so hard.
  6. honestly, if the guy knows what he wants and it wasn't in any of the teams interested in him...he made a wise decision to stay. I think it's kind of a dick move to those franchises, but I have a hard time faulting him for choosing his best chance for success.
  7. The guy makes a comment about a former coach he liked and he's on the roster...I think it's a loooooong shot he comes to Buffalo based on his age, salary and Buffalo's needs. Levitre is a much more attractive option.
  8. It's better than the alternative of 500 threads all on the same subject. SDS posted a information only thread which should serve well.
  9. If you want to dislike the hire, that's fine, there's a number of reasons to not like it. The hating it just because the Bills picked a coach is..well..stupid. They had to pick someone and even if they hired Belichick away from the Patriots, people would consider it a terrible move. There's some posters here who are rooting for them to fail so they keep saying "I told you so" which is more important to them than the Bills winning.
  10. Well, I guess this thread has new significance after the game.
  11. You need to understand the history of this board. No matter who the Bills hired, there was going to be a large contingent of people who would hate the hire and use it as proof that the they know better than everyone else. They'll pretend they have extensive knowledge of things they have no knowledge about, but be unable to answer any actual questions about options. Some people can only tear down ideas.
  12. It's amazing how intimately you know him. What are his thought on sandals with socks? Have you ever considered that your 'feelings' may just be gas?
  13. I think a large number of people enjoy the Bills losing (despite protestations otherwise) because it gives them the opportunity to believe 'they know better'. Personally, I'd rather the Bills win and get a therapist.
  14. because it's a deal in 'principle'...meaning they have agreed to terms, but are putting it to paper and working out details
  15. Anyone the Bills hired was going to get this treatment. Cowher and Gruden included.
  16. I went to OSU and I LOVE Urban Meyer, but they played in an incredibly weak conference this year and struggled against teams with a lot less talent. It's also a program that wasn't in 'shambles'. They had a lot of talent, but the NCAA sanctions caused instability.
  17. because...that is the only candidate the Bills would hire. The cheapest. I have one final thing I want you to consider. This is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor.
  18. So you're saying because Baltimore, the Patriots, Steelers, Green Bay aren't interested in hiring him as HC that he's a bad choice? Only teams looking for a HC...interview head coaching candidates.
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