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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It amazes me that with *NO* indication of what the Bills are going to do that people feel they need to get 'the message'. I like how the Bills get held accountable for things they may do in the future. It is better to watch than Minority Report.
  2. Most people aren't familiar with the law in regards to copyright and trademark. It is also much scarier when you get sued by an avalanche like the NFL than it is talking about someone getting sued. If you think the NFL is bad, look at the Olympics (I'm probably going to get a legal nastygram on just using that word).
  3. Nowadays, you need QBs who can throw a ball (note: being able to take a snap is implied).
  4. I think there should be competition at QB. I hope they get competition at #1 WR too.
  5. Damn internet, keeping these old decisions around and making the new ones suspect.
  6. Well, I bet they're not suing for the NFL to make it safer. Although we'll hear a lot of comments about that being the case. Then they'll say something along the lines, "The only way to make the NFL take this seriously is to make them pay!". If they manage to win, they'll make a token donation and call it a day.
  7. It's not sticking up for him. Many of us are tired of dealing with you during that time of the month which seems to every day for some of you.
  8. I am glad we finally have a topic on what to with the 8th pick. It was really weird that it was not being discussed on this board.
  9. I don't know about this. Every time I've been drunk and smashed a bottle over someone's head, I've expected enlightened debate or at least a lovely sit down chat over some tea.
  10. What about the existing Manti-Te'o threads wasn't adequate for this post?
  11. it seems the sentiment is that Nassib's stock is rising. I don't see him lasting past the first round.
  12. lol, best part is that Pats fans are whining about the officating
  13. pretty sure he was joking..basing his opinion on the OL coach on overall offensive ranking isn't something even a TBD poster would do.
  14. I'm pretty angry that I wasn't granted an interview when I sent a request to the Bills.
  15. I doubt most players have an 'appreciation' for fans or consider that fans are their 'paycheck'. The cashier at the grocery store probably isn't appreciative of the people shopping there.
  16. My idea for changing the Rooney Rule is to make every team in the league post this throughout their offices:
  17. Are you reporting that Russ Brandon, the director of non-football operations at the time, had final say on drafting those players and not the General Manager or Coach? That would be par for the course for this organization, I guess.
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