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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I heard he left because his left shoelace was whispering to him to run onto the field naked and do the Macarena. He didn't know how to do the macarena so he quit so he would have free time to learn.
  2. Maybin is not employed by the Jets so that would tough for them to include him.
  3. People warmed up to Chan around training camp when he went after the Edwards hecklers and talked about one you go after one of us, you go after all of us deal. I thought the OP was talking about Media coverage, not TSW posting which were pretty lukewarm on the hire as well. Peter King was pretty harsh on the hire: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/peter_king/01/19/mailbag/index.html I recall the sentiment being much the same of, he got a raw deal in Dallas, but probably not a good choice from the media outlets.
  4. Why would you 'hear' from players at this point? Many of them probably don't know much more about these guys than we do
  5. There is...just no receiver on the roster who can compete for it though
  6. 1) I think you confuse blind optimism with 'not blind pessimism' 2) Many sports personalities are critical of coaching hires that they think are poor. The positive remarks for Gailey weren't as widespread as they have been for Marrone. That doesn't mean anything about success, but the idea that people only say good things about coaching hires is silly. 3) He is .500 as a head coach. Certainly, a concern.
  7. Andrew Luck is a generational player. Comparing the two is ridiculousness. That is like comparing Peyton Manning to Flacco.
  8. I'm not sure I follow. They have only taken flyers on late round prospects. While, it's certainly fair to criticize them on that, criticizing them for 'missing' on prospects like Brown is sort of silly. He's not likely to be there in the 2nd.
  9. So you're saying she spent the whole time asking him if Tebow would be better at getting into the endzone than mark was?
  10. Apparently not. If you fired everyone in the Bills organization then Ralph makes the decision on who to hire.
  11. The simple concept that one of those people *HAS* to be in charge eludes another. Someone *IN* the organization has to hire anyone from outside.
  12. I agree with you that he should lose his job over this. I'm going to guess there will end up being an investigation and he gets a slap on the wrist.
  13. I think a large part of the 'complaining' 50% would have been the same no matter what
  14. There is one thing we know about the coaching searches. 98% of the information is inaccurate.
  15. I don't recall Stevie saying a lot about testing the free agency market. I remember him saying he wasn't sure the Bills wanted him and he would go to Free Agency. Levitre specifically stated he intends to shop for the best offer on the market this offseason. To sign levitre, it's probably going to be about 6 years / 50-60 million. I'd personally say 9 million a year. I hope the Bills sign him and think he is probably worth it, but it wouldn't be surprising to see him walk at 10 million a year.
  16. Keep in mind, in this age, you don't have to meet in person to talk to someone or interview. They could have teleconferenced, used skype or something else.
  17. So who should be in charge? Keep in mind, that if it isn't Russ Brandon calling the shots, someone in the Bills organization has to choose 'somone'. So if not Russ, I assume you want Ralph back at the wheel? Well, maybe not Ralph then you want Littman or Overdorf? It has to be one of them. You can't magically get someone from outside the organization without someone within hiring them.
  18. Most coaching contracts in the NFL are guaranteed. At this point, the Bills staff has only been relieved of duties anyway which means they are technically still employed.
  19. So they fail at understanding that any team looking for a coach is going to have issues. That is some brilliant insight.
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